Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

233. Punishment for the bunny!

How do you like em lemons :v

“Actually, I could leave that for when the war is about to start, maybe a month or two before. I doubt I would enjoy the teacher position for any longer than that.” Tomoka commented out loud as the trio began leisurely walking back to Konoha. 


“I doubt you would like the position at all, unless you don’t do a good job that is.” Hinata couldn’t help accompany her comment with a small huff at the end. Tomoka may be many things but being patient isn’t one of them. 


“What do you mean!? I am a great teacher. After all, it was thanks to my guidance that you two are so strong now!” One could almost see Tomoka’s pride shining through her skin. 


“Yeah, and you almost killed us in the process, I can’t count the amount of times I thought I was going to die during your “Training” sessions.” This time, it was Nozomi’s turn to rebuke Tomoka. She very much doubted normal children could go through Tomoka’s “Training” though that left a few things unsaid about herself and Hinata. 


“Bah, you exaggerate!” Having none of it, Hinata was the next one to rebuke the slightly insane girl. 


“I literally had a cardiac arrest!” Smiling wryly, Tomoka tried to defend herself.


“I revived you didn’t I?” By this point Nozomi had a tick mark hearing this. Hinata wasn’t the only one to have her heart stop from exhaustion. She too was forced to spar till her body just gave up. 


“You did, then you forced her to continue sparing for the next twelve hours! She suffered another three in that time! She wasn’t the only one either! I was the same! At some point we started a tally to see which held the record for cardiac arrest in a day, week, and month!” Nozomi was fuming, remembering it gave her a sort of PTSD. 


“Wait really?” Tomoka had kind of forced herself to forget the events since it hurt her to see her girls hurting, so she just forgor. 


“Yeah! At some point we figured out how to use chakra to restart our hearts ourselves!” Hinata shouted just as angry as Nozomi. Sure, it was a neat trick to know. That and the fact she could act dead rather convincingly by slowing or outright stopping her heart whenever she wanted. 


“Uh, okay so, maybe I might have gone a tiny winy bit overboard.” By this point Tomoka was sweating as the locked memories came back. It had been worth it in the end, the girls were scary strong. 


““YOU THINK?”” Both girls shouted at the same time while their respective dojutsu were fully activated, staring Tomoka down. Knowing that this could go bad really quickly, Tomoka engaged her special technique. 


“Alright! How about I make it up for you two. Each of you get twenty-four hours where you can ask anything of me. Apart from that you two get an entire week in which you get to choose my wardrobe.” Tomoka had only ever given a similar compromise slash reward to the girls. She both regretted and enjoyed it immensely. 


As soon as she finished talking both girls looked towards each other before devious grains appeared on their faces. Before Tomoka knew it they had played a quick game of rock paper scissors with the winner being Nozomi. The next moment, out of thin air Nozomi pulled out a bunny girl outfit, one made of extra stretch and extra tight latex. 


“Uh…” Seeing the extremely indecent attire Tomoka just sighs before putting it on. Making a quick ice mirror to check how bad it was. It was bad, very bad. The thing was thin enough that the black latex barely hid anything. It hugged her figure extremely tightly making each of Tomoka’s curves extra obvious. 


The worst offender of the entire thing was the little bunny tail. Said tail didn’t come attached to the suit, a suit mind you that had a suspicious hole in the back right where her asshole would be. It didn’t help that said bunny tail had a buttplug attached to it, a rather large one at that. At least it didn’t look weird as the plug was designed to have the little tail sit atop her asscheeks instead of in the middle of her asscrack.


Fishnet stockings hugged her legs all the way up Tomoka’s thighs. Seven inch high heels on her feet made her extremely thankful for being a ninja with balance training. Finally last, but not least, a pair of bunny ears atop her head, the right one flopping down in front of her while the left stood tall and proud. 


Out of the top of the frankly diminutive piece of clothing, Tomoka’s shoulders, side boob, inner side boob and top boob were all visible. The piece of fabric held tightly to Tomoka’s nipple by her chakra alone. On her neck, the white and black choker made it look like the neck of a shirt and a black bow tie. 


On her wrists, wrist white wristbands tied with little golden bunny cufflinks. Finally, the last thing to attract Tomoka’s attention was the detailed motif on the front of the black suit. Right on her crotch a lewd crest was drawn in red with extreme detail. It only helped to accentuate the rather prominent camel toe Tomoka was displaying at the moment. 


“Damn, now I am tempted to just pull you out of those clothes and have my way with you.” Hinata said while eyeing Tomoka with hunger in her eyes. Not like Tomoka could blame her, she felt very much turned on right now. Not only that but the thought of walking around dressed like this made the heat in her loins only grow. 


“Nozomi, I think I just awoke to something, take responsibility.” As Tomoka turned around with a prominent blush on her cheeks she saw Nozomi with a shit eating grin and a leash on her hands. Before Tomoka could ask what was up with that Nozomi hooked the leash to a hidden ring under the bowtie on her choker.   


“From now on call me mistress, pet.” Hearing Nozomi’s commanding tone sent a pleasant shiver down Tomoka’s spine. Normally, she would be the dominant one, but whenever her girls decided to take the role from her she couldn’t help but enjoy every bit of it. 


“Yes, mistress.” As soon as she finished Tomoka felt Nozomi tugging on the leash. Without any resistance Tomoka allowed herself to be pulled into the Uchiha, only to have her lips sealed by the girl in a sensual kiss. To make matters worse, or better? Nozomi pushed her knee onto Tomoka’s pussy making the girl squirm with thinly veiled need. 


