Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Snapping his eyes open, Alex stood up from the bed.

Walking towards the window, he saw that the window wasn't covered in fog like it usually was here in Forks.

A light layer of snow had covered the entire city of forks.

'Today is the day, huh? I practiced as much as I could, im as ready as I could be,' Alex thought as he shook his head, trying to get the Stress out of his head.

However, it didn't work like that.

Stress was like a snake. It hid and hid until it snapped suddenly, biting you so quickly that it left your world rocking.

Or at least that's what Alex thought it was. Some people said that Stress accumulated, though that didn't really fit with what Alex was experiencing right now.

'I'm not scared, at least not for myself, though I had no emotions for Bella and Charlie. At least at first, they started to appear as I spent time with them,' Alex thought as he started dressing up for school.

'Sure, I don't have any emotions from the memories of this body, but they really do consider me their brother and son still. It's hard to not like someone, love someone, and accept them as yours when they love you unconditionally.' Alex thought as he finished wearing his clothes and headed to the bathroom.

Brushing his teeth and styling his hair quickly, Alex grabbed the backpack that he had left at the stairs and headed to the first floor.

"You're awake later than usual," Bella said from the dinner table, where she was eating a bowl of cereal and drinking some orange juice from a carton.

"Get a glass next time," Alex said as he frowned at her.

Bella just took another swing of the orange juice and then said.

"Im drinking it all. Why should I get a glass?"

"Right..." Alex said as he nodded his head slowly and then sat on the couch.

'First thing first, as soon as we go to school, the van will come and hit Bella, or at least almost hit Bella, as Edward comes for the save. Will he still do that if I'm there, though? Will they think that we are both supernaturals and not come for the save?' Alex thought as he tried to imagine what would happen only half an hour from now at most.

'Doesn't matter. If he comes for the save, then I will let Edward do the job. If not, then I'll just save Bella myself,' Alex thought as he heard Bella get up from the dining table.

"All right, let's go, Alex," Bella said as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and headed outside.

"It's not going to be a nice day for you today," Alex said as he followed behind her.

"Huh, why?" Bella said as she opened the door.

"That's why," Alex answered as he smiled at her.

"I should have never left Phoenix," Bella murmured under her breath as she wore her shoes and headed outside.

Bella hopped into the driver's seat while Alex stood outside for a moment, looking at the truck.

'Charlie put snow chains around the wheels. He really is the ideal father,' Alex thought as he smiled whilst remembering yesterday night.

Trying to open the passenger seat door, Alex found that he had to put quite a lot of force into it.

Putting a bit more force whilst trying to not rip the door off its hinges turned out to be quite the ordeal.


The ice around the door hinges finally thawed, and Alex hopped in.

Bella turned the car on, and they started heading to school.

The ride was silent as Bella was still sleepy whilst Alex thought about Today's events.

'Bella almost gets run over, Edward comes for the save, they get sent to the hospital and Bella meets Carlisle for the first time. Edward denies everything and then stops talking to Bella for a few more days. Alex summed up the plot of the book as he tried to think of all possible ways to counter any butterfly effect he could have caused.

They arrived at the school sooner than he thought, or maybe Alex had just been too deep in his thoughts and hadn't noticed the passage of time.

"All right we're here Alex," Bella said as she parked the car on the side of the road.

"Huh? Why did you park over here?" Alex asked, confused at Bella.

"Look at the parking lot Alex, it's filled with cars, seems like even those who walk to school chose to drive today," Bella said as she pointed at the parking lot which had indeed been filled to the brim.

"Right," Alex answered as he nodded, and then they both got outside the car.

Grabbing his backpack, Alex went outside the car and noticed Bella standing in front of the car as she looked ahead of her.

She was looking directly at Edward Cullen.

"No, Alex, im not lovestruck she said" Alex mimicked her as he came to stand next to her.

"Right, and the one telling me that is the guy who has rumors all around school saying he's in a relationship with Alice." Bella countered.

"Right, that's a low blow, Bella. I don't act as you do," Alex replied.

"Sure, sure," Bella said absentmindedly.

"Either way let's go," Bella said however at that moment both she and Alex heard a sound.

No, everyone in the parking lot heard the sound.

It was the sound of skidding tires on the road and a large car horn going off.

Turning to face the noise, Bella and Alex came face to face with a swerving white van coming directly towards them.

Bella had frozen, all she could see was the van swerving towards them, spelling the end of their life.

Alex, however, saw everything. He saw the event almost in slow motion, the surprised faces of the students, the look of horror on the driver's face, and two people rushing towards them.

'It finally starts. No more hiding,' Alex thought.


[ Volume one - Hidden Rebirth ] Is finally over. The plot of Twilight will now take a much bigger effect on the coming chapters, of course with my own spin on the events, its a fanfiction after all.

Thanks for all the support until now. Chapter One of Volume Two will come out publicly tomorrow.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead check out my Patreon at:

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me for more than half a month now and for all the comments and encouraging words.

Lots of Love


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