Orc’s Harem

Chapter 33 – New destination

Juliette suspiciously glances down at the envelope before bringing her attention back to the ambassador. "Don't try anything..." She warns him with a frown, hesitantly sheathing her sword, grabbing the letter, and holding it open in front of her face.

"Relax!" The orc simply exclaims, entertaining himself by lecherously groping the elf slave sitting across his lap. Nova grits her teeth, trying to push his hands away and irritatedly tossing out insults under her breath.

The captain's eyes start scanning across the text, thick golden eyebrows unable to stay straight as she continues reading. When she is done, she simply folds the piece of paper in half and places it on the table, trying to fake a neutral poker face. "...Well then."

"So? Tell me what the letter said!"

"W-what!? No! It's confidential."

"Come on, I'm curious. Pleeeeeeease?" He says, making big puppy eyes.

"Ugh... Fine... But you can't tell anyone." The blonde sighs before continuing. "Our ogre allies need the help of our military forces."

Nova's amber eyes widen in surprise. "Ogres? I thought they were extinct."

"Well, they kinda are... There aren't many of them scattered around the world. The ones in our country live inside some kind of hidden village."

"Huh... And you say they are allies of Malena?"

"Yes. I was young back then, but Olivia told me they were actually the ones who approached us to sign an alliance when they arrived at our territory. Probably to make sure they wouldn't have any problems settling in..." Juliette explains. "Ogres are pretty reclusive, though, they barely interacted with us since then. They only bother to do so when they need stuff they can only get by trading... So something important must have happened if they are asking for our help so directly..."

"Uhhh, this is a lot less interesting than I expected." A bored Orok rudely interrupts the conversation of the two women, trying to switch the subject as he squeezes Nova's shapely, pantyhose-wrapped thighs. "Hey Juli, when are we fighting again? Gahaha, don't tell me you are scared..."

"I-I've never been scared in my life, orc!" The captain angrily clenches her fists. "Bu-But we can't fight right now because I have to gather a group of soldiers and travel to the ogre village at once. This is an important situation, so I'll need to be there to supervise everything."

"Oh..." He makes a pause of a couple of seconds before opening his tusked mouth to talk again. "Well, I'll go with you!"

"Ehh!?" Juliette alarmedly blurts out, jaw dropping and eyes opening up like plates. "Y-you... No, you can't! Don't even think about it."

"Y-yeah, wouldn't you prefer doing something else today, ambassador?" Nova nervously tries to change the orc's mind. "I heard... uh... a limited edition manga book arrived to-"

"You are coming too, Nova!" He keeps contently grinning. "It's decided."

"Decided!? I-I'm the one that picks who comes with me, not you!" The blonde sternly exclaims, absolutely fuming. "You are not coming, end of the discussion. I won't let you follow me, and the village is in a secret, hidden location, so that means there is no way-"

"Gaaaah, Juli, watch out!" Orok interrupts the choleric blonde, pointing over her shoulder with an alarmed expression on his face. "Behind you, an assassin!"

"Huh!?" Juliette firmly grabs her weapon and quickly rotates over her seat, turning her back to the ambassador and coming face to face with... the utter nothingness... She confusedly raises an eyebrow, giving the empty space a careful visual examination before turning towards the orc and his assistant again. "There was nothing there, what are you-"

What she is met with is Orok holding the confidential letter open and reading through it as fastly as possible. "Gahahaha, look! They actually left directions to their village written here. How thoughtful!"

"G-GIVE THAT BACK!" The captain of the military gasps, snatching the piece of paper off the orc's hands. But, judging by the smug expression on his face and by the way the resigned elf on his lap facepalmed, it was too late. "You, youuuuuu...! Aaaggghhhhhh!" She furiously grits her teeth and shakes her fists around, giving the table in front of her a powerful punch, almost breaking it in half, then standing up and hurrying out of the small office, probably desperate to get started on her assignment and obtain a head start over the orc who will be chasing her around...

Nova deeply sighs, frustrated frown fixed on her pretty face. "...Why?"

"It'll be fun! And there has to be at least one cute ogre girl in that village. If they are so rare and almost extinct like you said, I shouldn't miss my chance to fuck one, Gahahaha!"

"Typical... If only you thought with what's left of that small, deformed brain of yours instead of your penis... But why do I have to go?"

"Because you are my cute little assistant/slave/wife, we are a team! It's a shame you weren't there to watch me fuck those succubi back in that cave..." He talks, holding the elf close against him and running one of his gigantic hands across her long, silky silver hair. "It felt like I was cheating on you."

"C-cheating on me!? That doesn't make any sense. We are not... i-in a relationship or anything, idiot! I'm not your wife, I'm your slave, it's not like I choose to be stuck with you!" She says, crossing her arms and averting her angry gaze from Orok's bright red eyes... Yet her pouting lips begin slowly parting again after some brief moments of silence. "But did you... Y-you really felt like you were cheating on me, Orok...?" She softly asks.

"Of course not. Gahahahaha!"

"Ugh!" Nova lets out a disgruntled grunt and rolls her amber eyes, deciding to continue with the conversation in an attempt to distract her irritation. "Are you bringing the succubus too?"

"Hey, call her by her name. She is supposed to be your buddy."

"...Fine... Are you bringing Pink too?"

"Hmm..." The orc scratches his chin, then dismissively waves his hand at the air. "Nah, let's let her sleep." He states, removing the elf from his lap and then standing up himself. "I'll go get the horse that old man let me use, bet he won't mind if I take it for a ride again. You go leave Pink a letter for when she wakes up."



"Heeeeeeeeey, hurry up!" The orc ambassador yells to the distance, sitting alone on top of the depressed, exhausted horse being forced to carry his weight around once again. The animal stands at the side of a dirt road a good distance away from the Capital of Malena... A good distance away from any kind of town or civilization in general, actually. "Come on, what are you doing back there!? Are you peeing or writing a book!?"

"Jeez, s-shut up for a second!" Nova yells back, walking out from behind a bunch of thick bushes with reddened cheeks and an embarrassed expression on her face. "Don't say stuff like that so loudly..." She tucks in her shirt and adjusts her pencil skirt as she approaches the back of the horse, holding her hand out for Orok to help her up.

"Ew... Are you really expecting me to touch your pee-stained hand? Gross!"

"Cut it out, retard!" Nova furiously exclaims, face tinting into an even brighter tone of crimson. The orc amusedly laughs at the elf's reaction, then easily lifts her until she is sitting behind him on top of the animal.

Orok continues directing the neighing horse across the road, the number of trees around them growing in number and density as the pair immerse themselves in an intensely green forest area. The afternoon sun now blocked by the thick vegetation, only sparse yellow rays managing to penetrate.

"Now I have to go through here... Take a left... Or was it a right...? No, no, a left... Or maybe..." The orc quietly murmurs to himself as he drifts away from the road, avoiding trees as he continues moving even deeper into the woods, squirrels and other small critters running away as the horse hooves slam against the previously undisturbed areas.

"Are you sure we are going the right way...? You are not lost, are you?" Nova anxiously questions.

"I wouldn't get lost, I'm not an idiot! Don't worry, I memorized those directions with my perfect memory." The offended orc huffs. "Now shut up, let me concentrate."

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