Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 167

The two of them were very happy.

"Wow! You're cheating! Why didn't you serve like before!" Kintaro yelled at Nioh after he came to his senses.

"Well~well~I heard you like takoyaki. I'll treat you after the game!" Nioh looked at Kintaro who was a little angry and said with some amusement.

"Really!!! You're really a good person!" Kintaro immediately threw away the trick Nioh had just set on him when he heard there was takoyaki to eat.

Akutsu behind him suddenly had the urge to cover his face. He was fooled by someone, but he said the other person was a good person. Kintaro's emotional intelligence is inversely proportional to his tennis skills, right?

"Hmph! You won't have another chance to serve from now on!" Akutsu said to Niou fiercely.

"Similarly, you won't have another chance to score easily from now on!" Yanagi Renji, who had been silently collecting data, suddenly spoke.

Akutsu cut it with disdain, and then said nothing more. He turned and walked to the baseline, ready to serve, while Kintaro was still happily confirming with Niou when he could treat him to takoyaki.

The sixth game was about to start. This time it was Akutsu's serve, and the opposite Niou directly phantomed into 'Tanishima Shuji', but what was surprising was that 'Tanishima' actually bloomed with a blue heavenly light, and at the same time opened the forced synchronization, connecting his consciousness with Yanagi Renji.

'Opening the power of the seamless through the phantom Tezuka, and then comprehending it into his own strength, no wonder even old Xu Pei didn't dare to open the five-dimensional attribute of Niou too quickly. This guy is an outlier! 'Akagi was also speechless about the perverted ability of Niou Phantom.

"Destroyed? Ha! Even if it's the real Tanejima Shuji, I will defeat him for you to see!" Akutsu sneered, and the black and red aura around him suddenly surged, even faintly covering the Ashura Shinto.

At the same time, a huge, hideous silver demon wolf appeared behind Akutsu, especially the pair of scarlet vertical pupils, which almost turned the entire stadium into a blood-red space.

"Another dimension - Demon Wolf Fenrir!"

Demon Wolf Fenrir

"Wow! This wolf is so handsome, Aren, teach me! Teach me!" Kintaro saw Akutsu's other dimension for the first time, and he couldn't help but shout excitedly.

However, Akutsu did not pay attention to Kintaro's shouting for the time being. He still glared at the two people opposite with a fierce look, and then threw the tennis ball in his hand high up. As Akutsu moved, the demon wolf Fenrir behind him also raised his huge head, and a soul-stirring wolf howl resounded in everyone's heart.

The tennis ball turned directly into a bright moon and rose slowly. The huge figure of the demon wolf howled to the sky under the bright moon, and for a moment, it actually made the opposite "Zhedao" and Yanagi Renji lose their minds for a moment. The moment they reacted, the tennis ball had bounced out of the court.

"Howling Moon!"

Howling Moon

"ACE! 15-0!"

"Is this the in-depth development and application of the mad wolf's roar? It seems that you have officially begun to get rid of relying purely on your body to play tennis! Akutsu!" Akashi nodded with some relief in the coaching seat.

"I didn't expect that Akutsu had this trick up his sleeve. It seems that he didn't use his full strength at all in the training match!" Tachibana Kihei said in surprise at the Fudo Peak player's seat, and at the same time, he felt a sense of urgency in his heart. There are probably not many people he can beat in Fudo Peak now.

"Yes, it seems that in addition to Akashi, Akutsu has also quietly comprehended the alternate dimension. If Tezuka hadn't insisted on taking the path of Tianyi, it is estimated that three people in our Fudo Peak would have mastered the alternate dimension now!" Chitose said with a sigh.

"Tianyi Wufeng and alternate dimension do not conflict, but I haven't been able to exert the power of Tianyi to the extreme yet, and I am not considering the alternate dimension for the time being!" Tezuka explained very rarely.

"Tezuka is right. If the three kinds of glory of Tianyi can be combined into one, the power will even exceed the alternate dimension. It's just that it is very difficult to achieve this step. I'm afraid that only Echizen Nanjiro has succeeded!" Akashi also responded to the discussion of everyone in Fudo Peak at this time.

In the audience, Mifune and Mitsutani both showed expressions of "as expected" when they saw Akutsu's serve. Mifune's previous feeling was correct, which made him sigh: "Five players who mastered the other dimension, I have never

We have fought such a rich war! Germany... Germany... Hehe! You will soon be dragged down from the altar by us! "

"Maybe not five..." Mitsutani's eyes flashed, and his eyes swept over everyone in Rikkai University one by one.

In the Rikkai University coaching booth, Yukimura looked at Akutsu who used the different dimension and sighed slightly. He knew very well that the winning rate of Niou and Yanagi Renji in this game was almost zero. He had a deep understanding of the power of the different dimension. Now it depends on how much Niou and his team can gain in the next game.

