Orc’s Harem

Chapter 36 – Love will tear us apart

"Over here! This spot is perfect." Sorceress Grace contently exclaims to her husband, laying a checkered picnic blanket over one of the many gorgeous grassy areas of the royal gardens. "What a fantastic day. Come sit with me, my love!" She beams from ear to ear, elegantly taking a seat over the blanket, leaving her basket full of food in the middle of it.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Frederik laughs, following behind his energetic wife. The handsome knight gives her an amused smile before sitting by her side. "You sure are excited today. I didn't know you were such a fan of picnics."

"Heh, this is actually my first time at one." Grace giggles, removing her oversized hat, then wrapping her arms around her husband's bicep and resting her head over his shoulder. "But I'm not excited about the picnic, dummy... I'm excited about spending time with my perfect husband~."

The man chuckles, turning his head to the side and planting a soft kiss on the top of the woman's head. "And I'm excited about spending time with my lovely wife."

"...Y-yeah?" The sorceress's smile transforms into a little pout, her previous radiant expression and attitude suddenly darkening a bit as an intense wave of guilt comes crashing down on her. Memories of that orc's smug ugly face appearing on her line of thought... The same face he maintained while roughly using her behind her husband's back like she was nothing more than a warm hole... "Are you... sure?"

Frederik caresses the woman's long red-tinted hair, making her look up at his masculine face. "I am." He says, his eyes fixed on hers.

"I... I love you so much..." Grace whispers, planting a small, gentle kiss on the knight's lower lip. "Do you love me? P-please say it..."

"I love you, buttercup." Frederik states, keeping the gentle smile. His lips moving towards the woman's shaky pair once again, joining in a longer, more passionate kiss this time. She moans into his mouth, safe in her lover's embrace.

"M-mwah~." The sorceress gasps, forced to break the kiss to breathe after some while. "N-no matter what...?"

"No matter what." He reaffirms, caressing her cheek as they maintain the visual contact... Tears begin to rain down from Grace's green eyes, the remorseful feelings practically unbearable. Maybe... Maybe if she...

"I... F-Frederik, I need... I need to..." She struggles to talk, voice soft and timid from the lump in her throat, pained expression growing on-

"Yo, these sandwiches are great! Nom nom nom~."

Grace's heart skips a beat from the casual comment interrupting her sorrowful attempt at a confession. The voice, to the sorceress' discontent, a well-known one.

Next to the basket of food that now lays half-empty, probably plundered while the couple were kissing, a pesky pink-haired succubus sits cross-legged over the blanket, the position making her pencil skirt hike up, resulting in a careless flashing of her panties... A delighted smile present on her plump lips as she hurriedly munches on two ham sandwiches, holding one in each hand. On top of her head, between her horns, sits her artist frog companion, stoically observing the situation.

"OI, Wh-What are you doing here!?" The redhead sorceress angrily splurts, wiping her tears, grabbing her ravaged picnic basket and quickly sliding it behind her back. Frederik stays silent, raising an eyebrow as he cautiously stares at the seemingly harmless succubus.

"Well, I was taking a walk, saw you, and decided to come say hello... You looked busy, though, so I just helped myself to some food." Pink talks with her mouth full, small pieces of bread and ham flying around. "Hey, is that your husband? He is cute~." She giggles.

"Grace, do you know her? What is this... creature doing roaming around the castle?" The knight asks.

"Creature!? That's what you call one of the loyal assistants of Garro's ambassador? I thought everyone around here knew about me already..." The succubus smugly talks, finishing one of the sandwiches. "I'm a guest here, so you better treat me right, hot stuff."

"The ambassador... Hmpf, of course..." He huffs, angrily clenching his hand into a fist.

"S-she... She needed me to approve one of her disgusting potions for public use... That's why we know each other." Grace says, strongly holding her husband's arm yet again and throwing daggers at the shortstack with her gaze.

"Yeah, about that. You did approve it, right?" Pink asks, gulping down the second sandwich, then moving her hand up over her head to offer the crumbs to the frog, who slowly starts licking her palm. "Riiiiight?" She repeats with an accusatory tone.

"Ugh. Yes..." Grace lowers her gaze. The knight next to her doesn't bother hiding his confusion. "Everything was in order..." The sorceress lies.

"Yay! That's great~." Pink happily exclaims... What follows this is an awkward silence, with the couple irritatedly glaring at the succubus and her softly creating a rhythm by slapping her thighs as she ponders about what to say next. "Sooooo... The big guy and Nov-Nov are away today, and I'm pretty bored, so maybe... double date!?" A toothy smile forms on her face, grabbing the frog off her head and proudly holding it in front of the busty sorceress.

"GO AWAY, YOU STUPID FAT MIDGET!!!" Grace finally explodes in rage, doing her best to hold back her impulses to disintegrate the little succubus with a magic ball of fire. "NOW!!!"

"J-jeez!" Pink holds the frog close against her chest, trying to keep him from getting scared as she stands up. "Okay, okay. I'm leaving..."

"Don't even think about causing trouble." Frederik sternly adds.

"Yo, me and my girls are behaving now. There is no need for you to say that..." The succubus grunts as she walks away from the picnic area, keeping herself from completing the sentence until she is a good distance away from the couple and unable to be heard. "...cuckold."

"That orc thinks he can do whatever he wants... Bringing a succubus here..." The knight says, deeply frowning. "He is mocking everyone."

"L-let's not talk about that pathetic, vomit-colored waste of air here. Okay, my love~?" The sorceress moves the salvaged food basket back to the center of the picnic blanket, planting a kiss on her husband's cheek. "We can't let those idiots ruin our date!"

