Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 169

The game was played, and the players were very excited.

"How could it be! Just the third ball can directly deprive Tezuka of his five senses?!" Tachibana Kihei said in disbelief at the Fudomine player's seat.

"Yukimura's strength is not inferior to Tezuka at all, so it is reasonable for this to happen, but I think Tezuka should be able to recover soon!" Chitose responded calmly on the side.

At this time, in the player's seat of Rikkai University, Kokai Kirihara was excited to cheer for his own minister, and the faces of others also showed a trace of relief. Yukimura did not disappoint them, and he was still the strongest minister of Rikkai University.

However, just as everyone was discussing Tezuka's deprivation of his five senses, an extremely dazzling blue light emanated from Tezuka, causing some viewers to squint unconsciously. Then blue particles began to wrap around Tezuka's body, and even his hair became unusually elegant.

"The limit of perfect clothing!" Sanada said in an extremely solemn tone.

"This level of perfect clothing is far above mine! It's worthy of you, Tezuka! Puli~" Niwang looked at Tezuka at this moment and couldn't help but sigh.

"You used perfect clothing so quickly? It seems that you are really ready to go all out! Tezuka-san!" Yukimura was not very surprised to see Tezuka who activated perfect clothing, and still spoke in a gentle tone.

"Aren't you the same? You used all your strength at the beginning of the game, Yukimura!" Tezuka, who had recovered his five senses, rarely responded to Yukimura's words.

"Then let's have a good match with all our strength! Tezuka!" After Yukimura finished speaking, a cautious look appeared on his face.

Tezuka nodded seriously, then took out a tennis ball, squeezed it hard in his hand, and threw it high. The blue particles instantly attached to the racket, and he swung the racket directly at the falling tennis ball.

"The speed of the zero-style serve in the Tianyi state is indeed much faster, but its essence has not changed much. I just said that the zero-style serve is ineffective against me, Tezuka!" Yukimura looked at the rapidly falling tennis ball, and appeared at the landing point in a flash, and said.

Just like the ball just now, Yukimura's racket had already swept the tennis ball before the tennis ball began to rotate at the moment of landing, and successfully picked it up. At the same time, using super high technology to continuously wear away the force of rotation, while hitting back, a majestic mental force emanated from Yukimura's body.

The tennis ball crossed the net at a very fast speed and flew towards the opposite half of the court. Tezuka did not hesitate at all, and went directly to the landing point, and directly pulled the bouncing tennis ball, while adding super strong field rotation.

"Domain? You can't achieve this, Tezuka!" Yukimura whispered softly after arriving at the ball landing point.

As soon as the tennis ball bounced, Yukimura suddenly changed the racket to his left hand, and then hit the tennis ball. At the moment the racket touched the tennis ball, the rotation on it was suddenly weakened by more than half, and it flew directly towards Tezuka's half court.

"Mirror of Mirage!"

Tezuka looked at the flying tennis ball, and a huge white cyclone rose around his body, but the tennis ball was not pulled over as he expected, which made Tezuka secretly frightened, but he still ran directly to the landing point, and while hitting back, he applied domain rotation to the tennis ball again.

Just when Tezuka was secretly frightened, Yukimura had keenly captured Tezuka's emotional fluctuations, and his mental power immediately took advantage of the opportunity to invade Tezuka's body, and at the same time he caught up with the tennis ball, and found the right time to change hands again to reduce the powerful domain rotation on the tennis ball.

Looking at the tennis ball hit back by Yukimura, Tezuka once again raised a white cyclone, but the tennis ball still did not seem to be pulled over. Seeing this situation, Tezuka had already roughly understood in his heart that his domain should have been sealed by Yukimura.

Thinking of this, Tezuka ran towards the tennis ball with a calm face. At the moment he swung the racket to hit the tennis ball back, he felt a numbness in his left hand, and then it seemed as if he could not feel his arm. Although Tianyi's light restored the perception of his arm in the next second, the racket had been hit away by the tennis ball.


"Motor disorders are more complicated than you think, Tezuka!" After Yukimura scored, he slowly spoke to Tezuka who was a little dazed.

"Deprive Tezuka of the five senses in the perfect state! Yukimura, you can always exceed my imagination!" Sanada said with a complicated expression in the Rikkai University player seat.

"In fact, Yukimura's

Sense deprivation is a kind of application of motor impairment. As long as the timing is right, it may be effective no matter what state the opponent is in. However, the difficulty of achieving this step is unimaginable for ordinary people! "Yanagi Renji explained at this time.

"So, the Minister will definitely win, right?" Kirihara said happily.

"It's not that simple. Tezuka's strength is far stronger than imagined. This game may be one of the most exciting games in recent years! "Marui responded with shining eyes looking at Yukimura and Tezuka on the court.

'The current situation is somewhat similar to the World Cup semi-finals in the original book. Let me see if my fate will change this time!' Akashi, who was sitting in the coaching seat of Fudomine, thought calmly.

