Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

234. Re-start?

After thirty-four more hours of pleasure and torture, a pleasant torture if you will, Tomoka found herself dressed in a simple white summer dress. On her hand a cold piñacolda helping her relax while sunbathing. To her left and right were Hinata and Nozomi, the first in a frilly swimsuit while the second wore a black one piece swimsuit.  


Currently they were on an artificial beach right outside of Yggdrasil. The segment they were lazing about was a semi private area that could be reserved in advance. The entire place, from how fine the sand grains are to how high the waves could go, even how harsh the sun would shine could be moduled. 


“This is the life.” Tomoka lazily commented before taking a sip of her drink. To her sides she heard small noises of agreement. The three of them were rather exhausted after the two days of debauchery. Sure, they could have done this much sooner without Tomoka giving them a free reign over herself. Then again, that also added to the excitement of the situation. 


Even so, Tomoka had an itch, an itch for adventure. As fun as just chilling with her girls, having sex and playing games, it could scratch that itch. She had decided to involve herself very little in the world going forwards until the fourth shinobi war. Sure, her faction still conducted its usual operations but it didn't involve her much.  


From the info she had gathered only now did Akatsuki start to suspect something was up, but even so, it didn’t look like they would do anything out of the ordinary still. In other words, fate was working really hard to keep things going as they “should”. Unless she went and kicked the ant’s hill nothing unusual “should” happen.


With those thoughts in mind Tomoka began wondering what she could do to scratch that itch. It was then when her main self proposed an idea. Well, calling herself main self and avatar self was getting old pretty quick so she decided to give her main self a different name. 


It didn’t take even a moment for her main self to offer one. Oracle, and didn’t it fit, sure, her main self is much more powerful than a measly Oracle but both like the name so whatever. From now on she would continue to be Tomoka while her main self would be Oracle. With that decided, Tomoka went back to the original subject. 


The idea Oracle had proposed was simple yet complicated. If the Naruto universe was boring currently then why not visit another universe. It's simple because it's something she can do with the snap of her fingers. Complicated because only she can do it. Well, there were others out there that could as well… probably, but none that she knew of so it didn’t count. 


“What do you girls think of going on vacation to another universe?” The sudden seemingly random question startled the other two a little bit. Seeing Hinata push up her sunglasses downwards while raising an eyebrow was a sight to behold. 


“I mean, there is nothing interesting happening for the next two years or so in this universe. Not like I don’t enjoy spending my time with you two but still, It could be fun.” Having explained her point, Tomoka just shrugged before giving her drink another generous sip. Another few of those and she would need a refill. 


“Sure, why not, I will admit I’ve also been craving some action.” Nozomi didn’t even bother to look their way as she answered instead opting for a lazy shrug. 


“I was wondering when would be the next time you would go and make a mess of things. Guess I too have been missing a good fight.” With a similar shrug Hinata pushed her sunglasses up before laying back down. 


“So, where are we going?” Nozomi decided that she would be the one to continue the conversation after a brief silence. To tell the truth she was very much interested in knowing. Having seen quite a bit of Tomoka’s memories in anime, movies, and games there were a few she could see herself enjoying. 


“I don’t know, I am letting Oracle decide?” That made both girls interested, who the hell is Oracle? It took a moment for Tomoka to tell them about her latest decision. In the end, it didn’t change anything so the girls just shrugged and accepted it. Best way to remain somewhat sane around Tomoka anyway. 


“So, should we go now or later.” This time it was Hinata making the question. Although she did feel like going adventuring she didn’t feel like doing much right now. The warm sun on her skin making her feel lazy and somewhat sleepy. 


“Later, I am too cozy right now to bother. Should we bring along the pets?” Well, calling them pets right now sounded somewhat weird seeing as they were still just eggs. Tomoka thought about it and decided that they should.   


“Agreed and yes, we should. I am planning to have us stay away for the next two years until the fourth shinobi war starts, or something interesting enough happens.” Having said that, Tomoka began sending messages through her womp to her friends and family. The message consisted of a small explanation about what they were about to do and what to do should they need them back. 


That done, the girl’s enjoyed the beach for a few more hours before getting back to their apartment/mansion. Inside they took a moment to pack some clothes, a weapon or two, and some rations. None of this was truly necessary but it made things feel a little more real so they did it anyway. 


“Alright, everything read?” Tomoka looked towards her girls who carried small bags with them. Most of their things were stored in scrolls that were stored in the bags. Though most of the space inside the bags was taken by the eggs. From asking Oracle they knew that the eggs would need at least a month each to hatch. Normally, it would take longer but thanks to Tomoka’s resources they could accelerate their development to the limit without harming them. 


“Yup, everythings packed and ready.” Hinata said almost bouncing in place, while Nozomi opted for enthusiastically nodding. If she kept that up Tomoka feared the Uchiha would suffer a headache from whiplash. 


“Aight! Let 's go then!” And so reality seemed to break away behind Tomoka to show a different place entirely. 


