Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 30: Capture Advantages

The walk through the city was nice, but everyone was looking at us, well, not at me, really. They were all staring at the two girls or waving to say hello. The two must be pretty popular, but Nemona had said they were both champions.

That was fine because I was more than distracted by all the sights around the city. I had been raised on the small island of Melemele, and I had never seen so many stores and tall buildings in one place! I was really out of my element, but this was really the coolest thing that I had ever seen!

"Is this your first time being in a big city?" Tallia asked as she fell back from Nemona, who was smiling and waving at everyone.

"Yeah. The place has a lot to take in. Where I was from was a very small island, and there wasn't a whole lot, but we went between the other islands," I explained, and Tallia smiled up at me.

"That sounds like it might be fun in its own way," Tallia said as we started to make our way up a massive stone stairway.

"It is nothing compared to this! Just the walk up these incredibly long stairs lets me see so much of the city and even land around it!" I laughed, and we kept going up the stairs that felt almost unending.

Finally, when we reached the top, I stopped and looked in awe at the massive building that was before me.

On one corner, above the main building, there was a small building that looked to have a tree growing out of the top. On the other side, there was a large dome on a platform above the right building. In the very center, above the main entrance, there were three spires around a gigantic Pokeball.

"Welcome to Uva Academy! Come on! Let's get going inside!" Nemona laughed, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the front door of the massive building, with Tallia following behind.

Once inside, I was amazed again as I looked around at all the books that were stacked four stories tall over three levels! I didn't really get much of a chance to look things over too much since Nemona seemed bent on dragging Tallia and me at light speed up the stairs!

Finally, we reached a large door that Nemona promptly knocked on as Tallia, and I panted. It seemed like I was going to have to get in better shape if I hoped to keep up with Nemona!

[If you start working out, I can help you tone your body and reach your goals! Increasing your body tone and fitness will increase your overall attractiveness, which will help with your quests and attracting new female humans. Later, when you are alone, I will explain the PP System some more so you will understand the purpose of catching humans.]

I was still leery about catching humans, and rightfully so after the girl's reaction to it, but if they wanted to join of their own free will, that was different. It would also make it a lot easier if I understood what the whole point of catching humans was. I would have to put that aside for now, even though the answer would probably come in handy right now.

The door opened, and a woman in a black suit with large wavy blue hair that had bits of yellow in it answered it. She also had a moderately attractive face with sharp features and what seemed to be a toned body under her suit. There was also a white-haired man in a dark blue suit and white glasses that was sitting on a round machine with Pokeballs set into the flat surface of it.

"Welcome, everyone! I am Geeta, the new Director of Uva Academy. Please come in!" She said kindly and stepped aside to let us in.

Once we were inside, I looked around at all the computers and equipment that was around the room, with what seemed to be the Director's large desk at the back.

"You must be the new student, correct? I am Director Clavell." The man said as he stood up from his seat and walked towards us.

"Yes, sir," I said, bowing my head slightly in respect. He looked at me for a moment before turning to Nemona and Tallia.

"You two are already champions, so you know your way around here already. Is there anything else that you need help with?" He asked, but they both shook their heads no before he turned back to me again. "Now then! After talking things through with Geeta, I think that you would make a fine new student at our academy, even if you are a bit older, but there is one other thing. Actually, a couple!"

"What Clive is trying to say is that we would like to see your Pokémon. I have been talking with Nemona over text, and some of the things that she has explained to me are very interesting, but others are alarming," Geeta said, and I nodded.

"I agree with you," I said, and then explained my story up to the beach. "So, I am pretty smart, but I really don't have that many memories or life experiences. I woke up, and have been guided by Cryo ever since then."

"Do you think that this Cryo might just be a figment of your imagination?" Clive asked, but I shook my head, and then everyone stepped back as Nurse Joy appeared with Lumi.

"I can also hear Cryo's voice, and I can see the menus that Landon can. My name is Nurse Joy, and I chose to become caught by Landon so that I can help him," Joy explained, and Geeta and Clavell nodded, but then Geeta spoke up.

"What advantages do you have while being... captured?" Geeta asked, and Nurse Joy shrugged.

"For now, they are just the perfect living environment, but given time and enough Ultra Points that he earns from completing Quests, I am sure that there will be many more amazing things that we can do. Not only that, but all the balls are linked, so Lumi here, who is a Paradise Cosmog, can come and see me anytime that she wants. We were both sitting together watching to see if Landon would need us," Joy explained, and Geeta nodded thoughtfully.

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