Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch96- Mashiro’s Test

Kazuki patted Mashiro's head while Kakyo stepped forward. "Mashiro, your initiation quest is The Quest of the Shattered Scepter."

Mashiro's eyes twinkled as she clapped her hands together. "When can I start?"

Kakyo smiled warmly. "Follow me, and I'll brief you on the quest's details. It'll start immediately."

Kazuki looked at Mashiro, who was brimming with anticipation, and gave her a confident nod. Isshin also decided to tag along, his ever-present grin confirming that he wouldn't want to miss this for the world.

The group made their way through the hallways of the 10th Division's headquarters, finally arriving at an intricately carved door. It swung open as they approached, revealing a room filled with maps, scrolls, and a large, mysterious portal at the center.

Kakyo began, "Mashiro, listen carefully. The Quest of the Shattered Scepter is an arduous test, filled with obstacles and challenges." She laid out the objectives, describing the Cursed Forest and the three shards of the ancient scepter scattered within.

Mashiro, eager yet focused, absorbed the details, her eyes flickering with a mix of anticipation and determination.

"Are you ready?" Kakyo inquired, her gaze lingering on Mashiro.

Mashiro nodded, turned to Kazuki, and quickly pressed her lips to his. "For luck," she giggled.

"Good luck," he responded softly, hugging her waist before leaning in for another quick kiss.

Blushing and smiling, Mashiro stepped into the swirling energies of the portal. In an instant, she found herself deposited into the Cursed Forest—a realm of night-dark shadows and silver-lit leaves, a place where the foliage seemed to pulse with an ethereal luminescence, and the air felt thick and heavy with spiritual energy.

Walking cautiously, her senses sharpened, she spotted three diverging paths ahead of her. One was overgrown with brambles but glistened in the dappled moonlight, another was dark and seemed to murmur with unseen dangers, and the last was a balanced path, neither inviting nor menacing. Her eyes narrowed as she considered her options, reminding herself that she was here to prove not just her combat skills but her decision-making abilities as well. She chose the balanced route and took a deep breath as she advanced, her Zanpakuto sheathed but ready for action.

As she progressed, the ambient sounds of the forest—croaks, chirps, and the rustling of unseen creatures—filled the air. But these noises fell silent as she encountered her first obstacle: the Guardian's Challenge. A spectral figure emerged from the mists that hung above a small pond, its form shifting and amorphous. "Answer this riddle," it intoned. "What can be cracked, made, told, and played?"

Her heart pounded in her chest as seconds turned into minutes. Finally, her eyes brightened. "A joke," she declared.

The guardian spirit shimmered approvingly and dissipated into ethereal mist. "Proceed with wisdom," it whispered, as the path ahead seemed to brighten ever so slightly, welcoming her further into the enigmatic depths of the forest.

Mashiro's steps grew more confident as she moved forward, her eyes alert for the next challenge. It wasn't long before she found it. The trees opened up into a glade, an area of almost unnatural beauty where the flora seemed perfectly arranged. A keen sense of intuition warned her that this beauty was a trap. Centering her focus, she whispered a Kido incantation, illuminating the unseen snares and pitfalls that lay ahead. With precise, acrobatic grace, she traversed the area, avoiding tripwires that would release weighted nets and dodging pitfall traps disguised as solid ground.

As she cleared the trapped glade, her senses tingled with the presence of spiritual beings. Almost on cue, a screeching howl tore through the air, and spectral figures—Spirit Wraiths—materialized in front of her. Mashiro's hand instinctively went to her Zanpakuto. She unsheathed it, uttering the command that unleashed its Shikai form. Her blade resonated, radiating a light that seemed almost heavenly. Her combat stance was poised as she engaged in battle with the wraiths. Each strike was purposeful, each parry calculated. As her blade cut through the wraiths, they dispersed into particles of light, leaving her to stand alone once more in the quiet of the forest.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Mashiro soon found herself at the edge of Mirror Lake. It was still water under the twilight sky, but it had no reflection. She felt a momentary pause as her deepest fears began to materialize on the surface of the water. She saw herself failing, the disappointed looks of her friends, her own insecurities. A sense of dread tried to consume her, but she fought back. Taking a deep breath to center herself, she began walking across the shallow lake. The illusions vanished, replaced by the moon's reflection on the water’s surface, as if rewarding her bravery.

On the other side of the lake, she encountered her next trial—Elemental Wisps. These floating entities, each a miniature cyclone of fire, wind, or water, guarded the next shard of the scepter. She recalled her briefing; these entities could only be defeated by Kido spells. Chanting the incantation, she unleashed bursts of spiritual energy tailored to each elemental weakness. The wisps disintegrated one after another, freeing the way to the second shard, which she took and secured in her pouch.

Continuing her quest, Mashiro entered a labyrinthine thicket—The Maze of Echoes. The forest here was dense, the pathways confusing and leading back on themselves. Wrong turns led her back to the start, yet her resolve did not waver. She took mental notes, her analytical mind working overtime to differentiate landmarks, to decipher the subtle clues hidden in the very layout of the maze. Eventually, her persistence paid off. The maze opened into a large clearing, where the third shard was held aloft by a statue-like figure—an Ancient Golem.

Drawing her Zanpakuto again, she assessed her opponent. Its rocky exterior looked impenetrable. Mashiro decided to take a gamble. Whispering another incantation, her Shikai pulsed with renewed energy, and her blade elongated into a whip-like form. She lashed out, wrapping it around the golem. With a tug and a shouted command, the energy transferred into the golem, causing it to crumble into rubble, leaving the third shard unguarded. She took it, a sense of triumph coursing through her.

The final stage awaited her. A pedestal stood in the middle of a clearing, and here she assembled the Shattered Scepter. The pieces vibrated with energy, resonating with each other and with her own spiritual energy before they clicked together and fused into a single, magnificent artifact. But instead of staying solid, the scepter dissolved into particles of light that coursed into her, as if granting her their essence.

A flash of light erupted around her, and the portal reactivated. Stepping through, she emerged back into her world, holding no physical scepter but feeling an immense sense of accomplishment.

Mashiro found herself enveloped in a rush of warmth and pride as her friends and mentors crowded around her. Her eyes met Kazuki's, who looked as if he had been holding his breath the entire time she was gone.

"Congratulations, Mashiro," he said, his eyes twinkling with a mix of relief and pride.

She returned his gaze and felt her cheeks warm. "I couldn't have done it without everyone's support—and your good luck kiss."

Kakyo and Kengo stood together, exchanging glances as they assessed the details of Mashiro's quest performance. The various tests, from the Guardian's Challenge to the Elemental Wisps, had not only demonstrated her combat skills but also her wisdom and ingenuity. The room fell silent as Kakyo finally spoke.

"Mashiro, your performance on the Quest of the Shattered Scepter was exceptional," Kakyo began, "By the standards we've set, you not only achieved a High Success but went beyond. You've shown extraordinary skills, wisdom, and bravery."

Kengo nodded, "As a result, you will henceforth hold the position of the Seventh Seat in the Tenth Division."


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