Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 31: New Home!

"It seems that you are still in the early stages of development with whatever it is that you have at your disposal, but I am still worried about catching humans. I can't very well have you going around and just capturing humans, even though that is what we do to Pokémon. It almost feels like you have been sent as divine retribution by Arceus herself, but you don't seem like you are the type to do something like that," Geeta said, looking directly into my eyes.

"I will not be capturing a human unless they ask me to, but I will keep that I can do it private. After the girls' reactions, I am pretty sure there would be much worse ones if this got out. I really just want to start catching and training Pokémon," I explained, and Geeta nodded, but Nemona put up her hand.

"Tallia and I can watch over Landon. Both of us are two of the strongest trainers on the island, so I think that we can handle this. I was getting bored with work down at Area Zero, and Landon might actually be able to help us with the thing that we are studying down there!" Nemona exclaimed, and Geeta nodded.

"That sounds like a good idea, but Landon should also be taking part in classes. I am sure there is somethings that he can brush up on, but I think that we are going to put you into the smaller classes for the delinquents. This is not to punish you, and there are some classes that you will have to join with the others, but we don't want to start too much of a stir in the classes. You Pokémon and humans also need to have better coverage of the bodies while on school grounds as well," Geeta explained, and I nodded.

"Understood," I said, and Geeta nodded before standing up.

"Well then, it looks like you are all set! Please do not abuse your powers or the trust that we have given you. We will be watching closely," Geeta said sternly before she walked out of the room with Clive following behind her, but then the new Director turned back and tossed me a keycard. "This is for your room in the dorms. I am sure that the girls can show you to your new room."

Nemona and Tallia both looked at me with wide eyes as I caught the card out of the air. Nurse Joy laughed lightly, and Lumi gave a happy little cry from my arms where she was cuddling into me.

"Looks like we got ourselves an adventure!" Nemona exclaimed excitedly as she clapped her hands together in joy while Tallia just shook her head in disbelief at the whole situation.

"Well, I guess we better get going then," I said with a small smile as I looked around the room before turning to leave. This was definitely an adventure that was about to start!

"First! Let's go show you your new dorm room! I was going to let you stay in my sister's room, but it would be better for you to have your own place!" Nemona said with excitement as she grabbed my hand and started to drag me out of the room, with Tallia following close behind.

"Wait! What about my Pokémon?" I asked as I looked around for them, but Nurse Joy just smiled and waved her hand.

"Don't worry about us! We will be fine. Just make sure you have a good time!" Joy said before she disappeared in a flash of light back into my Pokeball.

I nodded at that and let Nemona take me away to start this new adventure! Both girls took turns pulling me down the halls of the school, and I saw classrooms, labs, and other places that I was sure were important.

Finally, we reached the dorms of the school, where Nemona took me to a room near the end of one hall. She led us to a door that somehow already had my name on it. Nemona pointed to the scanner where I placed my card. The door beeped and then popped open.

"Here you go! This is your new home away from home!" Nemona said with excitement as she looked around at all the furniture in my room before turning back to me with a smile on her face. "Well? What do you think?"

I couldn't help but smile back as I stepped into my new room. The main part was orange tile, but there was a kitchen! There was also a bathroom to my left, and when I got inside there was not only a bed, but a desk with a computer on it, and a phone!

"This is amazing! I can't believe that this is all mine!" I said, and Nemona laughed.

"Welcome to Uva Academy! Now let's go get you some food! I don't know how much training you are going to get done today, but I think you should just relax for a bit unless you want to battle?" She asked with a smile as she grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the room.

I looked around one last time before closing the door behind me and slowly following after Nemona.

"You are hardly giving him any room to breathe, Nemona!" Tallia complained, but Nemona turned back to her with a smug smile.

"Oh? Did you want to hold his hand instead?" Nemona teased, and Tallia's face turned red.

"N-No! That isn't what I meant, Nemona!" Tallia stuttered, and I grinned, grabbing her hand.

"Come on! Let's go get some food, and you girls can tell me the best place for me to start first!" I said, and Tallia nodded shyly.

"You know? You should come to Tallia's birthday next week! She is going to be eighteen! Maybe you could give her a Poké-gift if you know what I mean?" Nemona laughed as she dragged us back out of the school, and Tallia yelled at her.

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