Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

211. Tour pt1

My cat died yesterday. We had to let him go. He was old (15) and his kidneys began to fail. He wouldn't eat and got super thin. We tried for months but he only deteriorated. So I dedicate this chapter to Minimo, my cat, the old grumpy bastard. This was him btw:

I have a bunch of stories of the old man's chenanigans. Here are some placed inside a spoiler so those of you who don't care can go on and read the chapter. 


A moment later everyone reappeared in a different place. Below them was a metal platform with a few red blinking red lights. Around them was a rather large room with many different platforms similar to the one they stood on. Some had green blinking green lights while others had yellow ones. 


If one were to pay attention they would notice that the green ones would turn yellow then red once someone appeared on top of the platforms only to turn green once that person stepped off. Not only that but they would also notice the barrier that would appear around the platforms once their lights turned yellow. 


Unfortunately for our group they weren’t in the mood to look around. Most of them were too busy trying to keep their stomach from spilling its contents. Fortunately only one failed in this endeavor, a girl with bright yellow hair and baby blue eyes. 


“Here, this should help.” Tomoka said while giving Naruko a glass of water. However, it wasn’t normal water. In it there was a tasteless, fast acting medicine against motion sickness. She didn’t want Naruko puking each time they teleported around. 


“By the way, next time use chakra to strengthen your vestibular system. It will help a little but don’t be surprised if you still feel a bit sick. It takes some time to get used to.” Tomoka said while shrugging her shoulders ignoring the seething glares she was receiving. 


“Why didn’t you tell us that beforehand!?” Satsuki shouted indignantly. She had been very close to puking as well. Not to mention seeing Naruko puking didn’t help. That and the fact she didn’t like her girlfriend suffering like that. 


“It’s best to experience the first teleport without the help of chakra. It will make getting used to it easier in the long run.” At least that is what the data gathered so far said. Not like Tomoka was going to tell them that. 


“Anyway, welcome to Helheim, the lowest level of Yggdrasil. This place serves a few functions such as corpse disposal and prisoner holdings as well as containment of the more dangerous things in here. Also energy generation.” Tomoka said with flourish while motioning towards the large wall window of the building. 


Outside the window a gigantic structure made of obsidian could be seen. The glass-like material had many seals carved on it through which chakra charged magma flows. Around the building pools of molten rock could be seen adorning the place as rivers of the liquid fed the pools. Black roots could be seen clinging to the walls of the obsidian structure. Some other roots dove into the magma pools as well without burning up. 


“Corpses are mostly fed to the roots while some are also cremated. It depends on the preference of the person in question, or that of their family if they don’t specify it in their last will.” Tomoka continued with her explanation as she walked towards a thick metal door. 


“The black building you are seeing is the max security prison. As you can see it has a wide variety of seals ranging from chakra sealing to space expansion. Not to mention that should someone be able to escape it they would still need to get out of Helheim, something simply put easier said than done. For the time being it remains empty.” Tomoka continued explaining as she reached the door which opened up with a mechanical whoosh. 


The door opened up to a short passage with a second door at the end. Tomoka walked inside followed by the rest after which the door closed behind them before the one in front opened up. Instantly everyone felt how the temperature increased until it became scalding hot. 


Outside they realized that the door led to a balcony from which they could easily see most of the place. Aside from the obscenely large obsidian prison there were many other buildings dotting the landscape. That however was of no importance compared to what they could see far in the distance. 


“Quite the view isn’t it?” Tomoka’s smug tone wasn't ignored by everyone as they tried to peek up their jaws from the floor. In the distance they could see what looked like a gigantic window letting them see the hellish landscape outside of bright hot magma flowing like water. A cave so absurdly big could be seen that it made everyone feel tiny. The many crystals illuminated by the hot liquid made for a mesmerizing view. 


“Now, is anybody interested in walking around or would you rather we continue with the tour. Trust me, the heat doesn’t get any better down there.” That last part was sideways while Tomoka pointed towards the metal bridges below that stood above the magma rivers. Overall, the temperature of the entire place is fifty degrees celsius. Near the rivers however, it would get way worse. 


