Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

209. Revelations

While Minato was busy with his daughter, Tomoka decided to move things along by finishing the seal removal. With her perfect memory she had memorized the seal she had destroyed in the past. Now after studying the thing she had recreated the key needed to finish the unsealing process. 


Once the seal was fully removed the metal bars of the cage moved aside. Only for bright golden chakra chains to shoot out of the ground binding the yang Kurama tightly to the ground. A moment later a red head with a temper appeared out of thin air with a nasty frown on her brow. 


“Huh, forgot about that.” 


[Bullshit, we both know you don’t forget.] Yin Kurama called out Tomoka on her lies. To tell the truth she did know that it might be a possibility. However, seeing as Kushina didn’t appear when she unsealed her own seal she thought things might be different in this timeline. 


[Ahk, I could have lived happily without meeting you again woman.] Yang Kurama for his part was having a bad time being constricted by the golden chakra chains. If his jail felt cramped this was even worse. 


“Shut it fox! I won’t let you take over my son.” Kushina’s temper was making itself known as she easily ignored everyone present aside from yang Kurama. Hell, she even ignored the fact a second Kurama was just standing there besides the yang one, with sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt and lemonade in hand. 


“Now, now Kushina san, please calm down. Kurama here isn’t trying to take over Naruko.” Tomoka decided to help yang Kurama a bit. Afterall, this could be considered her fault, kinda. 


“And who are… you?” Kushina was about ready to beat the shit out of whoever just talked only to become surprised at who she saw. That bright red hair was a clear sign that the girl is of the Uzumaki bloodline. 


“Ahem, Let me introduce myself. I am Tomoka, the girl your husband imprisoned the other half of Kurama in. Said Kurama is over there by the way.” Tomoka said, pointing towards the Yin half who was currently laughing at his counterpart's misfortune while drinking his lemonade.  


“Wait what?” Kushina’s world view suffered a blow after witnessing the scene. However, Tomoka wasn’t done. Her sadistic side shined through as she felt like messing with Kushina a bit more. 


“Also, your son turned into a girl after an accident. She is over there with her father.” This time Tomoka pointed towards Naruko who wanted to dash towards her mother while being stopped by Minato. 


“WHAT!?” Kushina emotions were all over the place. Worry for her son… daughter’s well being. Delight since she always wanted a daughter. Guilt at her delight for her son’s… daughter’s misfortune. 


“Ah! Also, that Uchiha girl over there is Satsuki Uchiha, Mikoto Uchiha’s son turned daughter by the same accident. She is your daughter’s girlfriend.” At this point Tomoka had a nasty grin on her face as she saw Kushina’s expresion morf. Not only that but even Minato’s expression changed since this was new info for him.


““WHAT!!?”” Both shouted so loud the entire mindscape shook a bit. Their gaze bore into said Uchiha girl as her cheeks became rosy. It wasn’t until now that she realized she was currently meeting her in-laws. Because yes, she could already see herself being married to Naruko.  


“Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you, father-in-law, mother-in-law.” At that moment Minato.exe stopped working while a red blur crashed into the Uchiha girl. 


“Kya! You are so cute! So you are Mikoto’s kid? I knew her kid and mine would be great friends or more! Now she owes me some ryo!” Seeing her mother acting like that Naruko couldn’t help but giggle a little.


“What are you giggling for!? Come give your mother a hug.” Of course Kushina hadn’t forgotten about her daughter. Once those words were spoken a yellow and orange blur crashed into Kushina as Naruko buried herself in her mother’s embrace. 


“Ahem, this reunion is heartwarming and everything but could you please release Kurama, Kushina? The guy looks like a stuffed plush about to pop.” Though yang Kurama wanted to berate the brat for the comment, all that came out was a choked growl as he really could barely breathe much less speak. 


“And why would I do that?” Kushina’s frown was back as she looked towards Tomoka with both worry and reproach. 


