Orc’s Harem

Chapter 38 – Midnight orgasms (Part one)

Now well informed about the mission, the group finally exits the leader's hut, just in time to watch an altercation unfolding between Juliette's soldiers and a good amount of tense and irritated ogres that seem to have reached their boiling point...

"Ugh, no one wants ya armed brutes in 'ere! Just that race traitor..." The most vocal one of them exclaims, angry yet keeping a prudent distance from the outsiders. "Leave us alone! We suffered enough already."

"All of you, please go back to your homes." One of the soldiers orders in a stern tone. "We are here to help, not- Uhmpf!"

The man is interrupted as a small rock, recklessly thrown in what must have been a fit of temper from one of the ogres, flies towards his face and hits him right in the nose, causing it to start bleeding. Silence comes over the complaining crowd as they nervously look at each other, trying to figure out who was the culprit.

"Fuck's sake!" The outraged soldier curses, holding his inflamed nose. "Y-you little shits! Which one of you threw that!?" He continues, hotheadedly rushing his free hand down towards the handle of the sword on his hip, threatening to pull it out. Some ogres gasp in fear, some others try to dart away from the situation.

"N-no, wait! Please don't!" Morgana loudly pleads, hurrying towards the space between the group of ogres and the soldiers, holding her palms up and trying to get everyone to calm down. "There is no need for violence, please!"

"Control yourself, soldier!" Juliette shouts, firmly gripping the man's forearm and staring down at him with a marked frown on her face. "That's not how Malena's honorable defenders should act like! You are shaming yourself and your brothers in arms!"

The intimidated soldier gazes upwards at the towering, muscular woman, then lowers his eyes to the ground in regret. "I... I apologize, Captain..." He says, his voice sounding a bit ridiculous as he clenches his aching nose. Juli deeply sighs.

"Bloody hell, ya saw that!? Morgana and her love for outsiders are gonna end up gettin' all of us killed!" The seeming head of the aggrupation of dissidents grunts. Based on their expressions and gestures, the remaining ogres standing behind him agree with his words.

"Ya caused that situation! Ya continue provokin' our people... Makin' 'em fearful and angry... We can't keep livin' isolated like this. Our race will not be able to-" The toned, red-skinned blonde tries to explain, but she is cut short.

"Ha! Now ya care 'bout our race... We are ogres, Morgana. Outsiders hate us! They been hatin' us since the first ogre was born. They don't want to help!" He shouts. "If you could have gotten that into yer mind, that little one would still be alive..."

"He is alive! Garrett isn't dead!" The leader of the village hurries to say, clenching her fists and fighting back tears yet again. "And he is comin' back home soon. Our visitors from the Capital, our allies, they are goin' to lend us a hand."

"Hmph, 'allies', sure... Ya really are a hopeless race traitor... Don't forget that ya are our leader only because yer father was the previous one. If our people were really the ones choosin', you'd be exiled already."

"I ask ya to please don't say those things, I'm only tryin' to do what's best for us..." Morgana sighs, lowering her sad gaze and making a small silence of a couple of seconds before talking again. "Tell me. Ya really think every outsider despises us, innit? That they would never help us in any way?"

"Think? I know it. We know it."

"Hm. Alright then, mate..." She softly says, taking a deep breath and removing the fancy, colorful collar wrapped around her neck. "Sarah! Can ya come 'ere for a second, luv?" She calls out for her protegee, trying to swap the somber expression on her face for her usual, joyful one.

Confusion grows across the group of ogres and the group coming from the Capital as the little girl sprints toward the village leader. "Please keep this safe for me, alright?" The woman sweetly smiles, crouching to be at Sarah's height, sliding the collar into her hand, and then planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"Ei, what are you doin'?" The ogre protestor asks.

"Well, I'm goin' to accompany our Capital friends, mate! And I'm goin' to return safe and sound, with little Garrett by my side, smilin' from ear to ear." Morgana confidently puffs her chest out, her hands resting on top of her hips. "If I don't return in a week, that means I failed. Ya can go ahead and choose a new leader... But when I return, I want all of ya, and the blokes that ran away, to stop complainin' and screamin' and just listen to me for a second, give me an opportunity to explain in detail why we can't keep livin' like this... I'll even bake some big, delicious apple pie, we can eat it while we talk~."