After thinking about it and chatting a bit it was decided that they would rather go to the next place instead of being slowly cooked alive. Nodding Tomoka began using her womp again. This time however everyone was prepared and so when they teleported to their next destination no one threw up. Though there were still some who came close to doing so. 


“Welcome to Niflheim. As you can see this place is constantly obscured by a thick covering of steam. Using the heat from Helheim water is evaporated for the usage of the steam turbines here. Aside from that, this place’s temperature isn’t as suffocating as that of Helheim though it is still pretty hot. That plus the abundance of water makes it rather humid. A perfect place for hotsprings don’t you think?” Toma said with a wide smile as she opened a compartment near the wall. 


Inside yukatas and kimonos of all sizes and designs could be seen. Not wasting time Tomoka took a red kimono with black spiders embroidered in it. She took another two as well. A Cyan blue one with yellow butterflies for Hinata and a Black one with Blue fishes for Nozomi. 


“Alright, Change up everybody. Let's enjoy the place!” Tomoka said while propping up the clothes for everyone to see. She had been dying to come here and have some fun in person with her girlfriends. Seeing this place on a daily basis without being able to experience it in the flesh had been torture. 


Once everyone realized what Tomoka was talking about they either went to the window to see what was going on outside or flocked to the compartment to get some clothes. Outside the window they could see lights floating around the place while everything else looked rather dark. Soon enough however, they noticed that the lights were floating paper lanterns with flames of different colors inside of them.   


Those lanterns and the many more near the ground level were the only sources of light giving the impression of a starry night sky. On the ground floor they could see what looked like a festival with many onsens around as well as festival games and more. 


“This place has earned itself the name of the eternal night festival for obvious reasons.” Tomoka said with a cheeky smile once she came out of the changing rooms nearby. Her wild hair was now done in a bun held by a pair of finely carved wooden sticks. A pair of long bangs framing her face which was currently adorned by makeup. 


Tomoka painted three red triangles on her cheeks making them look like whiskers on a fox mask. Her lips were colored cherry red as well making them look kissable and inviting. Her eyes were adorned by a combination of reds and blacks. Overall, she looked like someone decided to paint a traditional fox mask on her. 


“Now what are you all waiting for, get changed already.” Tomoka’s words broke everyone from their stupor. In a frenzy everyone chose the clothes they found most appealing before disappearing inside the changing rooms. A while later one after the other left the changing rooms. 


Nozomi was the first to come out with a bright blush on her face as she found her place on Tomoka’s right. She now sported makeup as well, here looking like that of a cat mask with blues instead of Tomoka’s reds. Next came Hinata sporting an even brighter blush. Her makeup was like that of a hare mask in yellows. Overall, Tomoka had to try really hard to not engage in sloppy make out as that would ruin the makeup. 


Naruko and Sasuke came out next Sporting bright blushes as their arms intertwined. Naruko’s Kimono was mainly orange with blue swirls resembling fishcakes. She, unlike the trio, went for more discrete makeup resulting in some lipstick and blush being applied. Satsuki’s Kimono on the other hand was a marine blue with the depiction of white flames. An Uchiha fan on the back of the dress. Her makeup, just like Naruko's, consisted of lipstick and blush. 


Gaara’s Yukata main color is brown with yellow depictions of a dessert. Kankuro’s on the other hand was white, with black puppets on it. Orochimaru, as expected, chose a green Yukata with brown snakes on it. Finally Temari’s Kimono main color was a pastel purple with blue waves depicting winds on it. She was the only girl that chose to go without makeup. 


“Alright, now that everyone’s ready, let's enjoy ourselves!” Tomoka shouted as she started dragging Hinata and Nozomi away. 


“Wait! How did you get these clothes? They look custom made for us.” Temari asked with curiosity. Afterall, in the compartment there were many clothes, yes. But she finds it kind of amazing that everyone found something that goes so well with them.


“Oh, that is because they are custom made for all of you. The many AIs here analyze any and all information to provide the best fit possible. Then, they use the fabricators to make what is needed.” Tomoka said happily as she guided everyone outside the teleportation station. 


