Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Driving down the road, Alex looked at the moon that was rising into the sky.

'About an hour, maybe even less,' Alex thought as he tried to remember just how much time he had spent inside the bar.

It however felt almost impossible, It was like Alex had gone in there and entered a trance as soon as the action had started.

It took a few minutes, but Alex arrived at the Swan house.

While parking the car in front of the closed garage, Alex turned it off and hopped out.

'Seems like Charlie's back,' Alex thought as he started walking towards the steps up to the entrance.


The door opened as Charlie came out in a hurry. His eyes were frantic.

However as soon as the man saw Alex, he seemed to calm down as he almost fell down the stairs, Alex quickly rushed up to catch the man as his legs seemed to give out.

"Thank god, Thank god you're safe, son," Charlie said as his eyes moistened.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Alex asked, frantic as he held the man.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Charlie took deep breaths as Alex heard the man's heart calm down. It took a few moments, but the man was somewhat normal after.

Holding Alex's arm, Charlie got himself up on his feet and then hugged Alex once more.

"Dad, whats wrong, is everything ok?" Alex asked his voice soft as he hugged Charlie back.

"I thought i had lost you son, i thought i lost you for a moment thats all" The man said as he removed himself from the hug.

"What do you mean dad, did Bella prank you or something? Thats not funny at all" Alex asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"No, she didnt, she told me that you went out tonight and theres only one bar in forks, and i just got a call that the building had caught on fire" Charlie explained, still exhausted for breath from what Alex thought was a panic attack.

'So it got found out, huh? The time is about when I expected them to find it. It's in the middle of the city, so sooner or later, someone will find it, be it a new customer or someone else.'

"No, I was going to go there but then decided to just drive around. I wasn't really in the mood for drinks," Alex said.

"I don't even care that you just admitted that you are drinking illegally," Charlie said as he laughed out loud.

Alex smiled as he chuckled as well.

"So, do you have to go to the station?" Alex asked.

Charlie stood straight once more as he nodded.

"Yes, I have to go. I almost completely forgot. Thanks for reminding me, Alex, and next time you want a drink, just come drink one with me," Charlie said as he patted Alex's back.

Alex stood there frozen for a moment and then nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah, for sure, Dad," Alex said while his thoughts remained in turmoil.

'What would he think of me if he knew what I did? Would he see me as a monster?' Alex thought for a moment and then shook his head. He showed a sad smile and raised his head, closing his eyes.

'What else do you call someone like me if not a monster?' Alex thought as the scenes in the bar flashed through his mind.

For a moment, Alex felt like he was back in the bar, crawling out of a person's body.

Something cold touched Alex's nose, causing him to snap out of his thoughts as he looked at the air.

It had started snowing.

'Right, I remember that tomorrow Bella almost gets hit by a van that had lost control in the snow,' Alex thought as he looked at the snowflakes falling down from above.

They had already started to multiply as it looked like a cold snowstorm was going to happen during the night.


Releasing a breath of air, Alex saw a cloud of mist rise up.

'Let's just get inside,' Alex thought as he turned his head back down and headed up the rest of the stairs.

Getting out of his shoes, Alex put them in the drawer by the door and then closed the door itself as he headed inside to the living room.

Hearing noise, Alex's head snapped towards the left where he saw Bella on the couch as she munched on what looked like popcorn while watching a movie.

'Right, I guess some things do stay the same,' Alex thought as he stared at his sister and smiled.

"Im back, Bella," Alex said as he took off his jacket and put it on a nearby hanger.

"Did you buy me the chips?" Bella asked as she didn't even turn to greet him.

"Uh, I might have forgotten," Alex said as he sat down on the couch next to her.

"Expected," Bella said as she nodded to herself as if it was some basic knowledge.

Alex turned to stare at her and then asked in an annoyed tone.

"What do you mean expected, i got them for you last time didn't I?" Alex said as he faced her.

Bella still didn't even give him his mind. She just nodded and replied while munching on popcorn.

"That was a fluke, a miracle from god."

A vein appeared on Alex's forehead as he nodded his head, his expression turning into a closed-eyed smile.

"Is that so, well then dont mind if i do." Alex said as he snatched the bowl of popcorn and started stuffing his face with it quickly.

"ALEX!" Bella screamed as she jumped onto him, trying to claw at him and snatch the bowl back however she could.


Second chapter of the day, another one coming out in an hour or two since we hit the Powerstone goal.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me further then check out my Patreon at:

Powerstone goal: 750

Thanks for all the support and for helping me make my dream come true.

This was more of a chill aftermath chapter, next one is the start of the original Twilight plot in its realest sense.

Lots of Love

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