Orc’s Harem

Chapter 37 – Reason of the visit

"You can't be serious..." Amadeus' brow furrows in disbelief, sitting in front of his desk inside his office within the Merchant's Guild building. The aged man then lets out a deep sigh as he dips his quill into a small pot of ink and continues swiftly scribbling numbers onto a large pile of documents.

"I am serious." Olivia confidently answers, standing near his desk with her hands clasped in her front. She calmly observes him work before continuing. "You know I wouldn't joke about matters like these, dear husband."

"But him...? I'll admit that he handled that succubus problem efficiently, yet..." He grunts, not bothering to lift his gaze from his paperwork. "He is an absolute idiot."

"Oh yes, that's exactly what he wants everyone to believe. A truly genius tactic, if you ask me." The royal advisor isn't able to hold back a soft chuckle, the corners of her red lips twisting upwards. "His assistant confessed it."

Amadeus makes a pause before speaking again. "What are you planning to do?"

"My job." The woman grins, hints of evident excitement splayed all over her face. "I'll subtly talk him into letting go of his ambitions, make him aware I know about them... If that doesn't work, I'll have to resort to harsher methods."

The older man stops writing just to sternly look at Olivia, who rapidly conceals her thrilled smile. "Remember that the relationship between Garro and Malena is important... You have to be careful, if you mess things up, our economy could take a heavy blow... Confronting him like that might-"

"I sincerely beg you to not speak to me like I was a dumb child, Amadeus, I wouldn't 'mess things up'. I know what I'm doing." She firmly retorts. "I value Malena more than my own life, I would never do something that puts our country at risk."

"Are you sure, Olivia? Aren't you being a bit arrogant? You mentioned your job... if I recall correctly, it just consists of supporting His Majesty in his decision-making... How's King Edward doing lately, by the way?"

Olivia opens her mouth to talk but no word is able to come out of it. She then simply clears her throat and silently starts walking towards one of the windows of the office, standing in front of it and looking outside at the streets of the Capital. "It's complicated." She uncomfortably mumbles.

"I'll take that as him still being... unfunctional... See, that's what you should be focusing on, getting him to act like a ruler again." The gray-haired leader of the Merchant's Guild says, bringing his attention back towards his numbers. "You are biting off more than you can chew... Ever since the Queen's death, it feels like you think you are the one in charge of this country..."

The room falls into a heavy, angsty silence, periodically broken only by the distant sounds of the bustling Capital and the man's feather pen scratching against paper. A couple of minutes pass until Olivia decides to try and switch the subject. "I've received a letter from our daughter this morning. Luna is doing amazingly in her studies, she is looking forward to visiting us soon!"

"That's great." The man half-smiles, the quill on his hand never stopping its movements. Silence again...

"Indeed." The royal advisor softly nods her head, pushing strands of her long black hair from her eyes as she takes another look outside at the happy citizens below. "So, nice weather today. Maybe we could, uh... Would you like to go for a walk together, my dear?"

"I'm very busy."

"Right..." Olivia lowers her gaze to her heeled feet, downcast yet already accustomed to the rejection coming from her cold husband. "I apologize for bothering you, I'll just go and-"

Before the woman is able to continue, the door to the man's office is suddenly and violently kicked open. "YO, GRANDPA!" A feminine voice playfully screams out.

The couple quickly turns their attention towards the source, the cheeky little curvy succubus looking back at them with a smirk (and her frog pet resting on top of her head). Amadeus grips his chest, panting heavily as he tries to recover from the loud surprise. "You have to... stop barging in here... like that..." He breathlessly scolds the succubus.

"Aww, but I was excited to see you, gramps! I have a thing for decrepit old men." She giggles, making her way inside the room, noticing the royal advisor staring at her. "Well well, is that your wifey? Hello, the name's Pink~."

"Greetings! You must be the ambassador's second assistant, I've heard about you." The woman politely smiles and bows her head. "I'm Olivia Beaufort, royal advisor of His Majesty. It's a pleasure."

"Oh, I've heard about you too... Pleasure is all mine~." The shortstack pervert salivates as she watches the bottom-heavy figure of the milfy woman, especially since she knows is on her orc lover's must-fuck list... Imagining that thick, juicy pair of legs shaking in the air... Those child-bearing hips groped by manly, strong dark-green hands... "Yo, what's that!?" She suddenly points at the window behind the mature woman.

