Orc’s Harem

Chapter 35 – Arriving at the ogre village

"For the millionth time... I'm Juliette Shaw, Captain of Malena's military forces. Just hours ago we received a letter from this village insistently asking for help. In good faith, honoring our alliance, we are here to assist as best as we can. Please, open up." Says the tall amazonian blonde, sitting on top of her imposing horse with a slightly disoriented expression plastered on her face... Shortly behind her position awaits a troop of five soldiers hand-picked by her, each one over their own individual horses and sporting their own confused expressions.

In front of the Captain, deep within the dense forest and veiled from the outside world, lies the secretive ogre village. Sturdy, intricate wooden walls form one perfect, protective rectangle, and a large gate made from the same material stands as the only obvious way to enter and exit the closed community. After a quick look around, it could be proudly stated that even nature was doing its part to keep the village hidden, vines and ivy cling to the walls and act as camouflage to the unaware eye, while uncannily thick trees and bushes darken the area's perimeter and conceal it.

"Welp, for the millionth time, Captain, there must have been some kind of misunderstandin', everything is perfectly fine over 'ere..." An accented, masculine voice retorts from the other side of the sealed gate. "It's a bloody shame ya had to come all the way to our village for nothin', but ya have to understand our hesitation 'bout openin' this gate to a group of strangers. I'm afraid we can't let ya or yer boys pass."

Juliette sighs, silently dismounting from her horse and resting her hands over her hips. "Can you please bring your leader? I would like a word with them."

"Uh... Apologies, Captain! That won't be possible, she is... very busy with somethin' right now." The gatekeeper quickly says, nervousness sprinkled all over his tone of voice.

"Well, isn't that strange..." One of Juliette's men softly says, scratching his unshaven chin.

"Yeah, there is definitely something fishy going on here." Another one adds. "Are we even sure we are talking to one of those ogres, Captain? Maybe bandits have taken over the village..."

The woman commandingly raises her palm in the air, gesturing the soldiers behind her to cease their chatter. "You have to admit this is a bit suspicious... But, as you wish. We'll wait here until your leader is able to come speak with us." She calmly says.

"Uh... A-are ya sure? She's probably goin' to take a while... A-and it's kinda cold out there, innit? Don't ya think it's a better idea to simply return to that Capital city of yers...?"

Juliette doesn't bother answering, she simply turns around and moves close to the group of five men accompanying her. "Alright, this is what we are going to do..." She hushedly starts talking, the soldiers pay close attention to her plan. "I want one of you to find a high position from where it's possible to observe the interior of the village, we should have at least an idea of what awaits us there. Then, another one of you has to thoroughly check those walls, find any weakness we can use if we need to sneak in. The rest, gather rocks and wood to set up a bonfire over here, the smoke is going to let them know that-"

"Hey, why don't we simply kick that gate down? They are disrespecting you, keeping you out here like a dog..."

Juliette bounces in surprise noticing the giant orc and his elf assistant casually intruding in her group. "What are you doing here!?" She angrily exclaims.

"Gahaha, I told you I was going to come too! What's up, Juli?" He simply laughs, smiling from ear to ear. Nova, next to him, embarrassedly sighs, lowering her gaze.

With an alarmed gasp, Juli takes a quick glance at the men under her command for any reaction to the pretty nickname. Just a few awkward coughs and raised eyebrows, they don't dare say a word. "I-I'll kill you if you call me that again!" The woman furiously hisses under her breath, trying to keep her soldiers from hearing her or noticing her pinkish cheeks. "G-go away, orc!"

"Uh, Captain, that's definitely the orc who stole the letter from that rookie... We are lucky he actually ended up bringing it to you..." One of the soldiers cautiously says. Juliette grunts and rubs her forehead in frustration.

"Hey, that's called slammering, buddy, and it's a crime. Don't say that trash about the honorable ambassador of Garro." The orc frowns, threateningly pointing a finger at the armored man.

"Slandering." Nova immediately corrects him, pushing her glasses up.

