Orc’s Harem

Chapter 34 – A little help from Mother Nature

"Nova, I think we are lost." Orok simply says, dismounting from the overworked horse and taking a good look at his surroundings.

"You don't say..." The elf sighs, getting down from the horse after her master does, then giving the poor animal a sympathetic pat on the head. "Let's just go back to the Capital. We should find our way out of here before it gets dark."

The orc grunts in frustration, stomping his foot against the ground, kicking some grass around. "Gaaah, I'm not giving up! Maybe if I connect with Mother Nature..."

"Who...?" The elf confusedly raises an eyebrow and tilts her head to the side, the horse next to her seeming equally as puzzled.

"The hot divinity who created all plants and animals in the world, I once read an H-manga about her, it was pretty good!" Orok grins. "Bet she knows this forest like the palm of her hand."

"You do realize that manga is fiction, right...? You are not that dumb..."

"Duh. But that one was based on an old legend or something, so there is actually a chance that she exists!"

Nova takes a deep breath, removing her glasses and tiredly rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous."

"Well, it's either calling Mother Nature for help, or making you climb the tallest tree we can find and having you try to spot the village from up there, so..."

Nova falls silent, crossing her arms over her flat chest and resignedly gesturing the orc to go ahead with his eccentric invocation.

"Alright! Let's see... uh... maybe..." The orc murmurs, taking a few seconds to think about what could be the best way to contact the divine force of nature. He then unhesitantly slides down to the ground and sits cross-legged with his eyes closed, letting his body relax.

"Tch." The elf behind him clicks her tongue at the absurd spectacle, idly circling around the area as her master stays frozen in the same position. "Mother Nature..." She mockingly mutters under her breath.

Almost fifteen minutes pass, Nova awaits seated on top of a nearby fallen tree trunk. Unmistakably bored, elbows resting over her knees and cheeks on top of her palms. Her high heels removed as she glides her feet against the grass below. "He might have fallen asleep." She grunts, Orok in the exact same position as when he started, not emitting any kind of sound.

"Do you think I should...?" She meekly asks the horse standing close, the animal very busy chewing on a bunch of plants. It would shrug its shoulders if it had them... Nova deeply sighs, taking a small pebble from the ground, pointing at the orc's shiny bald head, and throwing it at him.

"Do you hear that!?" The orc suddenly exits his trance, microseconds before the flying tiny rock connects with his head. "Gaaah! What the fuck!?"

"W-what?" Nova tries to play dumb, rubbing the back of her neck. "I don't hear anything."

"Pay attention!" Orok raises his open palm, prompting the elf to listen closely.

"...village..." Very faintly sounds in the distance, some good meters away, it's hard to isolate the voice from the various sounds of nature but it's clearly there. "...ogres...help...urgent..."

"I-I think I hear it!" Nova's amber eyes widen and her pointy ears perk up, sliding her feet into her heels and flattening her skirt with her palms as she stands up again. "It's coming from over there." She points in the direction of the distant voice.

"Gahahahaha, I knew Mother Nature would help us!" The orc bounces from the ground with a triumphant pose, his chest proudly puffed and his hands resting over his hips.

"Hey now, don't be stupid...! It's just people talking in the distance, probably Juliette and her soldiers. You were able to hear them because you made silence for once in your life. You can't really believe that-" She isn't even able to finish her scolding as she is firmly grabbed by her arm and dragged towards the horse.

"Let's go, let's go!"



"Mhhh, I see..." Pink softly yawns, taking a look at the hastily written note Nova left for her. Still warm and cozy in the huge bed of the ambassador's suite, her messy hair a sign of her having just woken up. "Huh... very interesting..."

"Too bad I'm not a nerd who knows how to read. Pffft." She crumples the paper into a ball and tosses it away while doing a farting noise with her mouth, then finally stands up from bed, stretching her limbs as erotically as possible. "Those two must be busy doing something boring... Oh well, some time for myself won't hurt~."

The shortstack succubus dutifully puts on her assistant uniform, even taking the trouble to do three or four buttons over her huge funbags, the cleavage showing absolutely vulgar, as it should be.

"Oh-hoho, wait! I forgot, I'm not alone!" She giggles as she combs her hair, slightly bending her knees to go face to face with the ugly artist frog she has turned into her official pet, relaxing on top of a nightstand with its usual stoic expression. "You are coming with me, little buddy! Let's wreak havoc!"



"Alright, let's say she exists... Why would she even bother helping you?"

"Based on that manga, she is supposed to be super slutty. Maybe she is buttering me up to get a good fuck as a reward, Gahaha!"

"Ugh... Do you really think a divine being would want to waste her time having sex with a mere mortal like you...?"

"Maybe it's like a fetish or something. And I bet my mortally big cock could make Mommy Nature tremble like a leaf... By the way, that elven goddess of yours... What is she supposed to look like? Could you imagine her-"

"D-don't say it, you disrespectful pig!" Nova alarmedly exclaims to put a stop to the incoming heresy, angrily giving the orc's arm a hard slap as she sits behind him on top of the moving horse. The conversation of the couple then suddenly comes to a halt as they get close to the location of the clashing voices, now able to be clearly heard...

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