"Uh... Morgana, I'm sorry, but I don't think that would be a good idea, we-" Juliette starts saying in a hushed tone, yet she is interrupted.

"Sure, you can come with us, Morgana!" Orok cheerfully exclaims, holding his thumb up. "Gahaha, it'll be fun."

"H-hey, stop acting like you are the one in charge here, orc!" The muscular blondie fumes with anger as she scolds him.

The ogre leader pouts. "Aw, pretty please, luv?" She begs, mercilessly attacking Juli with her big, light grey puppy eyes.

"I... I just... Ugh, don't look at me like that..." She sighs, frustratedly rubbing her forehead. "Fine..."

"Thank ya so much!" Morgana happily smiles, then turns towards the spokesman of the group of ogres again, stretching her hand towards him. "So, have we come to an agreement?"

The group of ogres starts murmuring between themselves as they try to come to a decision. A couple of minutes go by until... "We accept." The vocal one says, shaking Morgana's hand.

"Lovely!" She energetically exclaims. The ogre rolls his eyes in annoyance and simply starts walking away with a grunt, his group follows shortly after...

"Umm, excuse me, I really have to ask." Nova moves closer to Morgana, curiously raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure about this? It could end pretty bad for you..."

"Please be careful..." Sarah sniffs, strongly hugging the ogre leader's leg, cheek pressed against her thigh.

"Ah, relax, luv!" Morgana laughs, looking at Nova as she places her hand on top of Sarah's head, between her undeveloped horns. "It's only been a pair of days, and this forest is very tricky, they have to be somewhere around 'ere... Also... I know Garrett is alive, there is no reason for him to have been m-murdered, I believe he was probably kidnapped to be... sold..." Her expression darkens into a sad one yet again, but she controls it by closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Everythin' is goin' to be okay. Love and kindness always win in the end, you'll see!"

"That's very optimistic..." Nova says, softly rubbing the back of her neck.

"Captain, it's starting to get dark. We should set up camp soon." One of Juliette's men communicates her. "And... his nose might be broken. We should tend to it." He points at the injured soldier standing close, being aided by having his head tilted backward by one of his fellows. The Captain nods her head, then proceeds to direct her group towards the exit of the village.



"Maaaaan, I hope they return tomorrow..." Pink downheartedly groans, entering the suite she shares with the ambassador after a long productive day of annoying people around the Capital on her own. "I miss fucking the big guy and bullying Nov-Nov..." She pouts, closing the door behind her, then kicking off her high heels before walking directly towards bed.

"Well, whatever..." The succubus sighs, grabbing her frog pet off the top of her head and setting him over the bedside table. "Goodnight, little dude~" She smirks, blowing him a kiss and carelessly jumping onto the large mattress in front of her...

"U-Uh...!? Wha-" She lets out a confused gasp, finding herself to have landed on top of a harder surface than she is used to, one strangely resembling a human figure... A panicked voice then starts squeaking below her small, curvy body, while a pair of shaky hands desperately try to push her off. "W-WAAAAA! THERE IS A RAPIST, SERIAL KILLER, PANTY THIEF IN MY ROOM! SOMEONE PLEASE HEEEEELP!" Pink loudly screams in terror, crawling away from the intruder on her bed as quickly as possible, clumsily falling face-first down on the floor.

"H-hey! Shut up right now!" The visitor hurriedly exclaims in its high-pitched voice, trying to get Pink to stop her screeching. On the king-sized bed, completely naked under the velvety sheets and pressed against Orok's new pillow, lies Princess Francesca of Malena, who seems to have been just woken up by the succubus. "I'm none of those things! S-shut up, idiot!"

"...Oh? Wait, you are a cute girl~." Pink stands up, her frightened expression switching into a calm, amused one in less than a second as she ogles the ginger. "Cute girls can spend all the time they want here, I thought you were a psycho or something." She giggles.

The princess embarrassedly frowns, holding the sheets up to her delicate neck, making sure to hide her teeny, nude body from the succubus. A few more seconds of shameless perving pass before... "Hold on, you are not just any cute girl... You are that obsessed princess, right!?" Pink tilts her head to the side.

