One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch39- The Talk

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Coby, sensing the crew's unease, decided to shift the focus. "Let's not dwell on the problems too much. We have other preparations to make. Our journey to the Grand Line is about more than just facing strong enemies; it's about exploring, discovering, and growing stronger together."

Luffy, his spirits lifted by Coby's words, grinned broadly. "That's right! Adventure awaits us!" His infectious enthusiasm spread among the crew, lightening the mood.

Sanji, having listened quietly while continuing his work in the kitchen, finally spoke up. "I'll make sure to prepare meals that'll keep you all strong and healthy. You'll need the energy for whatever comes our way. Just keep working hard."

Later that day, Coby found himself sitting on the deck, the sea breeze ruffling his hair. He watched as the crew went about their chores. It was then that Nami approached him, her expression serious mixed with soft bashfulness.

"Coby, we need to talk," she said, her voice low so only he could hear.

Coby nodded, standing up to follow her to a more private part of the ship. They found themselves at the bow, near Luffy's seat. Luckily, Luffy was somewhere else, so they could talk in private.

Nami took a deep breath before speaking. "It's about Nojiko and me... and you," she began, her eyes meeting his, intense flare burning within them.

Coby frowned, a hint of concern etching his features. 'Did Nojiko go to Nami after our talk?' he wondered silently. He thought he had successfully steered Nojiko away from any romantic notions involving him. Noticing Coby's tense expression, Nami offered a reassuring smile. She had overheard the rooftop conversation and admired how sensitively Coby had handled the delicate situation. He had managed to protect Nojiko's feelings while remaining loyal to Nami. She appreciated that about him, but she had also made a promise to her sister.

Taking a deep breath, Nami began to speak, her voice soft and her face slightly flushed. "Coby, there's something we need to discuss about Nojiko and me... and your involvement with us."

Coby, taken aback, nodded slowly. "I'm listening," he replied, his voice calm but filled with curiosity about where the conversation might lead.

Nami glanced out at the sea, gathering her thoughts. "Nojiko came to me last night. She's been considering something significant, and it involves you." Her words were measured, and she carefully watched Coby's reaction.

Coby's brow furrowed slightly, a mixture of surprise and concern apparent in his gaze. "What is it that she's considering?" he asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

Nami hesitated for a moment, then continued, "She's thinking about having a child, Coby."

Hearing so far, Coby felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had naturally assumed Nojiko was leaning towards the path of adoption he subtly suggested. As he relaxed slightly, Nami couldn't help but hide a small grin. She knew exactly what was running through Coby's mind and decided it was time to clarify things. Taking another deep breath, she said, "But she wants it to be her own biological child."

Coby's eyes widened slightly, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. The news was unexpected, and he took a moment to process it. "Her own child?" he echoed, seeking confirmation.

Nami, her face flushing a deeper shade of red, mumbled almost inaudibly, "And she wants you to be the father." The words hung in the air, heavy with implications and unspoken emotions.

Coby's mind raced at the revelation. The first thought that unbiddenly crept into his mind was the image of Nojiko naked. 'Nice!' It was a fleeting, uncontrolled thought, but it brought an involuntary, stupid grin to his face. Nami noticed the change in his expression, her fist clenched at her side, but she restrained herself from any outburst.

Then, as quickly as it came, the frivolous thought vanished, replaced by the gravity of the situation. The responsibilities this notion entailed weighed heavily on him. He was a man destined to sail the seas, and the idea of having a child left behind didn't sit well with him. It was a commitment, a tie to a life he wasn't sure he was ready for or even wanted in the manner being presented.

Coby took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. He looked at Nami, her eyes searching his for any sign of his thoughts. "Nami, that's... a lot to take in," he said, his voice steady but his mind anything but. "I care about both you and Nojiko, but this... this is something I need to think about seriously."

Nami nodded, understanding the weight of her request. "I know it's a lot, Coby. But Nojiko and I discussed this. We're ready to talk to you about it together," she offered, hoping to provide some semblance of support and solidarity in this unexpected situation.

Coby felt a mix of emotions swirling within him—concern, fear, a sense of duty, and an undeniable affection for both sisters. It was a tangle of feelings he couldn't easily unravel. "Okay, let's talk to Nojiko together," he finally agreed, knowing that a conversation with both sisters was the only way forward.

