Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 24 (11)

Dear Diary,

I made it down to the floor of the ice canyon for the first time today! It’s really dark and spooky down there. The fog eats all sound while making everything echo, I’m pretty sure there’s some magic involved in that.

Like, if I talk, the words get muted. But if I kick a rock while walking, I’m pretty sure you can hear that for miles. It’s creepy

The big tiger things, they’re white but have markings that start as stripes but become dots like halfway down, move silently. Because they’re cats. So all you hear is when they attack someone and that person screams

Staab has a surprisingly high-pitched scream. It’s kinda funny. His voice is pretty deep, so to have a scream like a five year old girl was not something I expected. I would have laughed at him if I wasn’t running for my life from the tiger things. Lilly had died already, I wonder if she knows…

For some reason I think not asking her about it is a good idea. They aren’t subtle about being in a relationship, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them touch beyond holding hands. Whatever they do in private, it’s private.

As opposed to Kimi, who basically turns herself into Y’s scarf.

Anyways, the dire wolves have names now. The leader is Bear, and the rest are Linda, Floofles, Balto, Siri, and Wolfie McWolfpants. We probably should have decided on a theme for names before asking a couple hundred people for names, but I kinda love the randomness.

Siri is my favorite wolf. She’s a good girl. The kobolds made a sled and tried to get the wolves to get into the harness, and only Balto figured out what the heck they were trying to do. So maybe by next cycle Balto will have convinced the others that the harness is a fun thing.

Nat and I spent basically all day cooking for the wolves. She doesn’t have access to hamburger or any other kind of beef, so I gave her a whole bunch. And then, since we were cooking with hamburger anyways, we made burgers for everyone. And then, since everyone had burgers and fluffy wolves to play with, they turned it into a party. Mika’s band played a couple new songs, and it was great.

The kobolds really know how to party.

A part of me wishes I could stay with them all the time, but I know I would miss my calm, quiet restaurant eventually. Because as fun as hanging out with Nat is, I really do like the other catgirls. We’re friends. We’re a group with only two things in common, but that’s enough. I’ve learned so much from them, and if we’d started out with the kobolds I don’t think we would have become friends.

I wonder if the tiger things like meatballs. I should make some for them before going to sleep…

Goodnight, dungeon!

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