Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch97- Their Tests

After their seats were revealed, Kazuki and Mashiro entered Kengo's room with Kakyo and Isshin. The atmosphere was one of subtle tension, like the calm before a storm. Isshin sighed loudly, breaking the silence.

"Sorry, Kazuki. Akihiro is troublesome, although he is a good man. You had to battle with him."

Kazuki waved his hand dismissively, "It's fine. I'm now 4th seat thanks to him."

Kengo, who had been sitting at his desk, studying some scrolls, looked up. A smile found its way onto his stern face, a rare occurrence in the Shiba household. "You did good, Kazuki. You shouldn't be overbearing, but never be servile to those who want to harm you, your family, or those you care about."

Kazuki bowed his head slightly, appreciating the wisdom imparted by the man he now called family.

Kengo then explained, "The Shiba Clan has always held the ruling seat in Division Ten. We were entrusted with great responsibilities. But our values are clear - we never leveraged nepotism. As you’ve seen, our traditions ensure it. Anybody can challenge anyone for their seat, and vice versa. It keeps us alert, on our toes. So, don’t rest on your laurels, Kazuki. Always train hard."

Mashiro shifted slightly, her gaze fixed on Kengo. His words resonated with her own journey, understanding that nothing was handed to her on a silver platter. Each achievement, every title, was earned through hard work and determination.

Kazuki nodded, "I understand, Kengo. I won't let the title of Fourth Seat make me complacent. I intend to grow stronger, not just for myself but for the entire Shiba Clan."

Kakyo, who had been silent until now, added, "And it's not just about raw power or skill. It's about understanding the weight of the responsibilities and the sacrifices that come with leadership. The Tenth Division looks up to its seated officers for guidance, inspiration, and assurance. Remember that."

Isshin folded his arms, reflecting on his own journey within the Tenth Division, "It's a never-ending cycle of learning and evolving. Each challenge, each mission, adds to your growth. Your decisions shape not just your destiny but that of many others."

Kengo's piercing eyes fixed on both Kazuki and Mashiro. "The world of the Shinigami is vast, intricate, and filled with challenges we can't always anticipate. But it's our duty to stand tall, face those challenges head-on, and emerge stronger. That's the legacy of the Shiba Clan. And that's what's expected of both of you."

As they exited Kengo's chambers, the winding corridors of the 10th Division headquarters sprawled ahead. Isshin, with his typical enthusiasm, led the way, eager to give Mashiro an extended tour of the division.

Walking alongside him, Mashiro found herself caught up in the architectural marvels and history of the place. While Kazuki was already acquainted with the nooks and crannies of the building due to his internship, for Mashiro, everything was new and fascinating. The ambient chatter of the Shinigami, the quiet hum of spiritual energy, and the ancient murals depicting tales of valor - all painted a vivid tapestry of the life and ethos of the division.

"So," Isshin started, "have you considered relocating here, closer to the heart of the Division?"

Kazuki shook his head, "I want to remain close to Kukaku and the Shiba household. It's not too far from here anyway."

Mashiro, not wanting to be left out, chimed in, "I enjoy our morning walks, Kazuki. Moving here would mean giving that up."

Isshin seemed to consider their words, his eyebrows knitting together. "Well, it's not mandatory to relocate. But remember, your roles come with responsibility. There might be times when you'll be required to stay overnight, especially during crucial missions."

Both nodded in understanding, having already anticipated the weight of their roles.

Continuing his tour, Isshin stopped near an ornate door. "This leads to the archives, a place holding all the history and records of the division. Only those of 3rd seat and above can enter."

Mashiro looked at the door with reverence, and Kazuki seemed deep in thought, probably recalling his previous visits during his internship.

Isshin continued, guiding them through various chambers and courtyards. Eventually, they reached an open balcony that provided a panoramic view of the Seireitei. The sun was setting, casting golden hues across the sky.

"Karakura Town is our primary responsibility," Isshin began, his tone gravitating towards seriousness. "The 10th Division has been entrusted with its protection. It's not a light task, and we can't afford mistakes." His eyes lingered on Kazuki. "Certain... incidents make our vigilance even more essential."

Kazuki remained silent, holding back his knowledge of what Isshin hinted at. It was a topic shrouded in secrecy, a delicate matter that wasn't discussed openly.

Their solemn reverie was broken by the distant sound of laughter, prompting them to head down. Isshin winked at them, "It's your day off after all! Enjoy."

Both Shinigami nodded, expressing gratitude for the guidance and then parted ways with Isshin.

As Kazuki and Mashiro made their way out of the Division grounds, they found themselves heading towards a familiar spot. The tranquil waters of the lake glistened under the soft twilight. As they approached, they noticed the familiar faces of their friends gathered: Yoruichi, Lisa, Isane, Kensei, and of course, Kukaku—her presence always commanding attention despite her non-Shinigami status.

Kazuki greeted them with a nod, and Mashiro beamed with excitement, recounting the events of the day. Kukaku raised an eyebrow at her tales, her amusement evident. "Seems like the 10th Division is in good hands," she remarked, casting a teasing glance at Kazuki.

By the serene lakeside, the group settled down comfortably. The shimmering reflections on the water painted a picturesque backdrop as the soft hum of conversation began. Kazuki, seeking solace after the events of the day, gently placed his head onto Kukaku's lap. A feeling of contentment washed over him as he closed his eyes for a moment, the weight of his responsibilities temporarily lifted.


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