Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

232. Pets? Pets!

“Hey, I’ve been thinking… should we get some pets?” Tomoka, currently in disguise, asked her equally disguised girlfriends. To tell the truth, she was just kinda bored waiting for everything to blow over. In reality, she didn’t need the fourth ninja war at all but it was something interesting enough to let happen. 


“What kind of pets, because knowing you, you aren’t talking about a cat or a dog.” Hinata asked very well expecting Tomoka to say something ridiculous like a dragon or somesuch. 


“No idea, I could just start pulling stuff out of the omniverse and see what we get?” Sighing, Nozomi just shrugged her shoulders. She knew very well the girl would probably end up pulling out ridiculous stuff. 


“Sure.” Hearing Nozomi’s answer, Tomoka smiled before dashing out of Konoha with her girls. Chances were, whatever she pulled out would be something that could send Konoha into a panic. 


“Aight then, let's begin our gacha pull for pets!” Without preamble Tomoka slashed her hand through the air. Where Tomoka’s hand passed, space fractured like glass leaving behind an empty void. 


Shoving her arm into the void Tomoka began moving it around trying to grasp something. She was currently using her concept to reach into the multiverse while letting her true self pick and choose without telling her.


It took a few moments before Tomoka pulled her hand back with a white cute white creature. The thing had four stubby pawed legs, a round body and black beady eyes. Seeing the extra cute creature both Nozomi and Hinata cooed. 


“Moopsy” The little thing cutely said while wiggling in Tomoka’s grasp making the other two coo even harder. Tomoka for her part was having none of it. 


“Fuck that. YEET!” And so she threw the moopsy back into the rift to the bewilderment of her girls. 


“Tomoka? Why did you do that?” Hinata was a bit disappointed, the thing was just too cute. Not to mention it looked extra cuddly. 


“That thing is a bone vampire. It bites you, liquifies your bones and then slurps em up like a slushy so fuck that.” Hearing Tomoka’s explanation both girls paled a little. 


“Alright, next try.” Once again Tomoka shoved her hand into the rift. It took a while before she once again pulled her hound out with a basketball sized black and purple egg.


“Oh wow, neat. This girls, is a shrowd’s egg from the dauntless universe. The shroud is an avian type behemoth of the umbral element. It looks like a somewhat humanoid crow once grown. I think Nozomi should keep this one” Passing the egg to the Uchiha girl, Tomoka smiled. 


“So… Do I need to do something specific to take care of it?” Nozomi would be lying if she said she wasn’t interested. Especially so when Tomoka used a small genjutsu to show them how the shrowd would look once grown.  


“Well, one moment please.” Tomoka had no idea what they needed to do to take care of the thing so she did the most sensible thing and asked her true self.


“Okay, so for now that it's an egg you need to push small amounts of chakra into it, preferably yin type chakra. Aside from that, let at least one drop of your blood fall on its surface on a daily basis until it hatches.” Quickly memorizing the instructions Nozomi did as instructed. 


“Now! Next pull!” Hearing Tomoka’s enthusiasm, Hinata too became enthusiastic. Who knows what she could pull next? 


Just like before Tomoka shoved her arm into the rift before moving it around. A while later she pulled it back to reveal what looked like a dog… kinda. It had white plating with red marks on it while having an aura of evil.


“Well, aren’t you a cute one?...” Tomoka looked the dog-thing up and down before noticing it had a dog collar. Looking closer she saw the little bone shaped tag on it with a name that she read out loud.


“Zwei? Isn’t that Ruby’s dog? Now that I look at you, you kinda look like a grimm… Did I pull you from a grimm verse of RWBY?... Well, back to your owner you go.” With a shrug Tomoka pushed Zwei back to its home world. Not knowing this little event might have interesting consequences later on.


Trying once again, Tomoka focused on pulling a pet for Hinata. A moment later Tomoka pulled her hand back once again, this time with an egg once more. The egg white surface seemed to have a faint white glow in stark contrast with the shroud's that seemed to absorb all light nearby. The egg’s white glowy surface held blue markings that seemed to crackle with electricity while the egg as a whole felt warm to the touch. 


“Neato! This is a Zerureusu egg. Zerureusu is a flying wyvern from the monster hunter world. It has the fire and lightning element which combine into the light element.” Tomoka felt very happy with it. The wyvern would complement Hinata's close combat style by being her ranged attack support. 


