Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 57: HP Upgrades! Finny!

"Don't worry, we will do it in other places until then. There is no need to rush," I said, and Lusamine nodded before looking back at the kitchen.

"So, what else do we need to do?" She asked, and I grinned as I looked around the Poke-Center.

"Well, the bed is a start, but we should also get some decorations and maybe new furniture. I know that you guys are just starting to get used to the world, so it would be nice to make it homier," I said, and Joy and Lusamine nodded before looking around the room.

[35/50 Sexy Nurse Joy HP remaining.]

We spent the next hour going around the Poke-Center, looking for things that we could buy with the Habitat Points. In the end, we were able to get 4 nice new improvements to help both girls.

The food took the first point, but the cost grew one point per use. Next was the bed, but that took five points to upgrade twice so it would be not only bigger but comfier for both women. The last two things were decorations, a nice rug for the center of the room and a beautiful painting to hang on the wall.

We all agreed that the Poke-Center now had a much warmer and more inviting feel, and Joy and Lusamine were both happy with the changes.

"Thank you, Landon. This is really nice," Lusamine said, and I smiled before nodding.

"I'm glad that you both like it. Now, why don't you two get ready for bed, and I'll take a look around the other Paradise Balls. We have another big day ahead of us tomorrow," I said, and the two women nodded before Lusamine walked over to the bed, and Joy came over to kiss me before taking a shower.

"Have a good night, Lusamine. Maybe tomorrow we can do something in the evening alone if you want. We could have a picnic if you want, and I could make some sandwiches? I am not really sure what you like to do, but you can take your time and think about it and tell me tomorrow. That is, if you want to," I suggested, and Lusamine looked away from me.

"I'll think about it," she said, and I nodded, closing my eyes, then opening them in a place much like Feebas's pond, but there was a pair of pink fins and eyes popping out of the water. "Hello there. Sorry for leaving you in here for so long without coming to visit you."

"Hello. Nurse Joy came to see me already and said I could come and see her if I wanted to, but this place is pretty comfortable. There is also nothing in here trying to eat me, so that is a win, but why do I look so much different now?" Finny asked.

"Well, I have the ability to give you a more human body, but that is hard to explain. I can help you get stronger like a normal trainer, but you don't have to fight if you don't want to. I am going to try to make lots of fun things for everyone to do here in Prisma," I explained, and Finny came closer to the shore, rising up from the water, so her small breast just poked out.

The black covered the top half of her head with two pink fins sticking up like ears and two more black ones in the back like pigtails. The rest of her body was blue with more black and pink accents, but my eyes kept getting drawn back to her breasts.

"Umm, what do you want to do?" Finny asked, and I looked away when she looked down at her breast where I had been staring. "Do you want to play with these? I tried, and they make me feel really good, but I have food too!"

Seeing her now like this stirred something inside of me, but I pushed that aside and started to get undressed. I had been swimming earlier, but the water looked nice, and it would be a good way for me to bond with her.

"How about I come to swim with you for a bit?" I suggested, and Finny beamed, then dove back into the water. I took a deep breath, then followed her in, and the second I hit the water, I felt the same calming feeling that I did when Joy and Lusamine were around.

I swam around with Finny, feeling a bit like a human again, and it felt good.

"What is it like to be a human? Is there anything that I should know? You are still my master, right?" Finny asked as she swam up to me, and I nodded.

"I mean, you can act how you want to, but when you are outside, you will have to wear clothing like me. While you are in here, you can stay naked like this," I said, and Finny came closer.

"Do you like the way I look like this, master?" Finny asked eagerly as she pressed her breasts into my chest, and I was pushed back into the shore edge.

"Umm, yeah. I think that you look really pretty," I said, and then Finny rested her head on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arms around her cold, smooth body.

"Thank you, master. Can we stay like this for a bit? I like the feel of your warmness on my body," Finny asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, we can stay like this for a while. Just relax," I said, and then we just stayed there in the water, embracing each other while the sun slowly set on the horizon.

As it did, Finny's leg fins, for lack of a better word, which were round with pink round centers, started to light up. I looked at them in wonder, and then Finny smiled.

"That is my light. When I am happy, and in the dark, my fin lights up. It is a sign that I am content," Finny said softly, and then she kissed my cheek before hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, feeling strangely at peace.

When the sun had fully set, we got out of the water and dried off before putting my clothes back on.

"Thank you for today, master. I had a lot of fun," Finny said as I was getting dressed, and I smiled.

"Anytime, Finny. I'm glad you had fun. I'll see you tomorrow," I said, and then I closed my eyes and then opened them in the space-like environment that Lumi, my Cosmog, lives in.

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