Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch94- Yamamato in 10th Division?!

After breakfast, Kazuki kissed Kukaku goodbye, earning a wolf whistle from Mashiro. "See you later, Kukaku. And thanks for the breakfast; it was excellent as always."

"No need to thank me," Kukaku replied, her eyes twinkling. "You'll need all the energy you can get today. Give them hell, alright?"

"Will do," he grinned.

Kazuki then walked out the door with Yoruichi and Mashiro, their steps full of purpose. Although the 2nd Division was far from the 10th, their paths lay in the same general direction.

"So, any last-minute advice for me?" Kazuki asked Yoruichi as they strode through the neatly paved lanes.

Yoruichi grinned, adjusting the strap of her Zanpakuto on her shoulder. "Advice? With your talent, you hardly need any. Just be yourself and show them what you're made of."

"Yeah, just flash that signature Kazuki smile, and they'll all fall in line!" Mashiro added, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm.

Yoruichi laughed at Mashiro's comment. "Well, charm might be an added bonus, but I'm sure his skills will speak for themselves."

They reached the divisional crossroads, where pathways diverged, leading to the different divisional headquarters. Yoruichi turned toward Kazuki. "This is where I leave you. Take care, and we'll catch up later to trade war stories."

Kissing Yoruichi goodbye, Kazuki hoisted Mashiro onto his back, her legs hanging loosely over his shoulders. "Hold on tight," he told her, and they walked toward the 10th Division headquarters. The atmosphere grew more formal, disciplined, as they ventured deeper into the division grounds. Then, as they approached the main building, the door slid open with a well-oiled whisper, revealing Isshin Shiba, grinning from ear to ear.

"Ah, there you are! Welcome, Kazuki, Mashiro!" Isshin greeted warmly, clasping a firm hand on Kazuki's shoulder.

"Good to see you, Isshin," Kazuki responded, shifting slightly so Mashiro could jump down from his back.

Isshin led them through a corridor adorned with tasteful but minimal decor. "The Captain and the others are waiting," he said, pushing open another door.

As they entered, the atmosphere in the room instantly shifted. Gone was the joviality that radiated from Isshin. The air was more serious, thick with the sense of duty and discipline that one would expect in the headquarters of a military organization. Kazuki locked eyes with Captain Kengo Shiba, the patriarch of the Shiba Clan and a man of stern demeanor. Despite their familial ties, respect was never compromised. Kazuki bowed.

"Captain Shiba, it's an honor to be here," Kazuki said, his tone veering away from the casual to the respectful.

Kengo nodded, a subtle but meaningful gesture. His eyes shifted to Lieutenant Kakyō Shiba, Isshin's eldest sister. Her serene aura was almost a stark contrast to the room's dense atmosphere. A smile broke on Kazuki's face as he met her gaze, and she returned it with a warm, acknowledging nod.

"Kazuki, Mashiro," Kengo finally spoke, breaking the ice. "I trust you had no trouble getting here."

"None at all, sir," Kazuki replied.

As Isshin proceeded with the introductions, he got to the sixth seat, Tetsuya Yamamoto.

"Tetsuya Yamamoto," Isshin introduced, wearing a particularly mischievous grin.

Mashiro's eyes widened for a second. "Captain-Commander Yamamoto is here?" she interjected, genuinely surprised.

Everyone laughed, even Kengo cracked a smile. "No, no," Isshin chuckled. "Different Yamamoto, though the stoicism is a family trait, I hear."

Tetsuya nodded, acknowledging the light-hearted moment. "It's an honor to meet someone as skilled as you, Kazuki, Isshin mentioned you a lot." he said, deadpan, as though humor and he were strangers.

Kengo then explained, "We will start with initiations. I have already seen your skills, and you two will start as seated officers. But your order will be known after the initiation."

Kazuki and Mashiro nodded, their eyes meeting briefly before turning their attention back to the Captain.

"There are two options," Kengo continued, "One is taking the traditional approach and taking on a quest, the other is challenging a seated officer to take his or her seat."

A hush fell over the room, the weight of the decision sinking in. The room's atmosphere, already serious, seemed to ratchet up a notch in intensity.

As Kazuki was about to speak, the voice of the fourth seat, Akihiro Saito, broke through the dense atmosphere. "Kazuki, I've heard your name a lot. Not only were you brave in field trips and internships, you were also an extremely talented member of the Shiba Clan. How about I test you a little? Don't worry, after our battle, you can still take the traditional quest for your initiation."

The reactions around the room were instant and varied. Captain Kengo Shiba's eyes sharpened, narrowing as if measuring the weight of the challenge. The patriarch of the Shiba Clan was a man who valued discipline and honor above all else. This unexpected proposition put him in an uneasy spot. Isshin frowned, his youthful, playful demeanor replaced by the seriousness befitting his rank. Kakyō sighed, as if weary of Akihiro's habitual disruption.

Kazuki, on the other hand, smiled. Akihiro's eyes widened for a moment, clearly surprised by Kazuki's reaction. Then his features tightened, his fist clenched subtly, as if Kazuki's nonchalant acceptance of his challenge had offended him.

Akihiro Saito was a complicated figure. His reputation in the 10th Division wasn't just of someone skilled, but also of someone restless and overly ambitious. As a person who often found himself at odds with Isshin and Kakyō, he viewed their kind-heartedness as a weakness. His Zanpakuto, "Hagane Yabō," was a reflection of his own steel-hard ambition. In challenging Kazuki, a rising star within the Shiba Clan, Akihiro likely saw an opportunity—both to assert himself and to potentially throw a wrench in the works for a family he regarded as overly privileged.

Isshin had spoken to Kazuki about the seated members of the 10th Division before, and Akihiro's reputation was not a mystery. It was clear Akihiro saw an opportunity to unsettle not just Kazuki, but also the Shiba Clan's standing within the Division. The way Akihiro framed his challenge dripped with subtle arrogance; offering Kazuki the 'luxury' to proceed with the traditional quest implied that his defeat was a foregone conclusion.


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