"Hmm?" Olivia raises an eyebrow, turning around to look outside through the window once again. Pink takes advantage of the moment to give her huge, round, jiggly rear a good look... She definitely needs to watch that fat ass bounce on Orok's lap... and on her own face too... "I'm afraid I don't see anything out of the ordinary."

"Ah, forget about it. Must have been a ghost or something..." The succubus dismissively waves her hand.

"Excuse me. Why have you come here?" Amadeus finally questions after fully recovering, irritation present all over his features.

"Oh right! So, gramps..." She skips closer to the man's desk, standing on her tip-toes and outright resting her upper torso on it, big breasts lewdly squished against the wooden surface... "You remember that potion my girls want to start selling? How that's going?"

The man frowns as he notices the succubus' tits rudely disorganizing his paperwork and causing some items to tumble down. "...It has been approved by the court sorceress, so we can now proceed to negotiations. Just a few hours ago I sent some of my apprentices to that cave where your... 'girls' are living." He explains. "If your group keeps their word and doesn't attack, and if everything goes correctly, I feel like big profits are to be made."

"Wait, so that's it...? I don't need to do anything else?" Pink tilts her head to the side.

"Yes. We are going to hide the fact that the potion is made by succubi, though... And we'll need to think of a not-so-vulgar way of describing its effects, but-"

"Yo, that was easy! I just saved my girls from a life of crime~!" Pink beams, smiling from ear to ear as she steps back from the man's desk, her useless little wings fluttering while her heart-shaped tail energetically sways. "You heard that, buddy!? I'm a hero." She smugly boasts to the frog on top of her head.

"Congratulations." An amused Olivia, who silently listened to the conversation, says while softly clapping her hands together. Amadeus impatiently grunts, hurrying to organize the mess that had become of his workspace.

"Thaaanks~!" Pink says to the woman before bringing her attention back towards the Merchant's Guild leader. "I wanted to warn you, though..." She points one of her fingers at him, lowering her voice tone to try and sound intimidating... It would work better if she didn't look like a living fleshlight... "We are a bit airheaded, but not as stupid as everyone thinks. So no scamming us, okay!? We'll get really angry if you do."

"...I'll keep that in mind..."

"Yeah, you better, gramps... Or I'll be forced to come here and teach you a lesson!" The succubus purrs, then simply turns around and starts walking out of the room with a content wiggle of her hips. "Alrighty, catch you later, guys! Buh-bye~."

The couple, now alone again inside the office, look at each other faces. "...You think she is faking it too?" Amadeus huffs.

Olivia sighs. "No. I believe this one is indeed an actual idiot... she is also kinda adorable, to be honest..."



"Lovely! Now why don't we head inside?" Morgana says after making sure everyone gets their welcoming gift, sweetly smiling as she stands by the side of the entrance of her cabin. "We can take a seat and talk more calmly."

Juliette nods her head, turning around to speak to her group of soldiers. "Stay-"

"Stay here, maggots! We'll be back soon." The orc next to her loudly exclaims in an authoritarian voice tone, carelessly interrupting the captain and giving the command himself. "Gahaha, let's go, girls." He grabs the elf's small hand and then the ogre's bigger one, dragging the pair inside the cabin.

"H-hey, you can't give orders to my men!" The muscular blonde angrily shakes her fist and stomps her boot against the ground, then deeply sighs and looks back at the confused group again. "...Stay here, we'll be back soon..." She embarrassedly repeats what the orc just said, her shoulders hunched and cheeks reddened as she hurries to follow him...

The interior of the round-shaped cabin carries a homely, warm atmosphere. Healthy plants, filled bookshelves, and hand-made plushies and trinkets decorate the place. On the back of the room, two beds of different sizes lay together, the bigger one probably belonging to Morgana, and the smaller one to her protegee, Sarah.

Close to the well-equipped cooking area, from which a deliciously sweet scent still emanates from an early recipe, is positioned a wooden dining table, around which the group is currently sitting.

"Okay! First of all, I thank ya again for comin' so quickly, Captain... I-I have one question that's been botherin' me a little, though..." The ogre leader starts talking, eyes curiously switching towards the orc and his assistant, who definitely seem a little out of place in the current situation. "Who might ya two be, luvs? I... I don't want to be rude, but..."

"Oh, I'm Orok Stonefist, the badass ambassador of Garro. And this is Nova, my nerdy assistant, Gahaha!" He laughs, the elf next to him irritatedly huffs, strongly kicking his shin under the table. "Ow..."

