Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Carlisle Cullen

"Hello, Im Carlisle Cullen, I'll be the doctor doing the final checkup so we can release you," Doctor Carlisle Cullen said as he walked closer to the beds where Alex and Bella were laid.

"Oh, Doctor Cullen, thank you so much for taking care of my children," Charlie said as he extended his hand for a thankful handshake, which Carlisle accepted with a soft smile on his face.

"It's all right. We are here to help people, after all," Carlisle answered. He took out a medical chart and started looking over it.

"Do you feel any discomfort, anything at all?" Carlisle asked as he turned to face Alex and Bella.

"No, I feel just fine," Alex said as he shook his head.

Carlisle nodded and then pressed a button on top of Bella's and Alex's beds. It showed both of their X-rays.

"The X-rays also look good, and no damage seems to have been inflicted," Carlisle said as he checked another square on his medical chart.

Turning to face Bella only this time, Carlisle headed to the side of her bed and asked her.

"May I?" 

Bella nodded as she gave permission, and Carlisle touched the back part of her head.


Releasing a short breath of air, Bella winced as she closed her eyes from the sharp pain.

"Is something wrong? Is she hurt?" Charlie immediately jumped up at Bella's reaction.

Carlisle just shook his head at Charlie and answered the anxious man, easing his worries.

"No, she's fine. Because she hit her head when she fell on the ground, it's a little tender and will hurt if touched for a few days but it doesn't need any medication and should heal by itself. Of course, if the pain is unbearable then you can take a Tylenol" Carlisle said as he explained what had been the cause of the pain to Charlie and Bella.

"No, I'm fine. It doesn't really hurt unless I touch it," Bella said from the bed.

Carlisle just nodded as he wrote something else on his medical chart and then lifted his head up to face the Swan family.

"Well, you can leave the hospital any time you want, you're both fine thankfully," Carlisle said as he smiled at them.

"Thank you, doctor." Both Alex and Charlie thanked the man for his work.

"What about Edward? Is he fine?" Bella asked instead as she faced the doctor.

"Edward is fine, Miss Bella. He didn't have any injuries, so he was cleared earlier. He's outside the hospital right now, heading back to school," Carlisle said as he nodded toward Bella.

"Do we have to go to school?" Alex asked Carlisle.

"No, I would suggest that you two take today off," Carlisle said to both them and Charlie.

"I'll make sure they get a good rest at home," Charlie said as he nodded at Carlisle, showing his determination to follow the doctor's instructions.

"But Edward was with us, and he's able to go to school." Bella was about to continue complaining but was interrupted by a new voice.

"That's because someone has to tell the school that you guys are okay," The voice said.

Turning towards it, Alex saw who it was.

Alice Cullen in all her pixie galore.

Carlisle nodded as he released a small, quiet laugh and then told Alex and Bella.

"Well, the small part of the school that's left there, almost everyone is waiting outside the hospital," Carlisle said with a small smile.

Alex just looked at him for a moment and then released a dramatic sigh.


"Do I really have to leave here?" Alex said as he laid his head back on the pillow.

"You can stay the night in the hospital today if you want to," Carlisle said as he turned to face Alex.

"No, I'll just have to bear through it, thanks for the offer however doctor," Alex said as he closed his eyes for a moment and then got up from the bed.

"Where can I find my clothes?" Alex asked as he looked at the patient gown that he had been asked to wear before he did his x-ray scan.

"They should all be in the small box next to your bed. You can go to the room's bathroom to change," Carlisle said as he pointed at the small cardboard box.

Alex nodded and mumbled a thanks as he took the box and headed into the bathroom.

It didn't take long for Alex to finish dressing up and for Bella to get her turn, once both of them were back in their own clothes, they turned to Carlisle who had been talking with Charlie while they waited for them, and expressed their thanks once more to the gorgeous doctor.

"Thank you for the help, doctor," Both Alex and Bella said as they nodded towards Carlisle.

"As I said before, it was nothing, merely a part of my job, and you two are my kid's friends, so, of course, I would help," Carlisle said as he gave the two of them a closed-eyed smile that seemed to radiate kindness.

They said goodbye and started heading out when Alex felt a hand press on his shoulder.

"Could we talk for a bit, Alex?" Alice said as she held his shoulder.

Turning towards Carlisle, he saw the man nod at him, expressing his desire to talk with him as well.

"Alright, one moment," Alex said as he turned to Charlie and Bella.

"Hey, could you wait for me in the car for a few minutes? I wanna have a chat and thank Alice for helping me out" Alex said to Charlie and Bella who nodded and headed off, leaving Alex in a room with Alice, Carlisle, and Tyler.

"How about we go to my office?" Carlisle asked.

Alice and Alex nodded and started following the man.


I will be releasing another chapter tonight since we hit the Powerstone goal.

The new Powerstone goal is 1000.

Can you not hit it so quickly next time, please? I can't even rest at this point xd.

This chapter was pretty fun to write about, especially Carlisle whom I consider to be one of the best characters in Twilight. He feels so mature and such a great man that he would be a great idol to have for anyone to follow.

Thanks for reading, and thank you for the immense support, especially yesterday, which was honestly crazy.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead, check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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