One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch38- Three Types of Devil Fruits

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Nami then frowned, a hint of concern covered her face. "What is wrong?" Nojiko asked, sensing her sister's sudden shift in mood. Nami sighed, her cheeks flushing with a shy blush, "I don't want his first time to be with you," she whispered, the words barely escaping her lips.

Nojiko chuckled awkwardly, her own face turning a shade of red as she understood the sentiment. The idea that Coby's first intimate experience could be with her instead of Nami would make things difficult for Coby and Nami in the long run. It was a delicate matter, one that could potentially alter the dynamics of their relationships. Yet, Nami wasn't certain she was ready to cross that particular threshold herself. Their bond with Coby was still in its early stages, and despite her deep affection for him, she hesitated, unsure of the right course of action.

The night had deepened, and the celebrations in the village continued unabated. The sound of laughter and music was a low hum that was far from their house. The villagers danced around bonfires, their faces alight with the joy of freedom, and thumping of their feet could be heard even from such a distance.

Nami and Nojiko sat in silence for a moment, each lost in thought. The complexity of their situation was not lost on either of them. They both cared deeply for Coby, but their desires and circumstances pulled them in different directions.

Finally, Nami spoke, breaking the silence. "We need to talk to Coby about this," she said, her voice firm yet gentle. "He deserves to know how we feel and what we're considering."

Nojiko nodded, her expression resolute. "Yes, we'll talk to him together. But, Nami, whatever happens, I want you to know that your happiness comes first for me. I won't do anything that might hurt you or your relationship with Coby."

Nami reached out, squeezing Nojiko's hand in a gesture of sisterly love and solidarity. "And I want the same for you, Nojiko. We'll figure this out together."

They stood up, both glad to talk things out. They made their way down the hill, joining the festivities below. As they mingled with the villagers, their faces mirrored the happiness around them.

The next morning, Coby woke up to the sound of the ocean's waves and stretched, feeling a sense of renewal wash over him. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden hue over the horizon. He got up, yawned lazily. It was a long night of party.

Coby made his way to the kitchen, where he found Luffy already up and rummaging through the pantry for food. "Morning, Luffy," Coby greeted, a smile on his face.

"Morning, Coby! I'm starving!" Luffy exclaimed, his voice filled with his usual cheer and boundless energy.

Coby chuckled at Luffy's enthusiasm and began preparing breakfast for the crew. Sanji stormed into the kitchen, his expression a mix of irritation and protectiveness. "Hey, what is going on here?" he demanded, eyeing Coby and Luffy with a critical gaze.

Coby, turning to face Sanji, chuckled lightly. "Oh right, I forgot we have a cook now," he said, his tone light and teasing. Sanji's presence in the kitchen meant it was time for Coby to relinquish this duty to him.

Sanji, puffing out his chest, quickly took control of the situation. "This is my kitchen. You two better not mess it up," he warned.

Luffy, seemingly oblivious to Sanji's annoyance, continued rummaging through the pantry, his attention solely on the quest for food. "I'm just looking for meat!" he exclaimed.

Coby, stepping aside to give Sanji space, watched as the cook began to expertly maneuver around the kitchen. Sanji's movements were fluid and efficient, a clear indication of his skills and passion for cooking. Within minutes, he had begun to whip up a breakfast that filled the kitchen with mouth-watering aromas.

Luffy, his mouth full of food, was not really worried about anything else. He was more concerned with their next destination and the adventures that awaited them. "Where to next, Coby?" he asked between bites, his eyes shining with the promise of new adventures.

Thinking deeply, Coby finally broke the silence that had fallen over the kitchen. "Let's head to Logue Town next. We need to restock and prepare ourselves before we hit the Grand Line." His voice sounded serious to the crew, which was expectable. Grand Line was infamous for its dangers, and his voice carried that warning.

Luffy, who had been halfway through a large piece of meat, stopped mid-chew, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Woohoo! Grand Line, here I come!" he exclaimed. He resumed eating with renewed vigor, his enthusiasm as boundless as the sea itself.

The commotion in the kitchen drew the attention of the others. Zoro strolled in, a curious glance cast toward Coby and Luffy, yawned as if he was having a blissful sleep until a moment ago. Usopp followed close behind, his eyes wide with a mix of excitement and apprehension about their next destination.