"And you are that stupid disgusting succubus that daddy mentioned..." Francesca bitterly says, puffing her cheeks in frustration as she squishes herself even closer to the pillow by her side. "I-I can't believe daddy prefers wasting time with a vulgar fatso like you instead of making a gorgeous wealthy unmarried princess like me his wife..."

"Oh-hoho, daddy? That's what you like calling Orok?"

"Y-yeah, I call him that, is there any problem!? Sooner or later, I'm going to become daddy's favorite girl and the only one he needs! So you better-" The ginger teen starts ranting but isn't able to finish.

"Yo, that's hot as fuck." The succubus shows off a lusty, predatory smirk, licking her lips. "You need daddy to mess you up with his huge orc cock, pretty thing~?"

The girl's green eyes widen in surprise for a second, then go half-lidded as she softly bites her lower lip. "...Yes..." Francesca mumbles, heat growing on her lower tummy just imagining the scenario. "But he doesn't even treat me like a woman, no matter what I do, he thinks I'm a little kid..."

"Oh, I know, sweetie... I know..." Pink continues grinning, getting on top of the bed again, crawling on her fours towards the girl veiled under the sheets, then sitting back over the heels of her feet just a few inches away from the outline of her figure, heart-shaped tail excitedly wagging from side to side. "But him roughly pounding you silly in every position he could think of and blessing you with a couple of big, thick, warm creampies could end up causing a lot of trouble, you know?"

"Y-you... C-creampies... Oh f-ffffuck..." The princess can't help it but practically melt in arousal from the succubus' lewd words, face flushed crimson and expression dazed as she trancedly holds the ambassador's pillow under the blankets like it was her lover, starting to wrap her legs around it, nose taking deep whiffs from its scent, hips starting to move back and forth... "Dadddyyy, I need youuu..."

"Oh-hoho, look at you! Poor girl... Having to hump daddy's pillow like an animal in order to get off... It's a bit pathetic." Pink chuckles, leaning forward to softly caress the girl's tousled, bright orange hair. Allowing her a few more seconds of mindless hip-thrusting before... "Alright, that's enough~." She says, grabbing the upper part of the pillow with both of her hands, swiftly removing it from the princess' grip, then sitting on top of it.

The severely horny Francesca humps the empty air a couple more times before finally realizing that the pillow had disappeared, letting out angry, needy sounds as she hatefully stares at Pink, not able to do much else without dropping the sheets covering her body. "H-hey! Aaaggghhh, give it baaack! I'll have you executed, succubus! Giveitbackgiveitbackgiveitback!" She exclaims like a bratty child, teary-eyed and desperate.

"Wouldn't you prefer the real thing?"


"Having daddy fuck you. Wouldn't you prefer that instead of just humping his pillow?"

Francesca loudly gasps, eyes opening up like plates and jaw hanging open. "O-of course! I need it so bad! Are you... Are you going to ask him to do it...!? I-I order you to ask him to do it!"

"What? Of course not, silly, didn't you hear what I said before? That could end up in a lot of trouble for him..." The succubus makes a tiny pause, building suspense. "But... If we are sneaky and clever about it... Maybe, just maybe I can help you get a taste of that dick without anyone knowing~."

"You mean it...? A-are you really going to help me?"

"Yeah, sure! I love seeing frustrated chicks get laid!" Pink smugly exclaims, resting back over the pillow drenched in pussy-juices she just grabbed. "Buuut, I need you to do some stuff for me first."

"What kind of stuff...?" The princess asks with a distrustful voice tone, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Well, for starters, apologize for calling me fat."

"You can't be serious." The ginger scowls, her pink lips contorting into an annoyed pout. "I-I'm the princess of Malena, I won't apologize to a lowly succubus!"

"Come on, dude. I'm getting called fat a lot lately and it's starting to make me feel bad. Apologize or you are not getting my help." The curvaceous shortstack says in a serious way, crossing her arms over her huge chest.

"But I am... I am... ughhh..." The princess groans, taking a deep breath before saying her next sentence. "I'm sorry for calling you a fatso..."

"There we go! Apologies accepted, cutie." Pink contently smiles. "Now pull down those sheets and show me your body."

