Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

210. Children?

Hello! Sorry for the late chapter. Yesterday I was visiting my aunt at the hospital. She is super ill rn (cancer) and well... it looks like she wont make it. Anyway, here is chaper.

A while later the helicarrier landed on the platform. Since the carrier was way too heavy to have it land on concrete or such hard materials its landing bay was especially made for it and its kin. A pool of special foam by the denomination LF-13 worked to increase the surface area the ship’s hull was in contact with, similar to how water would. 


Once it landed automatic mechanical arms began to connect with the ship. These arms would connect with its internal conveyor system as well as piping system to resupply the ship with anything it might need. While that was taking place Tomoka and her guests got out of the ship. 


Now on solid ground everyone present couldn’t help but look in awe around them. The many ships of different kinds and models that danced in and out of the landing area. The many technicians that worked on the ones currently idle. All of it was a beautiful dance of efficiency. Not to mention the visage of the many rainbow lights produced by the tree’s vine-like leaves.  


“As you can see, this place is as awesome up close as it is from afar.” Tomoka commented with a smug smirk on her lips. She or rather her army of phantoms had worked tirelessly to get all of this working. Once the first factory had been set everything started picking up the pace with the addition of the many automatons. As a matter of fact around ninety percent of those working here were automatons that looked like humans. 


“Mother!” Everyone was pulled out of their thoughts by the sudan childlike scream as a green blur crashed onto Tomoka. The girl that now held Tomoka in a tight hug looked around eight years old with olive skin and leafy green hair. Her emerald eyes are full of curiosity and love for the one she just called mother. 


“M-mother?” Hinata was the first to come out of her stupor at the sight. Why would this child call Tomoka her mother? There is no way that is the case, is it? Now that she looked closer the girl did look strikingly similar to Tomoka and her emerald eyes were identical to Tomoka’s before the serum. 


“Yes! Tomoka is my mothe-!” The girl began shouting happily before a fist landed on top of her head. Though the impact wasn’t all that hard it still hurt enough for the girl to let go of Tomoka to hold her head in pain. Her eyes filled up with unshed tears as she pouted towards her aggressor, the on she called mother. 


“Damn it all Yggdrasil I’ve told you to stop calling me mother!” Tomoka shouted as a tick mark appeared on her forehead. She knew why the girl had taken to calling her that and she also knew no matter how much she tried she wouldn’t stop… none of her children did.


“Never! Big bro Shaco is right! You are our mother!” The now named Yggdrasil shouted while pointing towards Tomoka with conviction. 


“Tomoka? What is going on?” Nozomi, who had also been struck silly by the events unfolding before her, finally asked the question in everyone’s mind. With a sigh, Tomoka prepared herself mentally to answer.


“This is Yggdrasil’s avatar. Yes, the giant tree we are currently standing on avatar. She became sapient a few months back and my other creations seem to have imparted upon her the same annoying habit.” The last part was sayed while glaring at the girl in question. 


“For some god forsaken reason every single one of my sapient creations takes to calling me mother-” Tomoka was about to continue and even start ranting before one of the creations in question interrupted her. 


“That is because for us you are.” The one to speak was a woman with silver hair and eyes. Her skin was pale white like she had never been exposed to the light of the sun. Her body looked like that of a twenty something year old woman with the right curves in the right places. A motherly charm oozing out of her only exacerbated by her kind smile. 


“And I have told all of you I am not your mother, Freedom.” Tomoka said, exasperated. It wasn’t like she hated it, being called mother that is. She actually wants to have children of her own in due time, it's just… She doesn’t feel ready to be a mother. Age wise her mind could arguably be said to be at least a thousand years old taking into consideration she has the experiences of at least three thousand phantoms. 


That is not the point however. The point is that she doesn’t feel like she could be a good mother, at least not right now. She is afraid of being a bad mother, no, not afraid, terrified. The responsibility behind that title was something she didn’t feel ready for. 