Sanji, still busy preparing breakfast, shook his head in mild exasperation at the chaos that seemed to follow the Straw Hat crew wherever they went. Despite this, a faint smile played on his lips.

Once breakfast was over, Coby turned to the crew. "We'll need to be well-prepared for the journey ahead," he stated, as he decided to educate the crew a bit. "Loguetown is not just a place to resupply; it's also teeming with Marines. We need to be cautious."

Zoro, cleaning his sword, nodded in agreement. "We've made a name for ourselves. It won't be easy going unnoticed," he remarked, he was most attuned to working of Marine in East Blue from his time as a Bounty Hunter.

Usopp gulped nervously. "Marines? Are we strong enough to handle them if things go south? I suddenly had a disease that will kill me if I step on that town," he shivered, the worry clear in his voice.

Usopp, his eyes widening with a sudden realization, exclaimed, "Wait, isn't Loguetown where that Smoker guy is stationed?" His voice was apprehensive and curios. The image of the formidable Marine officer, known for his relentless pursuit of pirates, loomed large in his mind. He heard a lot about that guy when he delivered Captain Kuro to Marine.

Coby, nodding affirmatively, confirmed, "True. Smoker is the highest-ranking Marine in the East Blue region. We'll need to be extra cautious around him." His tone was matter-of-fact, he considered resupplying somewhere else but in the end decided otherwise. Logue Town was too important. He had to see that scene!

The crew gathered around, their attention focused on Coby as he continued. "Now that we're preparing to enter the Grand Line, it's important you all understand more about Devil Fruits." His gaze swept over the crew, ensuring he had their undivided attention.

Luffy, his expression turning from excitement to confusion, asked, "Different types of Devil Fruits?"

Coby nodded, "Exactly. There are three known types: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia. Each type has its unique characteristics and abilities." He paused, ensuring the crew was following his explanation.

"Paramecia type grants its user superhuman abilities or alter parts of their body. For example, my Gum Gum Pistol is a Paramecia type ability," Luffy said, grasping the concept with his usual simplicity.

"That's right, Luffy," Coby affirmed. "Zoan types, on the other hand, allow the user to transform into an animal or a hybrid form. They are known for enhancing physical strength and abilities."

Usopp, intrigued by the information, chimed in, "So, what about Logia? What can they do?"

Coby's eyes narrowed slightly as he explained, "Logia fruits are the rarest and considered the most powerful. They allow the user to become, control, and produce a natural element or force. Users of Logia fruits are often intangible and can only be hit with their natural weakness and..."

Coby pondered for a moment, considering the weight of his next words. 'Should I tell them about Haki, or is it too early?' he thought. He decided it was vital for the crew to understand the full scope of what they were up against. "Smoker has a Logia ability. Do you realize what that means?" he asked, his tone serious, capturing the crew's full attention.

The crew exchanged glances, their expressions of curiosity and concern. Luffy, his brow furrowed in thought, was the first to break the silence. "That means he's tough to beat, right?" he said, his voice carrying a hint of his usual determination.

"Exactly," Coby confirmed. "His Smoke-Smoke Fruit makes him intangible. Normal attacks won't work on him. He's like a ghost." The gravity of the situation settled over the crew, a stark reminder of the formidable opponents that lay ahead.

Usopp gulped, the implications of facing such an enemy dawning on him. "So, how do we fight someone like that?" he asked, his voice tinged with fear.

Coby, observing the worried faces of his crewmates, decided it was time to reveal a glimmer of hope. "There is a way to combat Logia users. It's an internal energy method, somewhat like a force within us." His explanation was deliberate, meant to pique their interest without overwhelming them.

Luffy, always eager to learn new things, especially if it meant getting stronger, leaned in closer. "Internal energy? Like what monks use?" he asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"Something like that," Coby affirmed. "It's a skill that requires intense training and focus. But for now, let's focus on what's ahead. We'll deal with Smoker and other challenges as they come."

Zoro nodded in agreement. "First things first, we avoid unnecessary confrontations with Marines, especially those like Smoker. We're not ready for that yet."

The crew murmured their agreement, the seriousness of the situation dawning on them. Usopp, still looking slightly pale at the thought of facing someone like Smoker, mumbled, "Avoiding sounds good to me."


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