Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 55: Joy Vs Lusamine


[Lusamine and Joy]

"Why did that coward run away?!" Lusamine demanded, and Joy stopped laughing once Landon was back inside.

"Because you terrify him, and you treat him like a monster. You act like life is so rough, but you don't realize that you did the exact same thing as what Landon has done to me, do you?" Joy asked in a sharp voice, no longer the friendly face that she gave Landon.

"What are you talking about?!" Lusamine demanded, and Joy resisted her urge to slap the younger girl.

"You kept me trapped to look after Landon for 5 years! You picked all my meals and forced me to live with no one but a boy in a coma!" Joy snapped, and Lusamine turned her nose up.

"I wasn't the one that did that! I was the one that was taking care of him! It was that stupid nurse's fault that you were even hired, so don't blame that on me! I should have been taking care of him, not you!" Lusamine growled.

"Then stop acting like you hate him. You can play innocent all you one, president, but you were the one in charge of Aether Paradise. You knew that I was being held, and you did nothing about it!" Joy growled back, and sparks flew between the two women.

Lusamine opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. She closed it, looked away, and then sighed.

"I guess... I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like that. It's just Landon is the only person that I can really talk to, and I don't want to lose him. Everyone else always wanted something, but he was always asleep, and I could just talk to him. I know it's stupid, and I don't want him to know about that because it's creepy," Lusamine said, and Joy softened as she looked at the other girl.

"It's not stupid. It's lonely, and you need to be able to talk to someone. Landon will understand, and he won't judge you. I am sure that he can be a good friend and much more for you," Joy said, and Lusamine nodded before sighing. Joy already knew from Cryo about Lusamine's connection to Landon and that he knew, but she would keep that to herself.

"Yes, I guess he can. I just don't want him to think that I am easy. No offense, but from what I understand, you must have had sex with him before you two came to see Mohn and me. I don't want him to think I will just fold like some cheap chair. I have more self-respect than that," Lusamine said, and Joy nodded.

"I guess that I did let myself go fairly easily, but I don't think it would have been any different if you had been the one taking care of him. You would have learned everything from Cryo, and you would know that making a lasting connection with Landon was important. I didn't know how much time I would have to make the connections, so I went the entire way right from the start. It was amazing, and that was also our first Quest. If you want to get Habitat Points, you are going to have to get more comfortable with him. the Quest was to satisfy me, but I don't think that it just meant having sex. I am sure that Landon will be kind and gentle with you, but you have to talk to him," Joy explained, and Lusamine nodded slowly before looking away.

"Yes, I know. I just need to practice my small talk, and then maybe he will think of me as more than just an assistant. I am more than that," Lusamine said, and Joy smiled before patting her shoulder. "I am not ready for what you did, but I don't know what would satisfy me."

"You are definitely more than that, and leave that part to Landon; he is very resourceful. Let's go inside and see if Landon has figured out how to work his system. I think it would be good for you to get used to him in this kind of environment," Joy said, and Lusamine nodded before standing up.

The two women walked back towards the Poke-Center, and Joy smiled. She was glad that she was able to have this moment with Lusamine and that the girl was finally starting to understand what Landon had been through. She could only hope that Lusamine would be able to open up more to Landon and he would be able to help her.


I rushed into the Poke-Center and closed the door. I leaned back against it and then slid down to sit on the floor, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Man, my life is complicated," I groaned and put my forehead down on my knees.

"Lusamine will come around at some point, but you need to get a positive Bond Level to receive the Quest for her. All things that will come with time. Now, to start editing with Habitat Points, you just have to touch something and think that you want to edit it. Once you do that, anything in the Paradise Ball will become a transparent wireframe when you touch it, and it will give you options for upgrades or replacements if you have earned them. The replacements are earned from Quest that you will gain from Triggered Events," Cryo explained, and I looked up at the blue-winged Pokémon.

"Triggered Events? So you mean that depending on what we do together will  initiate certain quests?" I asked, and Cryo nodded.

"Yes, these events will usually be important moments or places that you come across. Once these are triggered, they will give us a quest, and it can be anything from catching a specific Pokémon to helping someone else out. We just have to pay attention to the world around us and what is happening," Cryo explained, and I nodded before standing up.

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