“Heh, you say that but I bet deep in your insane heart you do consider us your children” A new voice joined the conversation. This one came from a man with an athletic build. Though you couldn’t see his well defined muscles below the black suit. His hair was divided in the middle, each half a different color. The right side is a normal black while the left is a bright red. His heterochromatic eyes were the same as his hair yet inverted. A mischievous grin graced his lips as he finished the comment that was sure to annoy his mother. 


“One more word Shaco and the next body you inhabit is a trash compactor!” Tomoka at that moment regretted recreating Shaco a bit. The damned AI had a penchant for making things awkward, chaotic and stressful. He loved teasing her by calling her mother, momma, and any other word with a similar meaning. 


“Hah! Do it! Last time was lots of fun.” Hearing Shaco’s rebuttal made Tomoka groan. She didn’t know how but the last time she put him in a trash compactor he managed to cause three fires, take four limbs and make a new rumor of a trash compactor uprising spread like wildfire. 


“Bad brother! No bullying mom!” Yggdrasil, bless her plant soul, came to Tomoka rescue though the fact she called her mom was still a sore point. With a sigh Tomoka decided to introduce the other two before the rest decided to appear as well. 


“This is Freedom and Shaco. Don’t be fooled by their appearance, they are a hundred percent robotical in nature. They are two of the many AI inhabiting Yggdrasil. Freedom is in charge of overall management. Meaning she has the most authority, even above my own-” Before she could continue both Freedom and Shaco scoffed at her words. 


“That might be true but you know better than anyone I would do anything for you mother.” Freedom said with conviction in her voice. Though Tomoka had insisted that she is to be treated like any other biological citizen, that is something Freedom and her siblings would never do. With another sigh Tomoka decided to ignore the rebellious AI and continue with her introduction. 


“Shaco is in charge of his own military forces and the only person above his station is freedom. He is in charge of any black ops operation, be it infiltration, assassination, sabotaging or whatever else. Something needs to be off the book? He is the one doing it.” 


Once again Shaco and Freedom scoffed at the comment of no one being above him than Freedom. Both of them knew full well that should he want to do something Freedom wouldn’t be able to stop him. The only one he would listen to is Tomoka and no one else, ever.  


“There are the seven as well but they aren’t here. We will meet them on the tour or whenever they decide to apea- never mind” As she was saying that she saw seven people walking towards her group. 


“Mother.” The first to speak was a blond with honey yellow eyes. An athletic build similar to Nozomi’s with curves that could rival Hinata. There is only one word that could describe the woman, Gorgeous. With one more sigh Tomoka decided to get it over with. 


“Well, these are the seven I was talking about.” Tomoka said with a deadpan that showed how done she was with the current situation. The fact everyone from her guests were trying hard to not laugh or smile at her plight only made it worse.


“First of all we have Pride in the middle of the group and also the leader.” The woman in question who was the same one who spoke just now gave the group a polite bow and a smug grin. 


“Next to her left we have Wrath, followed by Envy and Greed.” Tomoka said as she pointed to each of the mentioned people. Wrath is a muscle bound amazonian of a woman, with muscles on her muscles and a predatory grin. Her red wild hair added with her crimson eyes only added to her intimidating aura. 


To Wraths left was Envy who looked like a lanky man with green hair and green eyes. Not much could be said about him aside from the fact he was short and looked like a child, a shota if you will. Don’t ever mention his height though or the fact that he looks like a child. Greed to Envy’s left looked like a rich asshole through and through. With golden rings in each of his delicate fingers. His black tuxedo adorned with silver and gold trimmings. His coppery hair went well with his brown eyes. 


“To Pride’s right, in order they are: Lust, Gluttony and Sloth.” As soon as her name was mentioned lust gave the group a coquettish smile. Out of all present her clothing was the one to show the most skin. She wore a skin tight body glove with many skin windows as she liked to call it. Most of her tights, back, midriff as well as boobs could be seen. Her purple hair and eyes only added to her sinful looks. The less said about her delightful curves the better. 