Akutsu didn't have the time to care about other people's thoughts and opinions. He once again mercilessly played Xiaoyue. Due to the powerful interference of the different dimension, even the "Zhongdao" with a seamless state could not completely avoid it. Under the huge and bright full moon, there was no chance to use the annihilation.

"ACE! 30-0!"

"Different dimension... Is it really too difficult to fight with the current strength? "'Tanjima' whispered unconsciously, and Yanagi Renji, who was in the state of synchronization, naturally felt Niou's thoughts, but his strength was even less able to compete, so he could only respond with silence.

In the next two balls, Niou and Yanagi Renji still had no good way to deal with it. The different dimension is just as the literal meaning, it is a tennis ball in another dimension. Without the same strength, it is impossible to compete with it.

"ACE! 40-0!"

"GAME! Fudomine! 4-2! Exchange venue! "

Akutsu relied on his other-dimensional skill, Xiaoyue, to directly win his serve, making Nio's phantom and Yanagi Renji's data useless, and he could only watch himself lose points.

During the break, Akashi did not give any more suggestions. The current Akutsu was definitely not someone Nio and Yanagi Renji could handle. As for Yukimura, he had already gone to warm up in advance, but before leaving, he still asked Nio and Yanagi Renji to relax and enjoy the game.

After a short break, the seventh game started soon. Yanagi Renji stood at the baseline, and various data and calculation formulas quickly flashed through his mind. Finally, he shared his calculation results with Nio. , directly threw up the tennis ball in his hand. Even though he knew that the probability of winning this game was only 0.3%, Yanagi Renji had no intention of giving up.

The tennis ball flew to the right side of Kintaro on the opposite side with a rapid rotation at a very tricky angle, but such a serve was not difficult for Kintaro to return. He just flipped and came to the landing point.

Perhaps stimulated by Akutsu Izugen, Kintaro did not hit the tennis ball hard at the first time after intercepting it with his racket. Instead, he used inertia to make the tennis ball stick to the racket and began to spin wildly on the spot.

"Since Aren has made a move, I can't fall behind! Look at me - Super Cannon Invincible Flame Tornado Flash Ball! "Kintaro maintained his usual naming style and shouted loudly.

As Kintaro's voice fell, a huge vortex of flames rose into the sky. For a moment, all the audience felt the huge heat wave, as if they were in a desert storm.

As the flame vortex got higher and higher, a golden light emerged from it, and then a huge fireball emitting bright light broke through the vortex and bombarded the opposite half of the court, like a natural disaster.

"Is this a fusion of the light shot and the other two tricks? It's a good idea, but the name is very good. Don't take it again next time!" Akashi looked at Kintaro's new move and said unconsciously.

Yanagi Renji on the opposite side instantly analyzed the approximate data of this move and shared it with Niou. He also saw that this move was based on the light shot, and at the same time integrated Kintaro's volcanic eruption ball and the big wheel mountain storm. The power can only be described as terrifying.

"One by one, it really makes people worry. There is no way. I'll try it too! "Puff~" Although Niou's tone seemed relaxed, his expression was unusually solemn.

The next moment, Niou's figure began to twist and change. A messy head of golden hair first appeared in front of everyone, followed by a slightly damaged headband, and finally a slightly sunny face. It was the Phoenix of Byodoin during the French World Championship.

Uncle Phoenix during the French World Championship

That is, Niou has not seen the current Byodoin, otherwise he might have phantomed the experienced Uncle Phoenix. After Niou phantomed into the Phoenix of Byodoin, the natural domineering aura also appeared, but this was just simulated by his mental power.

'Byodoin' looked at the huge fireball flying over without any hesitation,

He went straight up, and the racket in his hand also shone with golden light. The next moment, the huge fireball disappeared, and a tennis ball emitting a burning breath was madly hitting the racket of "Equal Court".

A violent force passed through the racket and hit the ground directly, forming a huge pit in an instant, and "Equal Court" gritted his teeth and tried his best to restrain the tennis ball.

In fact, Niwang did not think of using Tanedashima's Yimiewu, but he knew very well that he did not have Tanedashima's wrist talent. If he faced such a powerful move and still forced to use the simulated Yimiewu, then the result would be a high probability that his wrist would be injured.

So he finally decided to try the Phantom Equal Court, using the light ball of Equal Court-Destruction to confront head-on. Of course, the destructive power of the phantom is definitely not comparable to the original version, but with the seamless blessing, Niwang is still somewhat confident. This is the only way he can think of at present.

With the roar of 'Edo-in', the tennis ball turned into a huge ball of light and was hit back directly, but at the same time, the figure of 'Edo-in' began to blur, and then turned into the original appearance of Niou, half kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath.

The next second, Akutsu's figure appeared in front of the huge ball of light, and the shadow of the demon wolf appeared behind him. He swung his racket and hit it directly. A huge roar of a beast was heard. Yanagi Renji instinctively stepped forward to intercept, but then the overwhelming killing aura froze Yanagi Renji in place, and the racket in his hand was also hit away, and the tennis ball rushed directly out of the baseline.


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