“I mean, I could get rid of the chains myself but that would be rude. As for why, well I already told you that he won’t be trying to take over Naruko. If he tries both me and his other half would beat him into behaving.” Saying that Tomoka let her own chakra chains come out of her back. 


The air grew tense as both Kushina and Tomoka entered into a staring contest. Minato who had finally managed to process the information felt chills crawling up his spine seeing the two redheads staring into each other. 


“Mom, it's fine, I trust her and look at her Kurama. I would like to have a relationship like that with my own.” Naruko said while pulling on her mother’s dress a little. With that the tension fled the air as Kushina sighed. A moment later the golden chains holding Kurama down disappeared. 


[Now you, give me another lemonade.] That was the first thing yang Kurama said as he freely stretched his body for the first time in centuries with loud pops coming from every part of his body. His previous lemonade had been spilled before he could even take a sip. 


[Sure.] Out of thin air yin Kurama took another lemonade. Afterall, they were in the mindscape and the objects in here were nothing more than recreations from Tomoka’s and his own memories. 


Taking a big sip from the thing yang Kurama felt himself relax as the cool liquid helped relieve his tension. Meanwhile Kushina and Minato watched with wide eyes at the interaction. 


[You brat, I hope you teach the other brat how to transform this dump.] Yang Kurma said while looking towards Tomoka’s mindscape with a bit of longing. It looks so idyllic and nice. Nothing like the humid dump he had been trapped in for a decade now.


“How?” That’s all that Minato managed as his mind tried to comprehend how the beast seemed so cooperative now. 


“First, Kurama never breaks his word. Second, I placed the fear of me in him. Third, I am awesome like that.” Tomoka said nonchalantly while walking towards her girls who had been watching the whole thing silently while laughing. 


“By the way, I will be taking you two’s chakra. I would hate for your reincarnated selves to forget these whole interactions.” Tomoka, as usual, nonchalantly dropped another bomb. Making everyone present make a double take. 


“[“WHAT!?”]” This time even her girls were asking the question since they hadn’t been privy to this tidbit of information. 


“You heard me, I will be reincarnating those two later.” 


 “[“How?”]” Once again everyone asked synchronized. This was too big of a thing to let it pass. Tomoka was talking about this as if it were a foregone thing. 


“Well, death is my bitch and she likes getting spanked, Ahgk” As soon as Tomoka finished speaking Hinata’s honed reflexes through years of practice slapped Tomoka in the back of the head. 


“Jokes aside, the edo tensei is a shity jutsu and I am figuring out how to make it better. At this moment in time I am able to reincarnate people if I manage to catch their souls before they get to the pure lands. Getting those that are already there back is a bit trickier.” Tomoka just shrugged at that last part. 


The edo tensei borrows the soul from the pure lands. Said soul keeps a tether which pulls it back to the pure lands once the summon is over. Tomoka hasn’t figured out how to cut said theater without damaging the soul. She is close though. 


“You have no idea how difficult it was to detect souls using machinery. Fuinjutsu helped a lot but still it was tedious and a bother.” Deciding to ignore Tomoka’s maddening genius, everyone began chatting between themselves. The Kurama’s told stories of what they had seen in the past thirteen years. Kushina, Minato, Naruko and Satsuki talked like a happy family. Nozomi and Hinata comforted Tomoka as she drew circles after being ignored in a corner. Overall, a nice time. A while later Tomoka stood up since there were still some things to be done. Not to mention that time was running out.  


“Sorry for interrupting but times up. If I don’t seal these two’s chakra soon it will fully disperse and they won’t remember any of this once I reincarnate them.” Hearing these Naruko’s parents became a bit concerned. They had ignored this in favor of spending time with their daughter but now. They needed to at least try and talk Tomoka out of this. 


“This… You shouldn’t do this Tomoka.” Kushina was the first to speak, followed by her husband.   


“It isn’t right.” Before they could continue Tomoka raised her hand to stop them. She knew what they wanted to say.