"You are right..." The man sighs.

"Of course I am! ...Oh, by the way. I almost forgot." She searches for something inside her pocket, grabbing it and handing it over to the man. The phoenix eye gem. The symbol of love between the sorceress and the knight... The same that Orok forced into her asshole while pounding her pussy. "I... uh... found this lying on the floor. You must have dropped it."

Frederik's expression goes blank. He slowly grabs the red gem and looks at it. "Yeah..." He angrily mumbles between gritted teeth. The last time he saw that gem was when he gifted it to Nova... That orc must have seen her with it and thrown it away... He will pay.

"P-please don't think I'm upset at you or anything! I could never get angry with the love of my life~." The sorceress nervously talks as she notices the man's dark expression, oblivious to the truth, believing the story about the orc stealing it from his pocket. "I'm actually happy I can give it to you again, it feels like we are solidifying our love even more, if that's possible!" She smiles, gently caressing his face.

"Uh-huh..." The knight simply grunts, taking a deep breath and sliding the phoenix eye gem back into his pocket. "Before the succubus appeared, what were you going to say?" He tries to change the subject.

"I... I, uh..." The sorceress stumbles with her answer. Should she actually confess? It's just... Just four nights more and it's over. No one needs to know... She'll then make sure to dedicate every second of her life to making her husband happy. To redeem herself from being such a terrible wife and getting herself blackmailed... "It's nothing, don't worry. D-do you want a sandwich?"



After hitching the horses outside, Juliette, Orok, Nova, and the group of five soldiers follow the leader into the interior of the ogre village. Asher hurriedly lowers the gate behind them...

Between the thick walls safeguarding the village, a good bunch of expertly constructed cabins lay one close to the other, surrounding a long, wooden plank pathway. Rainwater collectors and thriving, bountiful crops are thoughtfully dispersed all across the area, making the community near self-sufficent. A cluster of vibrant, colorful plants and trees embellishes the village interior, and they might be the sole sign of life present at the moment, since Morgana seems to be the only ogre who is comfortable letting herself be freely seen by the group of outsiders... All the others remain hidden inside their homes, where only a few brave ones dare to stealthily peek through their windows or doors...

"Gah, this is... kinda creepy." The orc uneasily grunts, red eyes darting around the deserted landscape as he follows the ogre leader. Suddenly, he spots a young ogre boy standing by the entrance of a cabin. The boy daringly grins and waves at the group before his mother hurriedly pulls him inside, worry etched all across her face.

"I know, I'm sorry..." Morgana lets out a sad sigh. "Please don't take it personally, though. Like I was sayin', every non-ogre is feared in 'ere..."

"Don't worry, you can trust us." Juliette assertively says.

"Oh, I know, luv! I do." The ogre leader smiles warmly, glancing back at the captain. "But I'm afraid the rest doesn't..."

The group keeps following the pathway towards the heart of the village, where a sizeable cabin with a round shape and a conical roof stands, surrounded by a lovely, well-maintained garden.

"We 'ave arrived." Morgana stops in front of the structure. "Sarah, our visitors from the Capital are 'ere!" She loudly exclaims in a sing-song tone of voice, resting her hands over her hips and awaiting an answer from the interior of the cabin.

But no answer comes. A furrow forms on Juliette's brow, mirrored by the puzzled expressions of her soldiers... As the moment stretches on, Orok seizes the opportunity to shamelessly ogle the leader's athletic red figure, earning him an annoyed elbow from Nova, who attempts to discreetly reprimand him.

"S-Sarah?" Morgana's voice takes on a touch of awkwardness as she repeats the call, her fingers rubbing the back of her neck. "Are ya awake, luv?"

"I'm 'ere... I'm 'ere..." A small ogre girl hesitantly comes out of the cabin, pouty and shy as she carries a wide wooden bowl filled to the brim with delicately crafted necklaces made of flowers. "H-hello... we are happy to have y-ya in our village..." She stutters in an almost inaudible volume, fearfully hiding behind Morgana.

"This is me assistant, Sarah. I've been takin' care of her since her parents passed away..." The ogre explains, giving the scared little girl a pat on the head before gently grabbing the bowl she is holding. "Thanks! Ya can go play now, luv." She sweetly says. Sarah nods, her relief palpable as she hurries away with a timid wave, disappearing into the village's landscape...

"What do you have there?" The orc ambassador curiously asks. "Is it a gift for us!?"

Morgana's eyes twinkle with a mix of pride and warmth as she cradles the bowl between her hands. "Yes! The children of the village helped me make these necklaces as tokens of appreciation and trust. We used the prettiest flowers we could find." The leader then steps closer to the orc and politely presents the bowl to him. "Please take one!"

"Gahaha, that's cute." Orok chuckles, playfully grabbing one and wrapping it around Nova's neck, atop her slave choker, before taking one for himself.

The ogre gracefully nods her head and continues towards Juliette's direction, her excitement palpable as she encourages her to choose the necklace she likes the most.

"I... uh..." Juli stammers, embarrassedly glancing down at the bowl brimming with cute, brightly-colored flowers. She gingerly selects one composed of mostly white and light-blue petals, her cheeks flushing with a shy blush as she slowly puts it on. "T-thanks."

Morgana proceeds to offer necklaces to the rest of the group of outsiders, Orok notices the new feminine accessory adorning the captain of the army and amusedly laughs. "You look so pretty with that, Juli!"

Juliette clenches her fists and grits her teeth, trying to suppress her anger and annoyance, while simultaneously struggling to prevent her men from seeing her discomfort. Her face starts blushing so red she might get end up getting mistaken for another ogre...

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