Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch95- Duel

Aware of the undercurrents, Kazuki rose to his feet and turned to Akihiro. "I accept your challenge, Fourth Seat Akihiro Saito," he said, his voice even but confident.

Kengo nodded. "Very well. The duel will be held in the practice grounds immediately. Everyone, you're dismissed to prepare."

As the room dispersed, Isshin sidled up to Kazuki. "Are you sure about this?" he whispered.

"I'm sure," Kazuki replied, clapping Isshin on the shoulder. "Thank you for looking out for me, though."

Moments later, they were in the expansive practice grounds of the 10th Division. A circle had been drawn in the middle of the field; the arena for the duel. Akihiro stood inside the circle, drawing his Zanpakuto "Hagane Yabō" as he glared at Kazuki.

Kazuki unsheathed his own sword, the metal gleaming against the sunlight. Kengo raised his hand, then dropped it. "Begin!"

Akihiro wasted no time lunging forward. His blade was like a blur, powered by his boundless ambition. Kazuki deflected, side-stepped, and counter-attacked in a seamless flow of motion. Their swords clashed, producing sparks that seemed to fill the air with tension.

"Is this all you've got?" Akihiro sneered, pushing forward. "Perhaps you need that traditional quest after all."

Kazuki pushed back with equal force, breaking their deadlock. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," he retorted.

Akihiro charged again, his sword crackling with absorbed spiritual energy. "Hado #4, Byakurai!" he snarled, releasing a bolt of white lightning from the tip of his blade. Kazuki countered smoothly, his own incantation falling from his lips as naturally as breath. "Bakudo #30, Shitotsu Sansen!" Three triangular beams of light shot from his sword, converging on Akihiro's form to pin him momentarily.

Seizing the window, Kazuki murmured, "Shot to Kill, Shinso." His blade, Kamijō Tenseiga, transformed. The glow from the blade became brighter, more intense. It was a clear display of restrained power, not fully unleashed but far from dormant.

Akihiro broke free from the Bakudo, his eyes narrowed. "So, you think your parlor tricks will best me?" He swung Hagane Yabō, sending a wave of energy crashing towards Kazuki.

"Rise, Hagane Yabō," Akihiro's Shikai was now active, the sword's double-edge shimmering menacingly.

Unfazed, Kazuki sidestepped and slashed in a smooth arc, releasing a crescent of blue energy. "Hado #33, Sōkatsui!" The blast collided with Akihiro's wave, dispersing it in a burst of light and wind. But Akihiro was already on the move, using Shunpo to appear behind Kazuki, his blade descending in a lethal arc.

Anticipating the move, Kazuki used Shunpo to reposition himself and countered with a series of quick Zanjutsu strikes. Their blades met in a flurry of sparks, each seeking an opening, a vulnerability.

"Enough games," growled Akihiro, drawing on the absorbed energy within Hagane Yabō. His blade glowed ominously as he released an enhanced attack.

Kazuki saw the onslaught coming. "Bakudo #39, Enkōsen," he spoke, a shimmering shield of light materializing before him. The attack struck the shield and was partly absorbed, the remaining energy dissipating into the air.

Kazuki took a deep breath, steadying himself. The air around the practice grounds seemed to grow colder as both fighters glared at each other. "Shot to Kill, Shinso," he whispered. Kamijō Tenseiga elongated and emitted a cool glow.

Across from him, Akihiro's Hagane Yabō shimmered with absorbed spiritual energy, the double-edged sword eager to unleash its might.

Both fighters vanished, reappearing almost instantaneously in a clash of steel, their Shunpo so fast it was almost indiscernible to the untrained eye. Their swords collided, neither giving an inch.

"Your Shunpo's not bad," Akihiro muttered as they disengaged, circling each other.

"It gets the job done," Kazuki replied, watching Akihiro's every movement carefully.

Akihiro lunged forward, swinging his sword in a wide arc. Kazuki parried, using Hoho to pivot and redirect the momentum, countering with a swift thrust aimed at Akihiro's side. Akihiro parried just in time, his face tightening.

Akihiro took the offensive again, slicing diagonally. Kazuki stepped back, dodging narrowly, and executed a rapid sequence of precise cuts, each deflected or evaded by Akihiro. Their swords met again, locked in a battle of wills and strength.

Akihiro grinned. "You're holding back."

"And you're still not impressive," Kazuki retorted, applying pressure to their locked blades.

With a sudden push, Akihiro disengaged and flipped backward, landing gracefully. "Very well, let's see how you handle this." He swung Hagane Yabō in a rapid sequence, sending forth a wave of spiritual energy projectiles.

Kazuki twisted his body, expertly dodging each projectile with calculated Shunpo movements. He reappeared in front of Akihiro, swinging his extended blade. Akihiro raised his sword, but was a fraction of a second too late. A shallow cut appeared across his chest, just enough to sting.

Frustrated, Akihiro howled, "Enough of this!" He swung Hagane Yabō violently, its gathered spiritual energy amplifying the force of the attack.

Kazuki met the strike with his own sword, their spiritual energies clashing in a cacophony of light and sound. A momentary stalemate. Then, with a flick of his wrist, Kazuki redirected the energy flow, causing Akihiro to stagger back, off balance.

Kazuki didn't waste the opportunity. He closed the distance, dodging another desperate swing from Akihiro, and unleashed a barrage of slashes, each one calculated and exact. Akihiro could barely keep up, his sword colliding with Kazuki's in a series of high-pitched clashes.

Finally, seizing a split-second opening, Kazuki swept Akihiro's blade to the side and drove the tip of his own sword to rest lightly against Akihiro's throat.

"Do you yield?" Kazuki asked, his eyes locking onto Akihiro's.

For a moment, a range of emotions crossed Akihiro's face—frustration, humiliation, and finally, resignation. "I yield," he said, the words struggling to escape his lips.

Kengo dropped his arm, signaling the end of the duel. "The match is concluded. Fourth Seat Akihiro Saito has yielded to Kazuki."

Kazuki stepped back, sheathing Kamijō Tenseiga, which reverted to its sealed form. Akihiro did the same, albeit begrudgingly, his eyes never leaving Kazuki's.

Isshin strode into the practice grounds, flanked by other seated officers. Haruka Tanaka, the compassionate Fifth Seat, stood beside the stoic, battle-scarred Tetsuya Yamamoto, the Sixth Seat. Isshin wore a beaming smile on his face as he approached.

"Kazuki, you never cease to amaze," he said, extending his hand in hearty congratulations. "Well-fought, my friend."

"Isshin, would you do the honors?" Kengo prompted.

With a nod, Isshin faced the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, the duel has spoken for itself. By right of skill and combat, Kazuki Shiba shall henceforth be known as the Fourth Seat of the Tenth Division."

Mashiro closed the distance between her and Kazuki, her own face a testament to elation. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. A comfortable warmth enveloped Kazuki as Mashiro squeezed him gently, her affection unrestrained.

Kazuki smiled and returned the embrace, savoring the simple joy of the moment amid the layered complexities of life within the Tenth Division.

Breaking the hug, Mashiro took a step back. "You were incredible," she said, "I knew you'd do it."


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