Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 168

The game was over, but the opponent was still alive.

"It seems that the game is about to end, and you have no ability to resist now!" Akutsu said with disdain after scoring this point.

However, the opposite Niou and Yanagi Renji did not intend to give up. Niou took a few deep breaths, stood up and bent down to continue the game, while Yanagi Renji also picked up the racket silently, walked to the baseline with a serious face and planned to serve again.

"Tsk~ Boring resistance!" Akutsu curled his lips, turned around and walked back, but there was a hint of recognition in his eyes.

Yanagi Renji threw the tennis ball high up again, swung his right hand with all his strength, and hit the falling tennis ball. In fact, at this point in the game, both Yanagi Renji and Niou knew that they had already lost, but even so, they had to hold on to the last moment.

The tennis ball quickly crossed the net and flew towards Kintaro's left bottom corner. This time Kintaro did not use the fire whirlwind glowing ball again. After all, he just saw Akutsu's different-dimensional ball skills and was excited for a while. This move was a big consumption even for his physical strength.

But even so, Kintaro's attack in Aichi's shining state was not so easy to counterattack. Niou once again transformed into a "tanjima" and intercepted Kintaro's shot with the simulated extinction, but that was all. The phantom "Bidaoin" just now used the light to destroy the ball and consumed most of his remaining mental power.

Yanagi Renji, who was standing by, could not help at all except sharing some data. This was the limitation of his talent. Unless Yanagi Renji's five dimensions could break through the national limit, data tennis would be useless.

Akutsu, who didn't know what letting the water was, directly used the power of the other dimension to make it impossible for Niou and Yanagi Renji to put up a decent resistance, not to mention Kintaro in Aichi's glorious state.



"GAME! Fudomine! 5-2!"

When the seventh game was over, Niou could no longer maintain his phantom state and returned to his original appearance. He was sweating profusely, and even his proud braid was stuck to the back of his neck.

As Niou's mental power was drastically depleted, Yanagi Renji took the initiative to resist and disconnected Niou's forced synchronization to reduce his consumption. In the current situation, there was no big difference between having synchronization and sharing data and vision.

"The physical fitness of Niou's kid needs to be further improved. After entering the training camp, let him play more games with the ghost and Irie. His mental strength is not weak, and maybe he can make a breakthrough with this!" Mifune said to Mitsugaya on the side.

"I understand, Mr. Head Coach. I will communicate with the three coaches after I go back. In addition, I hope to let Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu come to assist me after they enter U17. They are natural advisers!" Mitsugaya responded with a smile.

"You don't need to tell me that this is also my plan. You can arrange them yourself when the time comes!" Mifune was not surprised by Mitsugaya's request.

Just as Mifune and Mitsugaya were talking in the audience, the eighth game had already begun. This game was Kintaro's serve, but Niou had reached his limit, and Yanagi Renji was very reluctant to serve under the erosion of Aichi Kouki, and began to lose points frequently.



"ACE! 40-0!"

As the referee announced the score again and again, the game soon came to the end of the match. Yanagi Renji covered his trembling right hand with his left hand. He couldn't even react to the ball just now. He didn't know that he had lost points until the referee announced the score.

"GAME! 6-2! Game over! Winner! Fudomine!"

Even if Yanagi Renji was unwilling, he was eventually hit by Kintaro's hearty laughter and lost the game completely. Niou in the front court also sat on the ground, panting violently, obviously just holding on.

After the doubles match ended, the big score between Fudomine and Rikkai University had reached 2-0. Rikkai University was once again on the edge of the cliff. Although the next singles match was Yukimura, the expressions on the faces of everyone in Rikkai University were not very good.

At this time, the referee also announced the suspension of the game, and the field needed to be urgently cleaned and repaired. After two games, the field had become bumpy, but the organizers had gotten used to it in recent years.

As long as it involves the Fudo Peak, the venue is generally not intact.

For this reason, the organizers of the youth tennis tournament and the Tennis Association have also developed a set of methods to quickly repair the court. In less than 20 minutes, the entire competition venue has been repaired. Although it still looks a bit inconsistent, it at least does not affect the normal competition.

With the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the game started again. The referee had climbed up to his exclusive position at this time. After confirming the personnel in the coaching seats on both sides, he immediately announced:

"The singles match will start now! Fudomine Tezuka Kunimitsu will face Rikkai University's Yukimura Seiichi. Please enter the court!"

Yukimura and Tezuka slowly walked into the court, and then followed the referee's instructions and came to the net to shake hands. At this time, although Yukimura smiled, his tone was serious:

"Is the singles match for Tezuka-san? It seems that you Fudomine want to solve our Rikkai University in three games, but unfortunately, your plan will fail!"