As they walked towards Nami's house, Coby's thoughts were in turmoil. On Earth, he had often daydreamed about Nami and Nojiko engaged in various activities, and he couldn't deny finding them both incredibly sexy. However, upon deciding to join the Straw Hat Pirates, he had committed himself to pursuing a relationship with Nami. The idea of forming a harem was a tantalizing , nay  mouth-watering, but he drew the line at pursuing two sisters simultaneously – it just felt morally questionable not even talking about possibly coming between them.

That's why he had initially tried to steer Nojiko towards the idea of adopting a child instead. To his surprise, Nojiko had expressed a desire to have a child of her own, and from him, no less. It had only been a few days since they had met, and despite wracking his brain, Coby couldn't recall any particularly significant moments that would explain why Nojiko had developed feelings for him.

Coby, his thoughts a jumble, tried to make sense of Nojiko's sudden interest in him. His body, now more defined and athletic, certainly presented a good image, and his actions during their confrontation with Arlong had shown a mix of bravery, intelligence, and sensitivity. But he questioned whether these qualities alone could have sparked such a deep sentiment in Nojiko.

Nojiko greeted them at the door, her expression a blend of nervousness and resolve. She ushered them in, and they all took seats around the table, the air charged with unspoken tension.

Coby broke the silence, his voice calm yet firm. "Nojiko, Nami told me about your conversation. I want to understand your thoughts and feelings on this matter." His gaze was direct, seeking honesty and openness.

Nojiko's hands fidgeted in her lap, her eyes briefly meeting Coby's before darting away. "I... I've thought about this a lot," she began, her voice shaky. "After everything we went through, I realized I want to bring life into this world. To nurture and love, to pass on the strength Bellemere gave us."

Coby nodded, acknowledging her feelings. "I understand the sentiment, Nojiko. But why me? We barely know each other." His question was genuine, seeking to understand the depth of her decision.

Nojiko bit her lip, her emotions swirling. "I've seen how you are with us, with Nami. You're brave, smart, and kind. You stood up to Arlong for us. There's a goodness in you that... that I admire." Her words trailed off, but the meaning was clear. She saw qualities in Coby that she believed would make him a good father.

Nami, sitting beside Coby, added, "Coby, we discussed this. We're not asking you to be a part of the child's life. This is about Nojiko's wish to have a family." Her voice was steady, but her eyes betrayed her complex emotions.

Coby frowned, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "And what if I want to be part of the child's life?" he asked, his voice was a little stronger, he felt anger in his heart. Nojiko's face lit up with a hopeful glow at his words, but Nami's expression turned troubled.

"I'm not a seed bank," Coby continued, his tone firm. "I don't go around making babies without considering the consequences." He turned to Nami, seeking her eyes, which held a storm of emotions. "And how will this affect us? We've been flirting, yes, but now we're at a crossroads. Are you giving up on us because of this? I'm not comfortable with any arrangement that was decided without my input."

Nojiko's smile faded slightly, the reality of Coby's words sinking in. She hadn't considered the full impact of her request on Coby's life or his relationship with Nami. Nami, for her part, remained silent, her eyes downcast, grappling with the implications of the situation.

Coby leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Nojiko's. "Nojiko, I respect and admire you, and your desire to carry on Bellemere's legacy is noble and heartfelt. But this isn't just about what you want. It's about what we all want and can live with."

Nami finally spoke, her voice soft but resolute. "Coby, I don't want to give up on us. I care about you deeply, and this situation with Nojiko is... complicated. But I believe we can find a way through it together." She looked at Nojiko, her sisterly love evident despite the difficult conversation.

The room fell into a tense silence, each of them lost in their thoughts. The decision they were about to make would change their lives forever.

Coby broke the silence, his voice carrying a newfound determination. "If we're going to consider this, I need to know we're all on the same page. Nojiko, if I agree to this, I want to be involved in the child's life. Not as a full-time parent, as I will continue sailing, but I won't be an absent figure either."

Nojiko's eyes widened, surprised and relieved, couldn't help but smile. "Yes, Coby, I want you to be involved. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Nami nodded, her face a complex tapestry of emotions. "And we'll need to figure out what this means for us, Coby. I'm not stepping aside, but I'm also not shutting Nojiko out. We're family, and that counts for something."


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