Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 32: Spend The Night

Once back outside the school, the sun was just starting to set, and from the entrance of the school, it looked beautiful. The sun seemed to burn the sky as it dropped into the ocean off in the far distance. It was more than amazing to be able to see so far, but this school was really high up.

We headed back down into the city, and Nemona took us to a little place called the Seabreeze Cafe. The place was nice, and it had lots of beach-themed decorations, but the food was really good. We talked and laughed as we ate, and I got to know them a bit better.

After that, Nemona suggested that we go for a walk on the beach so I could see some of the other parts of Paldea . It was nice to be able to stretch my legs after being cooped up in a coma for so long!

After another crazy cab ride, we arrived back near Nemona's house again. After that, we walked for hours along the shoreline until it started getting dark out, but even then, it still seemed like there was so much more that I wanted to explore!

"I know that you want to get out there, but I think that you should take some time and go to some classes for tomorrow. I am going to have to go down and talk to my boss, Arven, tomorrow, and Tallia has to go deal with a challenger. If you don't mind waiting one day, it would mean a lot. We just want to come out with you a few times to see how you work, and that will help make Geeta feel better about all of this. I am pretty sure she is still on the fence, even with Nurse Joy explaining things," Nemona explained as we walked back to her house. Tallia had already gone home since she lived up the road, and now it was just the two of us.

"I guess that I have to call an Aircab. I didn't get a chance to grab my phone from off the desk, so do you think that you could call me one?" I asked as we walked, but Nemona turned to me, pulling on the hair of her ponytail.

"Do you only like girls that you catch?" Nemona asked, making me stop as we stood outside her house. The lights coming from it made Nemona look really pretty, but I wasn't sure where this question was coming from.

[Nemona's pheromone levels are increased, but not enough to suggest mating. She is a strong trainer, and she would make a valuable partner going forward. I suggest that you get to know this human better because she may be able to get you access to information that I do not have about Ultra-Space and the Ultra-Wormholes.]

If this was the case, then I should really think about what I was going to say. I knew that I was going to love many women with this system because it almost didn’t give me a choice. I needed to explain myself without coming off as someone that just wanted to sleep with random girls.

"I realized very quickly that I was not going to be just loving one person when Cryo explained things to me, so no, I loved Joy before I caught her. I wish that we could have made that bond stronger before that happened because the Paradise Balls, like normal Pokeballs, have a calming and somewhat charming ability. I don't want to force anyone to do this, considering that I did have to force someone already. I still don't know what I am going to do about Lusamine, but the answer to your question is... I think this light makes you look really pretty," I said, and then sighed, making Nemona blush slightly, but then burst out laughing as she grabbed my hand.

"Then, if you don't mind, I would like to get to know you a little better over some hot chocolate?" Nemona asked with a cute smile, and I nodded my head. "Good, we can share a cab with Tallia in the morning!"

[Interesting way of putting things, but it was a nice line at the end. You seem to have your own bit of flare with the females of your kind. This is something that will be helpful in the future and another number in my calculations.]

I was just trying to be honest, considering how scary this system was in some aspects, but I hadn't been completely honest. There was still one thing that I hadn't mentioned.

"Can you make us two hot chocolates?" Nemona asked when we got inside, and one of the people nodded.

"Yes, Madam Nemona. Would you like that brought up to your room?" The man asked in a stoic voice, and Nemona nodded.

"Thank you, Jeffery!" Nemona said, and then pulled me up to the second level where her large room was, closing the door behind us.

"So, you said that you liked me?" Nemona asked as she walked over to her bed and plopped down. I followed her but kept my distance as I sat in a chair across from the bed.

"Yes," I said simply before looking away with a slight blush on my face. It was true; there was something about Nemona that made me feel like she could understand what kind of person I wanted to be.

Nemona smiled at this before nodding her head and then leaning back onto the pillows behind her headboard with a sigh of contentment. "Good! You can come to sit on the bed if you want; I am not going to bite you hard!" She said, and I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"I am good here," I said, and Nemona just smiled before looking around the room.

"So, what do you think of Paldea? Do you like it?" She asked as she looked out the window towards the city lights off in the distance casting up in the sky.

"It is amazing! The city is so big, and there are so many things to see! It's like a whole new world for me!" I exclaimed with excitement as I thought about all the places that we had gone to today.

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