Tezuka had come back to his senses at this time. To be honest, the tactile deprivation of his hand just now was completely beyond his expectations, but this also made Tezuka's heart rise up with a strong fighting spirit for the first time in a long time. Originally, he only had such fighting spirit against Akashi.

Tezuka returned to the baseline again, looking at Yukimura opposite with deep eyes, the brilliance of the heavenly clothes on his body became more and more shining, throwing the tennis ball in his hand, then jumping slightly, stretching his body to an optimal posture, swinging the racket and hitting the tennis ball hard.

Two very close collision sounds rang out, and Yukimura only felt a light and shadow flying past his ears, blowing up his hair at the temples. Yukimura looked back at the baseline in disbelief, only to see a tennis ball bouncing outside the court.

"ACE! 30-40! "

'I didn't even react just now, this is impossible! Tezuka's serve speed will never exceed that of Akashi and Ochi-senpai, so... has the radiance of the heavenly clothes begun to corrode me?' Yukimura thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Yukimura no longer hesitated, and the majestic mental power began to flow rapidly in his body. Gradually, Yukimura's perception of the surrounding things slowly decreased, and even his vision began to become dim. In the end, Yukimura's entire world was left with only the black court and the gray tennis ball.

"Zero sense tennis! "

On the court, Yukimura's pupils began to slowly dilate, and his presence dropped sharply. He looked very inconspicuous under the radiance of the heavenly clothes. At this time, Tezuka had thrown the tennis ball up again and hit a super-high-speed serve with a tricky angle.

In Yukimura's perception, the tennis ball was flying towards his half of the court at a very fast speed. He did not hesitate at all, and directly came to the bouncing tennis ball with a flash. At the same time, when he was about to swing the racket, he quickly switched the racket to his other hand, and then he heard the sound of hitting the ball, and the tennis ball quickly flew back to Tezuka's half of the court.

At this moment, in the eyes of all the audience, Tezuka and Yukimura began a fierce confrontation. The two did not give in to each other, and various exquisite skills and tricky angles appeared frequently, which made people feel very satisfied.

"Strange, why does Senior Tezuka seem to not use the domain, and is simply competing with the minister in basic tennis? "Kirihara asked in confusion at the Rikkai University player's table.

"It's not that Tezuka doesn't want to use his domain, but that he can't use it now! Yukimura, by changing the batsman accurately, unconsciously constantly gave Tezuka's shots a reverse spin, fundamentally sealing Tezuka's domain!" Yanagi Renji explained to Kirihara.

"Yes, this is Yukimura's Mirage Mirror!" Sanada also spoke at this time.

"But is it okay to go on like this? Wouldn't the perfect light erode the player and make him unable to exert his original strength?" The Jackal said with some concern at this time.

"Don't worry! Yukimura has now imposed five sense deprivation on himself, discarding all unnecessary perceptions and instead improving them all on tennis. Not only does he avoid the erosion of the perfect light, but it is also not weaker than the perfect blessing on the player himself! It's a step further than when he played against Kintaro! "Pu Li~" The flawless Nioh who had already started expressed his opinion.

While everyone at Rikkai University was discussing the match between Yukimura and Tezuka, Mifune and Mitsutani in the audience also nodded secretly. It was hard to imagine that this level of competition would appear in a small national competition for junior high school students.

"It seems that the strength of these two kids, Yukimura and Tezuka, is not weaker than the top five of the first team. They are indeed the two strongest junior high school students besides Akashi. Of course, we have to count Akatsuki now!" Mifune was so excited now. He even felt that the Fudomine and the people at Rikkai University, plus Byodoin and the demons, could sweep all the countries except the top four and the United States.

At the same time, the two people on the court were still fighting fiercely. With Yukimura's quick counterattack with an exchange of hands, Tezuka, with his experience, directly

Coming to the front court, before the tennis ball landed, he was ready to swing the racket to intercept it with a half-volley, but at the moment when the racket touched the tennis ball, Tezuka found that he suddenly lost his vision and the surroundings became dark.

Fortunately, Tezuka had a very good sense of the ball. He directly hit the tennis ball back smoothly through the instant memory of the moment when he just hit the ball. The scene in front of him was completely restored in the next second. The visual deprivation did not have much impact on Tezuka.

However, for safety reasons, Tezuka's return was a lob. The tennis ball passed Yukimura's half-court high and fell straight to the baseline. Yukimura also ran towards the baseline, but what made Tezuka uncomfortable was that Yukimura used his body to block his hand swings while running, so he could not accurately judge how Yukimura would return.

Just when Tezuka was concentrating, Yukimura did something that he didn't expect. Yukimura came to the tennis ball, turned his back and jumped up lightly, instantly switched the racket from his right hand to his left hand, and then swung it downwards. The tennis ball was hit directly through the gap between Yukimura's feet, and then quickly flew past Tezuka's feet and bounced out of the court.

"GAME! Rikkai University! 1-0!"

'Oh? It's really a famous scene! 'Akagi thought slowly as he watched Yukimura's counterattack.

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