“You two are worried about the sacrificial part right? No worries there. The edo tensei needs a living body as an anchor for the summoned soul. Most of the time that means sacrificing someone alive. Instead I will be sacrificing a cloned body of the person summoned. These clones don’t have souls, trust me, I have checked.” Well, they could develop one if the body isn’t disposed of for a month or two. Those souls are small and weak, like those of a baby. Not like it matters right now. 


“By the way, sorry but I had to take a sample from you two’s corpses for this. I didn’t know grave robbing would be so fun, now I know why Orochi liked it so much” That last part she said in a whisper no one heard. 


“I see, in that case I guess it's fine.” Kushina still felt like this was going against the natural laws but the temptation of getting to see her daughter again, to see her grow and mature. It was too much. Minato on the side nodded as well. 


With that done Tomoka sealed what remained of their chakra inside Naruko for safe keeping. After this all of them left the mindscape. 


“Well, that was something. Would you all mind meeting back at the bridge? we will be arriving at our destination in a few minutes.” After everyone gave their affirmative response, Tomoka left to gather the rest of her guests. First she found the sand siblings. All of them were currently talking amongst themselves. 


After gathering the sand siblings she went to the lab where Orochi was currently talking animatedly with one of her science oriented phantoms. It took her a while to get Orochi out of the lab. It was like dragging a kid out of a theme park. She had to tempt him with the much larger labs in HQ to get him to leave. 


Once everyone was seated at the bridge she got to show off once more. Currently the large windows were tinted black preventing anyone from seeing what was beyond. With a clap of her hands the windows became see through once again. 


“Welcome to Yggdrasil, the HQ of the World wide web.” Did she get a kick out of calling her association the world wide web? Yes, yes she did. As for her guests their eyes were bulging out of their sockets. 


Yggdrasil lived up to her name. The tree that came out of the middle of the ocean was a behemoth of wood, natural energy and chakra. With a three kilometer wide trunk and ten of those in height from the surface of the ocean the thing is enormous. What they didn’t know was that the trunk went another five kilometers underwater before meeting the ocean’s floor. The roots of the thing easily went past the earth crust going deep into the upper mantle of the planet. 


Yggdrasil looked like an oak tree that went in the deep doing all sorts of growth drugs. Her leaves were one of the strangest features as well. While normal leaves are green in color Yggdrasil’s were a deep black with motes of white looking like a starry sky. Those weren’t the only kinds of leaves it had either. Some long, paper-thin, transparent vine-like leaves hung from its branches creating a mesmerizing vail that hid the tree’s trunk behind a rainbow of colors. 


At the distance they were currently they could see some wooden platforms with what looked like thick layers of rock on top where ships landed and took off. Ships that looked like ants compared to the tree. Ships that were the exact same model as the one they were currently onboard. 


“Awesome right? It was a pain in the ass to create her. She is one energy hungry tree. I had to find a chakra line in the middle of the ocean to get her started.” That’s right, Yggdrasil had been planted on top of a chakra line otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to grow as fast as she did. 


“How?” Asked Nozomi who finally managed to get out of her stupor. This was just insane on so many levels. 


“I have a wood release, remember?” She had taken an oak seed and recreated it using her own flesh with wood release. The result was a seed powered up the wazoo! To put it simply, as long as Yggdrasil had enough energy to draw from, she could grow without stop. Better yet is that she isn’t a parasite that grows without providing anything back. Though she feeds from the world’s chakra she still gives Natural energy back in exchange like any other tree in the world does. 


“I had to invest a shit ton of time to get her to be what she is now. I am glad I did.” 


[Told ya she was insane.]


[...] Both Kurama’s had established a connection so they could speak whenever and even transfer chakra to each other if necessary. Through this connection yin Kurama was having a great time seeing his counterpart’s mind collapse from the same abuse his had. 


[When it concerns Tomoka just think of her as an anomaly capable of anything for your own sake.] As much as he enjoyed it he still gave some advice to his counterpart. 

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