Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 56: Habitat Points

"Well, then, let's get started. I have some Habitat Points to work with, and I want to make this place even better. What do you think I should start with?" I asked, and Cryo pointed to the back of the building, where there was a very empty kitchen that only had a fridge.

"I think this would be a good place to start since all the other girls came here. You have to remember that Prisma might be separated into smaller places, but it is still a whole that everyone can access. This fact should help us waste fewer points and put them in places where they can be used best. Again, the final choice is yours, but I will give you the best possible option considering the data that we have gathered," Cryo explained, and I grinned.

"Alright, then, let's do this. I want to make this place better for the girls, so they can enjoy their time here," I said, and then touched the kitchen.

My vision changed, and I was now looking at a wireframe of the kitchen, and three options appeared.

{1}[1.Basic Seafood Menu: 5 Entrees]

{1}[2.Basic Sandwich Menu: 4 Entrees]

{1}[3.Basic Cooking: 7 Entrees +Stove]

"Each of the selections lists the number of items on each menu. The first two will create the food instantly without preparation, but the last one is different. It has the most listings on the menu, and it comes with a stove, but you are only given the ingredients and the instructions on how to prepare it. This requires some level of cooking in order to make the food taste good, but it also gives you more options to save certain things from recipes to use in others," Cryo explained, and I nodded.

"Interesting, but I don't think that this is something for me to decide since Joy is going to be using it the most. If she doesn't like cooking, then it wouldn't be good to go with the last choice. I mean, I know how to, but I can't always prepare the meals," I explained, and Cryo nodded, but then I frowned, thinking about what had happened before. "Why did you disappear when the girls came over?"

"I was told not to show my form to Lusamine until you have Bonded with her up to at least level three. As it stands, as you have seen, she is a loose cannon when it comes to emotions, and I believe that she is more than capable of doing things without thinking them through. I will be here when the time comes, but until then, I need to remain hidden," Cryo explained, and I nodded before sighing.

"I guess that makes some kind of sense. I just hope that we can get to that level soon," I said, and then thought about the menus in front of me, but then I heard the front door of the Poke-Center open, and the girls came in. "Hey! I'm in the kitchen!"

"Oh, there you are. We were just talking about food and what you could do with the Habitat Points. What have you decided so far?" Joy asked as she and Lusamine came over to see what I was looking at.

"Can you both see the selections?" I asked, and both women nodded. "Good. The first two choices will happen instantly, but we will be stuck with the selection. I am sure we can just upgrade it again to get more, but the last one allows us to have more selection and the ingredients, but we have to make the food ourselves. Since Joy is here most, but you will be as well, Lusamine, the two of you should decide."

Joy and Lusamine looked the menus over before they both nodded.

"I think that the last one is the best option. It will give us more options, and it's something that Joy can still do while I'm here. Plus, it just sounds like a lot of fun," Lusamine said, and I nodded in agreement before selecting the last option.

[49/50 Sexy Nurse Joy HP remaining.]

As I did, the kitchen flashed, and now there was a silver gas burner stove. Nothing else had changed visibly, but when Joy opened the cupboards, there were plain white pots and plates.

"Oh, this is nice! Now we have something to eat with!" Joy giggled as she closed the cupboard door.

[Open the fridge to see the 7 items on the menu.]

I walked over and did as Cryo had told me, opening the fridge door, and a holographic menu with seven meals on it appeared.

[1. Grilled Veluza]

[2. Magikarp Rice Ball]

[3. Chansey Egg Omelette]

[4. Farfetch'd Curry]

[5. Asparagus and Mushroom Risotto]

[6. Steamed Vegetables]

[7. Chocolate Cake]

"Well, that looks good! I think I can make all of these!" Joy said with a smile, and Lusamine looked over the menu before nodding in agreement.

"I think that this is perfect! We have plenty of options now," Lusamine said, and I grinned.

"I'm glad you both agree. Now we just have to see what else we can do with the Habitat Points," I said, and then looked back at the Poke-Center. "What do you think we should do next?"

"What about my bed? Not that it is bad, but it is stiff," Joy asked, and Lusamine groaned.

"I want a new bed!" She complained, and Joy giggled.

"You can share mine for now until you can earn some HP with Landon," Joy suggested, and Lusamine blushed.

"B-But Landon already did stuff with you in that b-bed! I don't want to sleep in your love juices or whatever! I'm not that desperate yet!" She said, and Joy laughed.

"It's not like that! I already cleaned it, so you can sleep in it without worrying about it!" Joy said, and Lusamine sighed in relief before nodding. "We are also getting a new bed, so it will be brand new.

"Fine, I guess that is okay, but then you have to wait to do it in the bed till... you know..." Lusamine said as her face became a brighter red, but then she glared at me, and I flinched back. This woman had the ability to be beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

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