"A-ambassador of Garro!? Blimey!" Morgana's grey eyes widen in surprise. "So many important people visitin' our little village... But what are you doin' on 'ere?"

"Juli invited me." He calmly points at the blonde amazon.

"W-what!? But I've never...!" The Captain alarmedly rushes to exclaim, suddenly realizing what an embarrassing waste of time trying to explain the whole story could be. "Ugh..." She slumps back into her seat.

"Ah, I see! Well, we surely need all the help we can get." Morgana contently smiles. "And it's actually very excitin' for me to see an orc and an elf up close for the first time!"

"Gahaha, yeah? I can get even closer if you want~." The orc playfully flashes a charming grin. Nova facepalms in annoyance. "Do you have a boyfriend, Morgana?"

"Hmm? I... I don't at this moment, luv. Why...?"

"P-please go ahead and tell us what you need our help with." Juliette quickly interrupts the ambassador's brazen flirting.

The ogre's wholesome, cheerful facial features darken a bit at the request, twisting into the stressed, gloomy ones she's been arduously trying to hide from everyone. "Oh, right... It's painful to say this, but..." She takes a deep breath. "One of the children of our village went missin'. Little Garrett. We think he was kidnapped... And... I'm afraid it is my fault..."

"What do you mean?" The blonde musclegirl curiously questions.

"A couple of days ago we had a visitor, sum bloke who stumbled onto our village and started bangin' on the gate... He looked badly injured and needed urgent help, so despite the protests from my people, I decided to let him inside..."

Morgana makes a small, pondering pause before continuing.

"Now, I don't like goin' around criticizin' the appearance of folks, I think true beauty is on the inside... But he was honestly kinda weird-lookin', gave off sum dark scary vibes... Yet since he was so hurt and barely able to walk, I thought he wouldn't cause any problem, and that havin' him in our village like that could help make my people less afraid of outsiders..."

The ogre then sorrowfully closes her eyes and squishes her forehead against her open palm. "I... I was wrong..." She sighs. "We let him spend the night in the village and, to my surprise, the next day he disappeared. And little Garrett disappeared with him... He is just a little kid, I... We don't know how the stranger was able to exit, and we didn't find anythin' out of the ordinary in the cabin he stayed in..."

"So you need us to track the kidnapper and rescue that child?" Juliette nods her head with attention.

"Yes... Some of the bravest villagers decided to step out and try to look for him around the deeper areas of the forest, but they were attacked by what they described as frenzied, wild animals. We ogres are awful fighters, so they had to retreat... By any chance, have you had any encounter like that while comin' here...?"

The captain tilts her head to the side. "Not really, no."

"I saw a squirrel acting a bit weird, but no frenzied animals or something like that..." Orok adds to the conversation.

"In any case... Now this village is more scared of outsiders than ever. And I believe most of my people despise me... Not tryin' to put pressure on you, but havin' you here helpin' us is my last chance of provin' that not all non-ogres are bad and want to hurt 'em... My last chance of stoppin' us from goin' completely extinct..." Morgana fights back tears as she talks, her soft, gentle voice breaking at some points...

"I'm sorry for asking, but... not being able to interact with outsiders could make you go completely extinct?" Nova lifts an eyebrow.

The ogre sniffs, nodding her head. "There are thirty-eight adult ogres livin' here. And only five children, countin' Garrett..." She explains. "It is kind of a miracle for an ogre woman to get pregnant, and we seem to get less fertile every year... The worst part is, our reproductive systems are somewhat defective, we have a lot more difficulties breedin' between ourselves than we would with other races. That, mixed with the low fertility I mentioned before... This village has its days counted if things continue like this..."

"Interesting~." The orc ambassador... who focused only on the words 'pregnant' and 'breeding' cheekily throws Nova an excited smile.

Morgana misunderstands the orc's dumb comment, continuing to nod her head as her gaze lowers to her hands, twiddling together as they rest on top of the table. "Huh. I guess it kinda is from a biological point of view, innit...? I find it extremely sad, it's like our own bodies are tryin' to eradicate us... Like they are givin' up on our race... We need to find that poor kid. We need you to help us bring Garrett back home."

"What if... Apologies for being blunt. But what if Garrett was already... you know?" Juliette clumsily tries to present the possibility in a subtle way, softly rubbing the back of her neck.

The ogre leader's eyes alarmedly open up, evidently horrified by the thought. "No. That can't be, luv. I... I know he is alive, I can feel it! We'll save him." She determinedly states. "We have to."

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