"I have wanted to play against Yukimura-san for a long time. This time, let's not leave any regrets and try our best!" Tezuka responded with a serious expression at this time. He knew very well that Yukimura was a player of the same level as himself.

After the two sides finished talking, they did not continue to communicate. Soon, the result of the guessing came out. What surprised Akashi on the coaching bench was that it was Tezuka who won the first serve this time.

Just as Tezuka slowly came to the baseline and turned around to prepare for the serve, Yukimura also did something that was somewhat unexpected. He slowly took off the coat of Rikkai University from his shoulders, and then threw it with his hand. The coat fell lightly on the coaching bench of Rikkai University.

This move made Tezuka on the opposite side unconsciously stare, and Akashi on the sidelines keenly noticed that Yukimura's huge mental power was constantly spreading towards Tezuka. It was obvious that he was going to get serious from the beginning.

"The singles match will start next, and Tezuka Kunimitsu will serve first!"

Tezuka, who was standing on the baseline, seemed to have noticed something at this time. An invisible momentum slowly rose, and then he threw the tennis ball in his hand. A beautiful move that was familiar to the audience appeared again, and the tennis ball flew towards the opposite half of the court at a moderate speed.

"Zero serve? Well, let me see how it differs from Nioh's!" Yukimura said softly after seeing Tezuka's serve.

After the tennis ball passed the net, it quickly fell to the ground, but Yukimura did not move forward. Instead, he watched the tennis ball spin quickly after landing, then slowly rolled backwards until it hit the net and stopped.

"ACE! 15-0!"

"As expected, you are really worthy of it, Tezuka-san, but if that's all, I'm afraid you won't be able to score directly next time!" Yukimura didn't care about the ball just lost, but seemed full of confidence.

"I'll wait and see!" Tezuka responded calmly.

After that, Tezuka threw the tennis ball up again and hit the second zero serve. The tennis ball once again passed the net at a moderate speed and fell to the opposite half of the court, but this time Yukimura directly flashed to the landing point and intercepted it directly with the racket rubbing the ground.

The moment the tennis ball landed, before it could start to spin, it was hit directly by Yukimura's racket. Yukimura kept twisting his wrist while picking up the tennis ball to dissipate the strong spin on the tennis ball.

The next moment, the tennis ball turned into a yellow beam of light and instantly passed by Tezuka's feet. When Yukimura successfully returned his zero serve, Tezuka was stunned for a moment, resulting in his failure to intercept it in time. He could only watch the tennis ball hit the ground and quickly bounced out of the court.


"Great! The Minister is really amazing!" Kirihara in the Rikkai University player seat shouted excitedly after seeing Yukimura break Tezuka's zero serve.

"Quiet! Kirihara! Don't be too relaxed. This level of competition is not common! You watch carefully and experience it well!" Sanada said from the side.

"Sure enough, the zero serve doesn't have much effect on Yukimura, puff~" Nioh, who had recovered a little spirit, had an inexplicable look on his face.

"I just don't know who is stronger between Yukimura and Tezuka!" Yagyu Bilushi said calmly.

"The result will be known after this match!" Marui changed his usual lively expression and even looked a little serious.

On the other side, Chitose, who was sitting in the Fudomine player's seat, looked at this scene, sighed slightly, and said slowly:

"Yukimura broke Tezuka's zero serve so easily, it seems that he has undoubtedly stepped into the world-class door

Kan, I have a feeling that the next game will be very intense! "

"Humph! Isn't it interesting this way?" Akutsu's eyes revealed a hint of danger.

"World class..." Tachibana Kihei muttered quietly.

At this time, Tezuka on the court had calmed down, and took a deep look at Yukimura on the opposite side. As usual, there was not much expression on his face. He directly threw the tennis ball up, and then swung the racket to hit it. It was still a zero serve.

"Give up! Tezuka! The zero serve has no effect on me. Continuing to use it will only increase the burden on your arm! "While Yukimura was speaking, he once again used the half-volley posture to pick up the tennis ball that had just landed and hit it back directly, while at the same time attaching a large amount of mental power to the tennis ball.

Tezuka ignored Yukimura's words, flashed to the tennis ball, swung the racket to meet it, and at the moment the racket touched the tennis ball, an invisible mental wave invaded Tezuka's body along his arm.

When the tennis ball was hit back, Tezuka suddenly found that his vision began to darken, and then slowly disappeared until he fell into endless darkness. The sound beside his ears and the feeling of his body also disappeared at this moment, as if he did not exist.


"It seems that you have lost your five senses~Tezuka!" Along with Yukimura's gentle tone, a breeze slowly blew Yukimura's temples.

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