“To take care of it all you need is to keep it warm and close to you. You can also feed it your chakra, preferably without any element type attached. Make sure the first living thing it sees after hatching is you, okay?” Nodding along Hinata took the egg before hugging it into her bosom. She felt very excited to see it once it grows up after seeing the genjutsu Tomoka made of its grown form. 


“Now it's time for my pet.” And so Tomoka once again pushed her arm into the rift. It didn’t take long for her to catch something. Pulling it out the rift quickly became much, much larger as a frankly massive white thing came out. 


“What? Where? How?” All the girls saw the white black and gold deer-thing looked around with all the confusion in the world.


“Did I really pull fucking Arceus out?” Tomoka could almost hear her true self cackling out there into the void.


“Sorry about that dude, let me put you back” With a sigh after being trolled by herself she quickly touched Arceus sending it back to its world. 


“Tomoka, what was that, it felt… divine? Like how I expect a god would feel.” Hinata asked while holding her precious egg tightly. Nozomi by her side nodded vigorously as well.


“Well, that was a god. The god of Pokemon to be precise so…” The other two girls were speechless. However it didn’t take long for them to accept it, it's Tomoka we are talking about after all.


“Anyway, let's try again, I refuse to be the only one without a cool pet!” A moment later Tomoka once again pulled back her arm this time with a pink blob of what looked like bubble gum with beady black-blue eyes and round magenta things that passed for feet. 


“Poyo!” The thing said happily before opening its mouth as an incredible suction force began to pull everything around them into its void like mouth.


“As cute as you are kirby, fuck off. YEET!” With her most powerfull throw Tomoka sent Kirby back to where ever the fuck it came from. 


“One more try! Come on!” Once again Tomoka shoved her hand into the rift not bothering to move it around much before grabbing the first thing she could. Pulling it out she saw a fluffy white creature. Strangely enough it had a little hat made out of soap bubbles. Its fur was all wet and it held a rubber ducky on its little paws.


“Fou!” Instantly all around Tomoka thousands of swords and a few rubber chickens spawned alongside chains that gave her a scary feeling. 


“...” Slowly Tomoka began pushing the thing back trying her best to not startle it. She didn’t know if the thing had an itchy trigger finger. As soon as she placed whatever the thing was back the swords and chains disappeared.


“Okay… that happened… Anyway, Like a great man once said! You only lose if you give up here I go again!” Quickly putting her hand in the rift once more Tomoka pulled out a ball of white fluff. She was about to put it back thinking she somehow pulled out the fou creatures again when she noticed its differences. 


“Is this a poro?… aren’t you a cute little thing for coming from such a cursed game? I think I will give you to Ygg.” Sure the poro is cute and all but she didn’t feel like making it her pet. She wanted something cool! 


“Fourth time's the charm!” Out of the rift came a small fox, one Tomoka was currently holding by the scruff of the neck. The little thing had nine tails though that wasn’t what caught her attention. Instead it was the color scheme. Its fur, a combination of pink, black and white. Unlike its body however, each tail had a singular color, three being pink, three being black and three being white.


Placing its little pawn on Tomoka’s shoulder the little fox looked her straight in the eyes with its own pair of heterochromatic eyes. One being pink and the other being white. A single tense moment passed before a rather sensual voice came from the little fox.


“Are you interested in the church of Yurism?” Hearing that Tomoka couldn’t help the grin that escaped her lips. Her eyes shining, having found a fellow cultured individual.


“Jokes on you, I am already in it!” With all the mirth in the world Tomoka answered while pointing with her thumb behind her in the direction of the amused Nozomi and Tomoka.


Seeing the pair the little fox closed her eyes nodding along like a proud mother. A moment later she opened them again before speaking. 


“In that case I bless thee with the stamina of hentai protagonists.” Hearing that both Nozomi and Hinata cringed a little. Tomoka was already unbeatable in bed, now, now they didn’t even want to know how bad it could get… maybe they did but they would never admit it.


“Thank you, though I believe I should be putting you back so bye bye.” The little fox nodded while waving its paw before disappearing inside the rift. 


“What a nice fellow cultured person, now… where was I? Ah! Right.” Preparing herself again Tomoka pushed her hand in the right one more time while shouting.