Temari had wanted to ask more questions but her words got stuck on her throat once the last door opened. Outside everyone was met with the vibrant colors of the eternal festival. Lanterns of all shapes and colors floated around providing light for those present. The many colorful stands selling foods inundated the air with mouth watering aromas. The many game stands offered a wide variety of entertaining activities. People in Yukatas or Kimonos could be seen walking around enjoying the atmosphere alone or more often with their significant other.     


“Tomoka, How many of these people are real?” Hinata asked curiously. The spectacle inside the helicarrier was still clear in her mind. 


“Most of them are actually. Well, it depends on the definition of people. Quite a lot of them are sentient AIs, around half I would say. The rest are humans, as for phantoms, almost none. The only phantoms here should be those managing some less frequented stands or working on something here or there. Enough of that though, let's enjoy ourselves” With that said Tomoka took her girl’s hands and began walking away. 


“Here, taste this, you will love it.” The first stop was a food stand managed by a middle aged man. The food he sold consisted of a cone waffle with different sugary treats as toppings. The one Tomoka “bought” contained cream strawberries and chocolate chips. 


With a shrug Hinata took a big bite making it sore to catch at least one strawberry. To her surprise the sweetness of the cream went perfectly well with the slightly sour taste of the strawberry while the crunchiness of the waffle made it a really enjoyable experience. Perhaps too enjoyable as an undignified moan escaped her lips.  


“You got some on your face.” With a mischievous smile Tomoka moved forwards, liking the corner of Hinata’s lips. The girl in question went red like a ripe tomato. 


“Sweet.” Tomoka said while liking her own lips. Nozomi, not wanting to be left out, took a big bite of the sugary treat in Tomoka’s hand making sure to get some cream on her as well. Seeing the actions of the Uchiha Tomoka couldn’t contain a little giggle before repeating the same with the girl. This time however, she decided to go a bit further by softly biting Nozomi’s lip right after. 


Hinata, not to be outdone, bit the dessert once more. Like that bite by bite the treat disappeared until none of it was left. Seeing as there was no more for her to bite Hinata gave Tomoka a little pout earning herself a giggle from her girlfriends. 


“Don’t worry princess, there are a lot more treats we can buy and try.” Tomoka said with a happy smile as they kept walking. By now everyone else had left the trio forming their own groups. Satsuki and Naruko made their own as they went out on an impromptu date. Temari, Kankuro and Gaara formed another group. Finally Orochi was left alone, not like he minded. 


Hours went by as each group did their own thing. Finally a few hours later Tomoka decided that going to the hotspring together would be great as the final touch before continuing with the tour. Using the womp Tomoka sent the others a message to meet up at a hotspring nearby before heading there herself. 


“So, what do you think of Niflheim, the eternal night festival?” Tomoka asked the two girls currently hugging her arms. They had tried all types of foods from sweet to sour, salty and spicy. Not only that but they had also played many of the games available. Tomoka had earned a cute cat plushy for Nozomi and a rabbit one for Hinata. 


“It was fun, we should come here often.” Nozomi said with a placid smile. She had enjoyed the experience. Despite being a shinobi capable of shooting fire from her mouth, seeing the many spectacles involving fire was still an enjoyable experience. 


“Agreed. It was lots of fun.” Hinata for her part had enjoyed watching the night lights reflected on the clear pond when they had sat down to rest. This might or might not be due to the many kisses they shared at that place. 


“Well, we still have one last thing to do.” Saying that Tomoka stepped inside the building housing one of the many artificially created hotsprings. Inside they went to the changing rooms. As they began taking off their clothes Tomoka felt a bit mischievous.  


Seeing as there was no one else inside the changing room Tomoka stealthily walked behind Hinata. As soon as the girl finished storing her clothes inside the locker she felt a pair of hands. One landing on her waist with fingers dangerously close to her nether region. Another landed on the underside of her right breast. Before she could say anything a loud moan escaped her mouth as she felt the hand on her breast squeezing gently.  


“Tomoka~” Though she wanted to sound angry instead her voice came hot and needy. 


“Looks like the fox caught the hare~”



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