“Good girl.” Yeah, by that point Tomoka was a goner. She would very much enjoy this. Lost in lala land it took her a while to notice the smell of blood in the air. When she did she turned around with curiosity in her eyes only to see Hinata with a profusely bleeding nose while giving Nozomi a thumbs up. 


“Ahem, so we should-” Before Tomoka could finish talking she felt her neck being pulled by the leash. Roughly enough to shut her up and make her step forward, without being uncomfortable. 


“Who told you, you could speak, pet.” The fake anger in Nozomi’s voice coupled with the feeling of the plug moving inside her butt from the step she was forced to take made Tomoka shiver once again. From the sadistic glee in Nozomi’s eyes Tomoka knew she wouldn’t be getting any release any time soon, no matter how hot and bothered she got. 


“How about we take this cutie for a while around the village?” Before Tomoka could get her thoughts back on track she heard Hinata making a rather devious proposal. One that made Tomoka’s core heat up even more. Yeah, it was official, Tomoka realizes she might be a bit of an exhibitionist. 


“Great idea, let's go.” With another tug to the leash Nozomi began walking back to the village with a very embarrassed and horny Tomoka following behind with a somewhat awkward stride, courtesy of the plug. 


It didn’t take long for the trio to reach the village where the true fun began. In the back of her mind, Tomoka knew that the girls were doing something to alter the people’s perception. After all, Tomoka wasn’t in henge right now so her red-cyan locks were in full display alongside her pink eyes. These features should have sent ninjas into a frenzy yet it didn’t happen. 


Instead, people were looking towards them with disinterest. Though from time to time, a passerby would either gasp, frown, or look at her in disdain, sending pleasant shivers down Tomoka’s spine. By the hour mark Tomoka could feel her wetness crawling down her thighs as the latex fabric refused to absorb any of it. 


By the two hour mark Tomoka had gotten used to the plug invading her butt. Even more, she had started exaggerating her stride in an attempt to have said plug stimulate her just that bit more she needed to reach release. 


When the three hour mark hit Tomoka was desperate. No matter how she moved the plug wouldn’t give her that last push she needed to reach release. By this point she was considering just assaulting her girls for that sweet, sweet release. Of course, those considerations flew out the window moments after, but it still happened. 


It was when the little walk reached the four hour mark that Tomoka revealed why she couldn’t reach release despite sneakily playing with her clit by having her hands in front of her in a kind of formal way. No matter how hard she tried she simply couldn’t go over the edge, it simply wasn’t natural. It was then when she realized the little lewd crest was more than just an aesthetic choice. 


She cursed herself for not realizing it had a hidden sealing formula. One that blocked any and all orgasm related signals from reaching her brain. Worse, the signals weren’t just blocked but stored. What this meant was that when Nozomi decided to release her all the blocked orgasms would crash on her like a tsunami. 


“Heh, looks like she finally realized.” Tomoka stopped like a deer in headlights as she looked towards her girls. Both sporting sadistic grins. Tomoka didn’t know whether to be expectant or dread what was to come.


“W-we can’t talk about this.” Worse, Tomoka realized they somehow ended up on top of the Hokage’s tower. Fortunately it was deserted except for them. Unfortunately it was also a place anybody looking up could see. 


“Nope.” With that Nozomi sealed Tomoka’s fate as she snapped her fingers. Instantly Tomoka felt over a hundred orgasms crash into her mind. The stimulation was so strong she instantly lost control over her body as she collapsed to the floor. Her mouth opened wide in a silent shout of ecstasy. It didn’t take long for it to be too much for her, forcing her heart to stop only to restart moments later. 


This process repeated itself for the better part of half an hour. Until finally Tomoka’s convulsing muscles relaxed as she simply basked in the afterglow while talking at the lazily moving clouds up above. 


“I thought I was going to die.” She knew she wouldn’t, her body and mind were simply too tough for something like this to kill her. Even so, at the moment she truly did think she would. 


“Heh, and you will have to continue wearing that for the rest of today.” Nozomi’s smile which would normally warm Tomoka’s heart scared her and aroused her. She was simply scaroused right now. Especially when she looked up towards the sky noticing how there were at least two more hours of sunlight left. 


“Swear, I will get you back for this.” Tomoka weakly threatened as she stood up on wobbly legs. 


“Heh, don’t threaten me with a good time.” Yeah, Tomoka was going to get her back for this. Her revenge would be sweet! After all, vengeance is better served cold! She would have her veng-


Tomoka’s thoughts were interrupted by the pleasant feeling of her nethers being massaged gently by delicate hands. Focusing on the here and now Tomoka realized Nozomi was the culprit. Her complaint died in her throat replaced by a moan as the girl used her other hand to massage her needy breasts. 


“I… Will… have… my… revenge!” Tomoka managed to squeak out between pants and moans. Her answer, a cheeky smile by the offending girl.


“Mayhaps, but not today.” Having said her part Nozomi let go of Tomoka’s nethers to have her hand instead knead the girls behind while giving the tail plug playful tugs from time to time. Her right knee taking the job abandoned by her hand. 


To the side Hinata with a new nose bleed began writing and sketching on a small booklet she carried around. She had taken to writing as a hobby when Tomoka went into coma. It just so happens that she got good enough to not only publish her work but even give Icha icha a run for its money. 


Meanwhile a floor below the trio, inside the hokage’s office. Jiraya’s ero senses were tingling. His new favorite author must be writing a masterpiece! He did wonder who this Lady Atannih was. After all, he as a fellow ero writer would love to collab with such a cultured individual. 

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