"WHAT!?" Francesca holds the sheets close with a white-knuckle grip. "I-I'm not a lesbian or something, weirdo! I'm not going to show you my body!"

"I'm not a lesbo either, I love cocks~." The succubus giggles. "And you are gonna love daddy's one sooo much... That's it if you are a good girl and do what I say, of course..."

The princess keeps silent, anxiously pondering about her next course of action. Is it worth it? Doing that just to get a chance of worshipping daddy? ...Yes, definitely. She lays still on her back, firmly closing her eyes and gritting her teeth, making sure to hold her breath in and...

"Uoooooooooh, nice!" Pink excitedly whistles as the sheets fly away and Francesca's waifish, pale-skinned, sweat-glistening figure is revealed for her enjoyment. The girl's palms rest over both of her itty-bitty breasts, shamefully trying to hide her cute bubblegum pink nipples while her well-formed dancer thighs strongly cross one on top of the other, obscuring the view of her mound and the bright orange muff adorning it.

"Heeey, easy... Relax and show me the goods..." The succubus purrs, giving the princess' flat stomach a few pats. "Come on, babygirl."

Francesca keeps her eyes shut, face completely red as a tomato, freckled nose scrunched. "Y-you... You better do your part after this, succubus..." She angrily hisses, spending a good amount of seconds gathering courage before letting her arms fall by her sides and relaxing her legs, exposing herself fully.

"That's much better~." Pink licks her lips, eagerly rubbing her hands together like she was about to feast on a gourmet meal. The succubus crawls towards the teen's lower body, spreading her thighs wide apart and quickly taking position between them.

"D-don't spread my legs like that! Y-you... I order you to not do anything weird!" Francesca struggles to breathe, absolutely flustered and embarrassed, her whole body quivering as her hands strongly claw down on the mattress. "I'm not a lesbiaaaan!"

"Shhh, shhh." The succubus calmly plants a kiss on the interior of her thigh, getting a taste of the juices she previously spilled while humping the pillow. Her face then stops just inches away from the girl's slick, untainted entrance, letting her feel her hot breath all over it. "Oh-hoho, this virgin cunny looks so delicate and pretty... Do you really think it's going to be able to take all of daddy's cock? He might end up breaking it... Aren't you scared~?"

"N-no. He is going to take my v-virginity... and he is going to fall in love with me... fuuuh..." The princess stutters, nervously squirming while her cunt is visually inspected. "I-I don't care if he destroys me! I'll take it like a good submissive wife."

"So devoted... It is easier to say than to do, though..." Pink starts shifting to the side, pressing her index finger against the girl's squishy pubis, then slowly sliding it upwards across her tummy, making a pause to boop her navel before continuing, stopping just an inch below her ribcage. "I think daddy's cock would go this deep."

"uuuuuuuuuuu." Francesca is only able to howl.

"Your cervix would get destroyed. He would angrily beat on the back of your womb like it owed him a thousand golden coins. Again, and again, and again. No mercy..."


"Ruining you for any other man. Making it so your depraved pussy is only able to feel something with his big... thick... perfect-"

"Stttaaappphhh, I'm... I-I'm cuuummmiiinnnggg!" Francesca suddenly splurts out, holding on for dear life as she reaches her limit, throwing her head back and violently lifting her hips from the mattress, resulting in a vulgar pose that no pompous princess should ever emulate. Love juices squirt from her trembling, untouched cunt, making a wet mess all over the ambassador's bed... some of it even splashes the succubus, who doesn't seem to be too bothered about it.

"Holy fuck. That was amazing..." Pink softly chuckles. Her princess plaything unceremoniously drops onto the mattress again, lying on her back over the puddle of her own arousal, long ginger hair splayed everywhere. Her tiny mosquito-bite titties slightly jiggle around as her chest rapidly moves up and down with her erratic breathing. "Yooo, you came handsfree, right? Am I really that good with dirty talking~?"

Francesca doesn't even make an effort to answer the lewd question, embarrassedly hiding her heated face behind her palms. "A-are... Are we done? This is so weird..." She mumbles.

"What!? Of course not!" The bubbly succubus exclaims, grinning from ear to ear as she stands up on the bed, happily bouncing up and down a few times. "We have just started! Now, where did you leave your clothes? You have a tiara, right~?"

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