Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 24 (10)

Dear Diary,

The dire wolves can follow us!!! That needs more exclamation marks.

The dire wolves!!! Can follow us!!!!!!!!!

There we go.

Yeah! One of them tried to follow us through the gate again, made it, got to the water level, and we were able to teleport far enough that the wolf didn’t have to eat a wallclimbing potion! He almost attacked the kobolds, but didn’t. The kobolds love the wolf. They want us to bring the rest of the pack down, which, that’s fine with us. They don’t want us to leave with the wolves tho, which is fine until the players come through and find no enemies on lvl 94.

But who cares about them, when we can have a kobold/hobgoblin/catgirl/dire wolf race? And then brush the wolves to make them super fluffy, and give them lots of food to make them active and happy. I think some of the kobolds are building a sled, to see if the wolves make good sled dogs. If they are, we’ll go down to the yeti level and have a sled race.

We’re going to name the dire wolves now. We haven’t before, because we only saw them for a couple minutes a day, but now they’re basically going to be our pets, so they need names. We copied the yetis kinda, and made a suggestion box for names. If any name comes up more than once, it’ll be used for a wolf. If too many names are doubled, Lewis the dragon will decide which names to use. And if there aren’t enough doubled names, Lewis will decide then, too.

Oh, I forgot to do that itemizing thing that Kimi told me to do last time. Oh well, I wasn’t too crazy about it anyways. Maybe it works for her, but I just want to write about whatever comes to mind, you know?

Momomo isn’t doing too well in the races. He doesn’t do well on the jumps. But we’ve been doing team competitions, so it isn’t as bad as it could be. Lilly passed me, so I don’t think I’ll get a championship medal this cycle. I’m always sad about that, but it isn’t the end of the world. I’ll survive. And now I can race for the joy of every race, instead of to win something big.

It’s not like we have actual medals or anything. I think Aya and Kimi keep track, but Mika and Lilly don’t. It’s not all that important to them.

Mika is getting pretty good with her guitar. It’s not like she was bad before or anything, but now she’s really really good. She practices every day, in her home or with the band, and she can play a whole bunch of songs. She says she’s starting to miss drawing, but not too much since she only has blue to work with. I think I get that, it’s kinda like not having flour to work with. Something so basic that I never thought about it until I didn’t have it any more. I might see if she can paint with ketchup or mustard, since they don’t change colors.

It might work, but would be pretty gross. It’d smell bad after a while, I think.

But, never hurts to ask.

Goodnight, dungeon!

So, there's a story called Restaurant Core. It's good. Doesn't have any marble races (or catgirls), but it does have lots of cooking. And the author adds in legit recipes, which is epic. Plus the characters are all beautifully done (Vraz is 10/10 a cool dude, and Jilde is a wonderful cinnamon roll who I would die for). Go forth, minons, and read!



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