Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch98- Cozy

Steamy chapter is incoming...


Kukaku gently brushed a few strands of his silver hair away, "Everyone had their challenges," she mused, her voice steady.

Yoruichi smirked, adjusting her position for a tale. "Ah, my initiation. It was a Shunpo race against the then current 3rd seat. He was fast, I'll give him that. The track circled the entirety of Seireitei. It was laden with obstacles, leaps, and certain sections where one had to combine Kido with Shunpo to proceed. The most challenging part? The ‘Mirror Pits’—areas where the floor mirrored the sky, creating an illusion of void. One wrong step and you'd fall into a deep pit."

She paused for effect, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Despite all that, I reached the finish line a good minute before him. They said I was the fastest they’d seen in years. And that’s how I secured my 3rd seat."

Isane cleared her throat softly, her demeanor calm and reserved. "My situation is unique. Unohana-sama invited me to join the 4th Division directly under her tutelage. There wasn't a test per se, but every day under her is a test of my skills and resolve. The experience will be invaluable."

Lisa chuckled lightly. "Mine was a Kido duel. I had to face the 6th seat of the 4th Division. It was set in an arena surrounded by barriers. The duel was intense, with spells flying in every direction. The turning point was when I successfully cast a binding spell, immobilizing my opponent momentarily. It allowed me to finish the duel with a powerful Hadō spell, which earned me my seat."

Kensei grunted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Mine was straightforward. A Zanjutsu Duel against the then 5th seat of the 9th Division. The guy was known for his strength. We squared off in a cordoned arena. The duel was grueling, to say the least. I had to rely on my agility and swordsmanship. It felt like hours, every strike met with a counter, every thrust parried. The final move, a swift undercut that disarmed him, followed by a poised blade at his neck. That victory solidified my position as the 5th seat."

There was a pause as everyone took in the stories, the stillness of the night punctuated by the soft sounds of the lake.

Kukaku, her fingers brushing through Kazuki's hair, leaned in, "Seems everyone has their own journey, their unique path to carve in this vast world of Shinigami. And that's what makes each story, each challenge, so enriching."

The moon cast its silver glow over the Seireitei, bathing it in an ethereal luminescence. The evening had seen a unique amalgamation of tales and shared memories that helped strengthen the bond among those present. However, as all things must come to an end, the gathering slowly began to disperse.

Walking away from the tranquil lakeside, Kazuki found himself flanked by Yoruichi and Kukaku, their fingers intertwined with his. He walked with the ease of someone content with their place in the universe, his sky-blue eyes reflecting the gentle light of the stars above.

Kukaku, sensing his buoyant mood, nudged him playfully. "Why are you so happy?" she asked, her voice light.

Kazuki chuckled, "Why shouldn't I be? I have two beautiful girlfriends beside me, and I've just been named the Fourth Seat of the 10th Division. Life is pretty good."

Yoruichi giggled, her voice melodic, "Still, my seat is higher than yours, so technically, I'm the boss."

Kazuki tilted his head playfully, "Feeling competitive? We can always wrestle it out."

Kukaku's cheeks tinted a soft shade of pink, but her playful tone was unmistakable, "No need for such pretexts anymore. Now that you’re officially our boyfriend, we can just pull you into a hug anytime as our pillows."

His laughter echoed through the night, "Is that a promise? I’m looking forward to it."

Yoruichi’s gentle punch connected with his arm, "Behave yourself."

Kazuki grinned, "It's your fault. You’ve set the gears in motion. Now, you've got to bear the consequences."

As they approached the Shiba household, the soft amber glow from the lanterns illuminated the pathway, casting a warm and welcoming ambiance. The distinct architecture of the mansion stood tall and proud, echoing centuries of history and tradition. Despite its grandeur, there was an inherent coziness to the place, a testament to the people who called it home.

Upon entering, the trio made their way to Kazuki's chambers. The room was spacious, decorated with a mix of traditional and personal artifacts that painted a picture of Kazuki's journey and his unique place within the Shiba clan.

Kazuki let out a soft sigh, stretching his arms above his head. "Home, sweet home." He murmured.

Without much preamble, Kukaku and Yoruichi steered him towards the large bed in the center of the room. Gently but with a hint of mischief, they pushed him onto it, causing him to chuckle. With practiced ease, they both slipped into the bed on either side of him.

"You know," Yoruichi mused, positioning herself comfortably, "You've got broad shoulders, Kazuki. Makes for an excellent resting spot."

Kukaku hummed in agreement, her head nestled against his other shoulder. "Definitely. I'd choose this over any pillow."

Kazuki, flanked by the two women, couldn't help the smirk that played on his lips. "Well, I was warned. I've got to deal with being your pillows now."

Yoruichi's soft laugh filled the air. "Oh, we've been planning on it. You're not the only one who can lay down the rules, mister."

Kukaku giggled, "You're in for it now. But honestly, there's no place I'd rather be."

The room was dim, the lantern's soft glow casting gentle flickers of light that danced on the walls, reflecting the tranquility of the moment. Kazuki felt Yoruichi's fingers tracing patterns on his arm, her touch feather-light. Kukaku's breath fanned across his other shoulder, warm and rhythmic.

A lull settled, filled with the soft rustlings of the trio as they grew comfortable. Kazuki's heart rate gradually synchronized with the two women beside him, the world outside fading as they reveled in this moment of intimacy.


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