Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)



It took almost no time for the van to appear right before Bella and Alex.


Alex was thrown on the ground next to Bella, who had also fallen.

Bella was still disoriented from the speed of everything.

Alex, on the other hand, saw everything.

'So you still came, huh, Edward? I guess you aren't so bad after all,' Alex thought as he stared at Edward, who had stopped the van with his bare hand.

Turning his head to the one who was holding him.

Alex thought as his eyes widened.

'What the hell are you doing though, Alice' Alex thought as he stared at the woman who was now holding him in her grasp.

Alice was also looking at Alex, her eyes didn't show anger or frustration or any other emotion besides one.

It was a look of fear, a fear that Alex couldn't quite put his finger on.

'Why do you look so afraid Alice? Im alright, aren't I?' Alex thought as he stared into her eyes.

Alex smiled as he mumbled a small word, though that seemed to mean so much more to Alice than he ever thought it would.

"Thanks, Alice"

Alice's expression softened as she nodded, a small trembling smile on her face.

And then chaos ensued.

Every student in the parking lot rushed towards the car, some staying still as they screamed in horror at what they thought was a murder scene while others dialed emergency services.

"What, what happened?" Bella said her face filled with confusion, it looked like she was still in shock though it was leaving her quickly as she looked around.

"How are you here Edward? What happened?" Bella asked confused as she stared at the Edwards hand which seemed to fit the indent on the van perfectly.

"How did you get over here so fast?" Bella asked, her voice showing her disbelief.

"I was already on my way Bella, I think you hit your head, we need to get you to the hospital," Edward said as she looked at Bella. He then turned his head towards Alex, continuing his words.

"Both of you"

Alice just looked at Edward and nodded.

'Edward, we can't hide this,' Alice thought as she tried to tell Edward through her thoughts.

Edward only frowned at Alice and shook his head lightly.

'Fine, have it your way, but it's not going to work out,' Alice said as she turned to look back at Alex.

"I think I should get up now Alice," Alex said as he tried to use his hands to lift himself off the icy pavement.

"No, stay in one place and don't move, you could have been hurt somewhere and your injuries would just worsen," Alice said as she tried to hold Alex down.


"Alice, im... never mind ill just listen for now" Alex tried to say he was a vampire but stopped in the middle as he thought otherwise.

'I should act as im at least phased. I almost got hit by a damn van after all. Even if im not planning to hide from these guys anymore, that doesn't mean I can just parade around yelling, im not human,' Alex thought as he closed his eyes and waited, his head on Alice's lap.

It didn't take long, and the Ambulance came and took both Alex and Bella on a stretcher, heading directly to the Hospital.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Do you feel any nausea or pain? Is there anything feeling abnormal with your body?" the Medic asked as he performed some quick checkups on Alex.

Alex shook his head as he replied to the medics' questions.

"No sir, everything feels fine, i just got a bit shocked by the event. I managed to get away safely." Alex said as he nodded at the Medic.

The guy, who looked to be about forty years old, in an emergency medic outfit, nodded and wrote something down in his notebook. He then turned to Alex once more.

"For now I can say that nothing looks to be out of place, we will do an x-ray scan at the hospital just to be sure, and then if everything is fine then we can release you," The man said.

"I see, thanks for the help doctor" Alex replied as he nodded at the man in thanks.

"Of course, it's our job, im just glad that you ended up fine," The Medic replied.

The ride to the Hospital was fast, and soon Alex was taken out of the ambulance van and into the Hospital.

They did an X-ray scan quickly and placed him in a bed in the emergency care unit while they checked over the results.

Next to Alex was also Bella's bed and the boy who had almost slammed his van into Bella and Alex.

"Im so sorry. I really didn't want this to happen. I was driving just fine when the van lost control," The boy said, for what Alex thought was the hundredth time.

"We already said it's fine Tyler, nothing happened either way so it's all right, some stuff just happens and we can do nothing about it," Alex said to the boy who looked to be in far worse condition than he and Bella who had ended up with no injuries.


The door slammed open as Charlie came rushing into the room, immediately appearing at Alex's and Bella's bed as he started asking questions if they were all right.

"We're okay Dad, it's fine. Alice and Edward managed to save us just in time" Bella answered Charlie.

Charlie thought for a moment and asked.

"Alice and Edward Cullen, right?"

"Yeah," Alex answered as he lay down on the bed.

"I have to go and thank them then. They're good kids. Carlisle really has managed to raise a great bunch," Charlie said and then turned towards Tyler, who looked at the door of death with all the casts and bandages all over his body.

"And you, you aren't getting that license young man" Charlie started and continued to reprimand the young man for minutes on end, not stopping until they heard the door of the emergency ward open.

There at the door stood a man who appeared to only be at the end of his twenties or early thirties, with slicked-back blonde hair and an extremely pale expression, his eyes the color of amber that seemed to reflect the sun itself.

'Carlisle Cullen, ' Alex thought as he stared at the majestic-looking doctor.


Volume two starts from this chapter. Thanks once more for sticking with me through 47 chapters already.

I've been meaning to buy some of the books as well, as the only one I have right now is the gender-bent one of Twilight.

I also heard a lot of people wishing for Alex to save Bella but I decided to go against it, I wanted to make another moment with Alice for Alex and it's not going against his words either as he mentioned in the past chapter.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead then check out my Patreon at:

The powerstone goal is 750 for an extra chapter

Lots of Love

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