"That's what I said..." Orok confusedly tilts his head to the side, then walks towards the gate of the ogre village and starts giving it fierce, violent kicks one after the other. "HEY, OPEN UP!"

"Oh, blimey... Captain, there is no need to get like that! P-please stop kickin' our gate." The voice inside the village fearfully exclaims. "You are goin' to startle our people."

"T-that's not me! I wouldn't do something so stupid!" The blonde loudly splurts out, gripping the orc's arm and mustering all her strength to try and pull him away from the gate. "Stop this right now...! Y-you are embarrassing meee!"


The gatekeeper panics more and more. "N-not so bloody loud, mate...! Feckin' hell, please leave already...!"

"Don't just stand there, h-help me!" Juliette barks an order to her men, red-faced and dripping sweat down her forehead. The soldiers throw bewildered looks at each other, until finally one of them rushes towards the scene, carefully grabbing the other arm of the ambassador and pulling along with his Captain.

"STOP DISRESPECTING MY GIRL JULI, ASSHOLE!" The orc continues incessantly banging at the tall gate, ignoring the people forcefully trying to make him back down. "OPEN UP NOW!"

"It's... It's worse if you try to get him to stop, Captain. Just... uh, wait it out..." Nova awkwardly says, just looking at the loud, messy show from a short distance.

"Please! Yer bein' too loud, yer gonna..." The ogre gatekeeper makes a pause, followed by a defeated sigh as he seems to notice someone approaching his position. "Ah, bollocks..."

"Ei, Asher! Sorry for not comin' sooner, I was takin' a tiny nap, I'm just so tired lately... All this fuss woke me up, it's makin' our people nervous..." A gentle feminine voice talks, then loudly yawns. The group on the other side of the gate instantly falls silent at the incorporation of the new voice. "We havin' sum problems here, innit? Need me to handle it...?"

"Uh, hello? Could that be the leader of this village speaking?" Juliette quickly shoots a question.

"Yes, that's me, 'ello there, luv!" She sweetly says, her smile present in her voice. The gatekeeper stays quiet. "Now, I'm afraid we can't open up that gate for a lot of reasons. But if you are havin' sum trouble and need food or-"

"I'm Juliette Shaw, Captain of Malena's military forces. I've received your letter."

A pair of seconds of silence passes as the ogre leader processes what she just heard. "Y-you... The people from the Capital city are here already!?" She gasps in shock. "Asher! Mate, I told ya to let me know when they arrived...! Why are ya keepin' them outside like that? Open the gate, hurry up!"

Clanking sounds follow her order as the heavy wooden gate starts being obediently lifted, finally exposing the inside of the hidden ogre village and its leader.

The woman stands at six foot two, with a toned yet not overly muscular body shaped in an alluring feminine figure. Her skin color a deep shade of red, that being one of her distinctive ogrish features along with the two straight horns coming from the upper part of her forehead, as crimson as her skin yet darker at the pointy areas. The ogre has vanilla-blonde hair in a messy high ponytail with cute uneven bangs, and bright silvery grey eyes. She maintains a kind yet noticeably nervous smile on her face, some hints of stress sparkled across her gentle features.

Around her plump bust are wrapped white cotton bandages that keep her breasts in place and hide them from view, her tummy completely bare, showing off abdominal muscles that are not nearly as developed as Captain Juliette's, but are still pretty worthy of a good licking. Her long legs and wide hips covered by a combination of pants and a loincloth held by a thick belt, the fancy garment greyish blue with golden embellishing, letting only the interior part of her thighs be seen. The ogre's feet are encircled by purple greaved sandals, armguards of the same color envelop her forearms, and a very ancient and important-looking collar is proudly wrapped around her neck.

"Welcome! My name is Morgana." She bows her head in a respectful greeting. "I... I deeply apologize for the trouble. I'm sure Asher does too. He is one sweet bloke, but it seems he also is part of that big group of ogres who doesn't want any outsider in 'ere..." She glances at the ashamed gatekeeper standing next to her, not in an angry way but a disappointed one.

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