“Right! Before we leave I need to do something, give me a minute.” Tomoka had received a message from Oracle just before the portal opened and she very much agreed with Oracle. Sure, it was meant to happen, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be nice about it. With that thought in mind, Tomoka disappeared inside the portal, closing a moment later. 


“So… how long do you think she will be gone for?” Hinata asked a bit awkwardly, what a way to kill the mood, Tomoka. Nozomi for her part shrugged before responding.


“Don’ know. She said a minute, so probably five or so?” Hearing this Hinata sighed before sitting on the couch followed soon after by Nozomi. 


It so happens that exactly five minutes later a new portal opened up with Tomoka leisurely walking out with a wide grin on her face. From the looks of it, whatever she had been up to had worked out. That didn’t diminish Hinata's annoyance, okay maybe a little bit but still. 


“So?” Seeing Hinata’s deadpan glare Tomoka smiled wryly while scratching her cheek. 


“Right, Let a go!” Instantly the portal through which Tomoka had passed moments ago changed. Now from it Nozomi could see what looked like a wasteland with some shrubs and cacti here and there. In the distance what looked like a ridiculous sized city could be seen. 


Shrugging, the first Nozomi stood up and walked through the portal. Once through she could see more of the wasteland. Doing a rough calculation she could guess that the city in the distance was about ten kilometers away or so. 


“So, where are we?” Hinata finally asked the question both girls wanted to know. Something in the back of their mind tickled them. Like they knew about where they were but not really. It was a really uncomfortable feeling.


“Welcome to NIGHT CITY!” Tomoka shouted excitedly. Sure, compared to the Naruto world this one was even worse. Kinda anyway, each had its own set of problems and both had a whole lot of death. It didn’t matter for her right now, this was perfect for her and her girls to wreak some havoc.   


“Wait, night city? As in: edgerunners, night city?” Nozomi asked, turning around to see the almost vibrating redhead. She had seen the anime in it was tragic, no, she didn’t cry, there was no evidence of such nor any witnesses. 


“As in, cyberpunk 2077 night city?” This time it was Hinata’s turn to ask. She had played a recreation of the game and she hated and loved it. By the end of it she had chosen to let Jhonny keep V’s body. The end made her cry a little, just a little, a single tear and nothing more. 


“Yup-yup. Though we are at the tail end of year seventy-four so edgerunners hasn’t happened yet. We could of course abuse our chakra and powers and be pretty much gods around here. However! That would be boring so how about instead Oracle restricts us back to baseline. If we die it won’t matter, Oracle will keep our souls and original bodies safe.” 


Both girls thought about it for a moment considering the pros and cons of each option. If they kept their powers they could easily save their favorite characters and help night city and even the world become a better place. On the other hand, doing so would defeat the purpose of coming here. 


If they went back to baseline human, they could enjoy the climb back to power with little risk to themselves. This of course meant that they could fail in saving those they wanted to save. In the end it didn’t really matter. Tomoka had explained to them how the multiverse and omniverse works. 


No matter how many they save in a universe, those same people would suffer somewhere else in the multiverse. So in the end, trying to save everyone is a futile endeavor. It was precisely because of this that they stopped caring all that much about their own world. The choice was more than obvious at this point.


“Let's start from zero. It will be much more fun and rewarding that way.” Finally it was Hinata the one to voice the duo’s opinion. As soon as she did she felt her body change. She felt the power within her eyes leaving as well as the presence of her chakra. She felt weak, weak like she hadn’t felt for years. 


“Ugh, that feels awful.” Nozomi to the side complained. She had been used to seeing the world crawl by. She had been used to feeling the power hidden within her frame. Now, she felt like the world was moving too fast for her liking. 


“Tell me about it.” The one having it the worst was Tomoka. She felt like each thought within her mind moved through molasses. Her mind felt extremely slow. Her body felt flimsy like a piece of wet toilet paper. It wasn’t a good feeling, not at all. 


“This will take some getting used to for sure.” Finally Hinata gave her own comment as she opened and closed her hand. The motion felt kind of wrong, like she was doing it wrong but couldn’t figure out how. 


“Well, no time like the present. We might have lost our chakra and supernatural powers but the base training and techniques are still there.” Sure, they couldn’t walk on water on walls. They could shoot elemental attacks or move at super speed. They could still keep any random gonk’s ass in a good brawl. Heh, gonk. 


“First thing I am doing is getting a kerenzikov.” It would be the closest thing to a sharingan in this world. And Nozomi really, really missed her slowed perception of time. Not being able to perceive every single movement in her vision was triggering her something fierce. 


“Sandy for me!” This was Tomoka of course. Being cut off from the speed force felt awful. Like going from driving a muscle car to a bicycle just all around awful. 


“ugh, lucky you too, there is no byakugan analog in this world.” Well, radar maybe but it wasn’t the same still. Maybe going net runner and invading cameras could work? Thoughts for later. 


“Anyway, we will need some eddies if we want any upgrades anyway. Not to mention we don’t even have internal agents. Augh, this will be such a bother. As Adam Smasher says, we are currently useless meat.” And so the group began the long trek towards night city while bantering and ranting about the situation. 

This is for those of you wondering how long will this side trip take


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