Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 24 (12)

Dear Diary,

So, it’s been a couple days… Like five… Sorry.

The tigers don’t want food from me. I tried a couple different things, and nothing worked. We decided we have to kill them, and found out that fire works super well. I guess they’re made partially out of snow and ice, so they die really fast if they get blasted with heat. I prefer just putting them to sleep, but to do that I have to survive long enough after teleporting for my magic to recharge.

Still, yesterday most of us got to the door. So next cycle I think we’ll get through pretty quick.

Yeah, next cycle. Today a group of players showed up, early in the morning. They stopped at my restaurant first thing and ordered a big meal, so Mika and Lilly ran down to the kobolds to get Kimi and the wolves back where they all belong. We weren’t expecting the players for another day or two, but honestly I kinda forgot about the players.

Aya has been hanging out with the flying ants a lot. She says the spiders on their level are guarding something, and she wants to find out what. Her lightning spell is a pretty good AOE spell, but she isn’t that good with individual targets, so Mika made her a halberd thing that can be electrified. We asked if she wanted help, but she declined. Said that Mika has her band, Kimi has Y, Lilly has Staab, I have Nat, and she has her ants. We’ve all found our people. She still wants to hang out with us and announce for the marble races, but when we hang out with our kobold friends she wants to hang out with her ant friends.

Which, I get, it’s totally fair. She’s shy, really. Unlike Lilly, who’s just an introvert and doesn’t like people in general.

Anyways, the players, they showed up and put a stop to all our socializing. Last cycle I was annoyed. This time I’m kinda really mad. I know it’s not fair to them, they’re just doing what they’re supposed to, but… we have lives now! We didn’t even have time to finish the marble races! We have one left, which we’ll do as soon as the players leave.

I’m so not going to get a championship medal, by the way. Only Kimi is behind me.

But, the faster the players get through, the faster the cycle will restart, and the faster I’ll get new ingredients. So I have that to look forward to.

One of the players in the group is Ox, who I think I’ve mentioned before? He comes through a lot, he’s a good player. He’s… Ok so, the players apparently get to change their race each cycle. This cycle, Ox is a catboy. A catboy with a six pack. Apparently the boho necklace thing he wears is stupidly good magical armor, and would be nullified if he wore anything else on his upper body. Kimi says that if a girl had it, it would turn into a bikini top.

Both of us are hoping that’s an item she gets in her shop next cycle. Even if we do live on a snow level now. I’ll adapt.


Goodnight, dungeon!

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