“Come on, give me something good already!” Pulling her hand back once more Tomoka pulled out a cat, that's right, a simple normal cat. Please ignore the fact that it…


“I have seen enough hentai to know where this is going.” Tomoka deadpanned seeing the cat’s maw open up into a mess of tentacles with sharp barbs that were aiming for her face. She instantly knew that the “cat” she pulled out was in fact a flerken. Quickly putting the thing back, Tomoka didn’t even bother to hype herself up anymore as she once again tried to pull something out. 


What she picked up this time was an owl… just a regular sized owl who had many tones of brown and two very cute feathers on the back of its head twitching around. At first glance she seemed to be nothing more than an owl. 


The little thing's first action was to look around, turning its head almost a full three hundred and sixty degrees for a moment before glaring towards Tomoka tilting her head, strangely menacing glowing yellow eyes not even blinking once.


For her part Tomoka felt like she had seen this owl somewhere before. It was at the tip of her memory but she simply couldn’t figure it out.  Feeling how much the owl was glaring at her, Tomoka pointed at the rift. 


“The way back is that way mam.” With a small nod the owl took flight and disappeared back inside the rift. 


“I swear I have seen that owl somewhere before.” Not wanting to think too much about it, Tomoka just shrugged her shoulders before trying again.


Meanwhile both Hinata and Nozomi could only smile wryly seeing Tomoka pulling stuff out before putting them back in. At some point she pulled out a rock, just a normal rock. The only interesting thing about the rock was its small top hat and bow tie. Otherwise it was just a rock. 


Finally, after like seven more tries Tomoka pulled an egg. This egg looks similar to the shrowd’s egg being black with purple markings. The difference however lies however in its interactions with the world. While the shrowd’s egg seemed  to actively absorb light around it. This new egg’s black surface felt more like a void of nothingness giving the sensation of an inevitable end. 


“Let me see… oh, oh this is good.” Tomoka’s smile made the other two girls curious as they approached her. 


“So, what is it?” Nozomi asked curiously. 


“It's the ender dragon. A dragon that guards a dimension known as the end. In the game it was rather easy to beat. But in reality the ender dragon is really, really powerful. It embodies the end of that world. Not only that but there can only ever be one ender dragon at any given time. Should it be killed, it would come back given time. Killing it only delays the inevitable end of the world.” 


At the beginning Tomoka was a bit disappointed knowing it was the ender dragon. That is until her true self let her know about its true power. It was weak in the game because it wouldn’t be fun otherwise. In reality the thing was almost unkillable. It also had the endermen powers of teleportation without the water weakness. Meaning you had to hit it in melee range. Its flames were like amaterasu as in they didn’t burn through heat but just erased what they burned.


Over all, Tomoka felt very much satisfied knowing she got it… her as a pet. Now that she looked into it all the pets were female. Except for the poro, it doesn’t have a gender seeing as it reproduces through mitosis. 


“So… what does it eat?” Nozomi was interested in the rather powerful image Tomoka had painted in her mind. 


“Anything really. The thing is like a black hole, it can even exist out of eating the very air around us, though it would need to consume a lot of it.” Tomoka didn’t mind it all too much. She could easily feed it using the energy to matter generators. Not to mention that if all else fails she could just pull matter from the Omniverse and feed it to the thing.  


“Now we need to give them names. Very important.” Hearing Tomoka, the other two just sighed. Tomoka had an odd naming sense and they would never let her name their children. It either was an acronym, a meme reference or something just silly. 


“Ama call mine Enid. It's a female name and if you switch the I and the D you get endi in honor of ender dragon! Hahaha!” Well, for as silly as the second reason might be, it was still a good name, better than something edgy or memey. 


“Nozomi you should call yours silver.” Tomoka said with a shit eating grin. Nozomi knew very well it would probably be something silly so she just asked by raising her left eyebrow. In response Tomoka sent both girls a packet of memories through the phantoms. 


“Really Tomoka, really? You know what, sure, her name is silver now.” Nozomi didn’t fight it much because it's a reference not many would get. Not to mention silver is still a nice name.


“I am calling mine Ruru.” At that both Nozomi and Tomoka raised a brow hearing the cute name for what would be in the future a fierce wyvern. After a moment of thinking both just shrugged it would be funny when it happens.  


“Well, today was a productive day. Got to bully, ahem, I mean negotiate with the new hokage, got a new unwitting pawn, and we got pets now. Let's go back, I wanna see if I manage to land a teaching position in the academy Kekeke.” And so the trio went back to Konoha, one laughing evilly while the other two just smiled. 

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