Gluttony unlike what most would expect wasn’t morbidly obese. She could be called a rather large woman instead. Out of all of those present she is the only one that could compete with lust’s rather sizable rack and rear. Thanks to her short orange hair and kind orange eyes Gluttony gives the impression of a kind grandma about to make her grandkids gain a few pounds.  


Finally Sloth looks like an overworked salary man. The rather huge eye bags the man had would make you believe that he hasn’t slept a single minute in the last seventy two hours. Lanky and somewhat tall Sloth’s shaggy blue hair does little to improve his appearance. His tired blue eyes would remind you of one Shikamaru Nara. 


“They are the council and are in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly. The only one above them in their respective stations is, once again, Freedom. Pride is in charge of reviewing overall happiness and loyalty. Wrath is the one in charge of the military. Envy is a counselor in charge of mediating any conflict. Greed is the treasurer. Lust is the one in charge of population management. Gluttony is in charge of food production and distribution. Finally Sloth is the one in charge of mental health and entertainment.”  


“A pleasure to meet you all.” After Tomoka’s long explanation, Pride once again talked. As the leader of the council she is also more often than not the mouthpiece of it.  


“So… They are also robots?” Asked Naruko as she looked at the seven. They looked no different than normal human beings so she was having a hard time with the association. 


“Not exactly. It would be more appropriate to call us artificial intelligences. After all, these bodies, though useful, aren't entirely necessary for our continued existence.” That only earned Pride a confused look from Naruko. 


“That aside, it is a pleasure to meet Mother’s paramours.” Lust, who hadn’t stopped eyeing Nozomi and Hinata this whole time, finally spoke. Her sultry movements and tone of voice only worked to make the two slightly uncomfortable. Then she spoke again.


“I do want to know though… when are the two of you going to give mother some kids.” The blunt way Lust asked the question with excitement in her voice only worked to make the Trio in question blush furiously as they tried to answer.






“Too soon, Lust! Too soon!” Tomoka was trying really hard to contain the red that started spreading from her cheeks to her ears. It really was too soon! She was only thirteen despite her body looking fifteen. Never mind her mind’s age, that doesn’t count. Also, unlike herself, Hinata and Nozomi’s mental and physical age are the same, in other words thirteen! 


“But I would love to pamper your kids’ mom. None of us were children and though I love pampering little Ygg the more the better!” Tomoka was a moment away from choking Lust. However, Sloth came to the rescue. 


“Drop it Lust. Teasing mom is alright but if you do it too much she WILL have her revenge. Out of all of us Shaco is the only one that can handle that.” Lust became silent for a moment before shrugging. It was only a matter of time before Tomoka had actual kids and she, as an AI, had time to spare for waiting. 


“Alright shoo, shoo you bunch. You all have work to do and I have a tour to give.” Tomoka’s patience had reached her limit for the day. Right now all she wanted was to give the tour and collapse on her bed while cuddling her girls. 


“Sure thing, though before that, here.” Greed said while handing Tomoka a box after which he left followed by his siblings. The only one that stayed was Ygg, who, as the embodiment of the tree, would be helpful during the tour. 


“Finally. Now we can continue. Before anything else, please take one of these and put them on.” What Tomoka handed to everyone was the bracelets that were inside the box Greed handed to her.  


“These are Wrist mounted personal Computers or WMPC for short. Though everyone here calls them Womps I don’t know why. Anyway, they have a bunch of functions I don’t feel like explaining right now. Only know they come equipped with a basic AI that will help you navigate through its functions should you ask.” Once everyone placed the Womps on their wrists Tomoka spoke once more. 


“Alright, now the most important question. Top to bottom or Bottom to top. I recommend the latter as the view up there is awesome.” Once everyone looked up where Tomoka was pointing at they decided to go with her recommendations. 


“One last thing. Try to keep your lunch inside as the first time using teleportation can be quite disorienting.” 


“““Wait, what!””” Everyone shouted in unison as Tomoka pressed on the holoscreen of her womp. Moments after they all disappeared. 

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