One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch37- Sharing is Caring

Second Chapter of the day.

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Nojiko took a deep breath, her gaze shifting to meet Nami's. "Bellemere was everything to us. She wasn't just a mother; she was a hero, a fighter, and our savior. I've realized that I want to pass on those qualities myself, to raise someone with the same strength and love we were given."

Nami couldn't help but voice her thoughts, "You know, fostering could offer the same opportunity. Bellemere did that for us." Her words were direct, reflecting her surprise and concern over Nojiko's sudden decision.

Nojiko, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, responded firmly, "I know, but it's not the same. I want to carry on Bellemere's legacy in my own way." Her decision was clear, determination of her deep-seated desire to connect and pass on the love and strength they had received.

Nami, sitting beside her sister, took the bottle from Nojiko and took a big gulp of sake, the liquid burning its way down her throat. She set the bottle down with a thud, her eyes searching Nojiko's. "With whom?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of fear and anticipation. She dreaded the answer, afraid it might confirm her unspoken worries.

Nojiko, her face turning a shade of red, avoided Nami's gaze. "I don't know," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. The admission was both an acknowledgment of her desire and a confession of her uncertainty.

Nami's eyes narrowed slightly, not in judgment, but in concern. "Nojiko, you know this isn't something to rush into. It's a big decision, a lifelong commitment," she said, her tone serious yet supportive.

Nojiko nodded, her fingers tracing the rim of the bottle. "I know, Nami. But after everything we've been through, after losing Bellemere, I feel like this is something I need to do. To give life, to nurture it... it feels like the right way to honor her memory."

Nami's expression softened. She understood the depth of Nojiko's feelings, the need to find meaning and continuation in the wake of their loss. "But it's not just about honoring Bellemere," Nami added gently. "It's about you, your life, and your future. Don't let grief decide your path."

Nojiko looked up, her eyes meeting Nami's. "I've thought about this for a long time, Nami. It's not just a whim or a way to fill the void. It's something I genuinely want, a way to create something beautiful out of all the pain we've experienced."

Nami, understanding her sister's desire, squeezed her shoulder gently. "You'll make an amazing mother, Nojiko. Just promise me you'll think it through and choose someone who deserves you." Her words were earnest, filled with sisterly love and protectiveness.

Nojiko leaned into Nami's embrace, the bond between them as strong as ever. "I promise," she replied, her voice muffled against Nami's shoulder.

Nojiko then mumbled, her voice barely a whisper, "There were two reasons why I haven't done it already despite wanting it." Nami looked at her, her eyes reflecting the seriousness of the conversation. "What reasons?" she inquired, her tone soft yet insistent.

Taking a deep breath, Nojiko said, "One, we weren't free, and I didn't want to bring a life into the slavery we were going through." Nami nodded, understanding her reasoning. The hardships they had endured under Arlong's tyranny were not something she would wish upon anyone, let alone a child.

"And the second?" Nami asked, her curiosity piqued.

Blushing, Nojiko looked away, her face turning a deeper shade of red. "Second is... I was waiting to find someone worthy." Her words trailed off, but the implication was clear. She had standards and dreams about the kind of life she wanted for her future child and herself.

Nami's eyes widened slightly, catching the unspoken name on Nojiko's lips. She knew her sister well enough to read between the lines, and the blush on Nojiko's face said more than words ever could. "You mean..." Nami started, but she didn't finish the sentence. She didn't need to.

Nojiko didn't respond, but her silence was answer enough. It was an admission, a confession of the heart that she hadn't voiced until now. The revelation hung in the air between them, a delicate truth that was both beautiful and terrifying.

Nami reached out, taking Nojiko's hand in hers. "Nojiko, you deserve the best, and I hope you find someone who makes you happy," she said, her voice filled with a sisterly love that was as deep as the ocean they lived beside.

Nojiko squeezed Nami's hand in response, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you, Nami," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. It was a moment of vulnerability, of sharing dreams and fears.

"But..." Nami continued, her voice trailing off, leaving a palpable tension in the air. Nojiko, sitting beside her, felt her heart freeze. She braced herself for what might come next, her hopes hanging by a thread. She had been careful not to express her deepest desires openly, not to Coby, not to Nami. She only hinted, always cautious, always afraid of coming between her sister and the man Nami cared for.

Nojiko's eyes were downcast, her mind racing with thoughts of what she yearned for in her heart but was too afraid to claim. If Nami said no, if she expressed any hint of disapproval, Nojiko was prepared to bury her wish forever, to lock it away in the deepest part of her being.

Nami, sensing her sister's turmoil, took a deep breath. She knew what Nojiko was hinting at, and although it was a difficult topic, she cared too much for her sister to leave things unsaid. "Nojiko, I want you to be happy," she began, her voice steady but laced with a mixture of emotions. "And if... if that means sharing someone special, then... then I might consider it."

Nojiko's head snapped up, her eyes meeting Nami's. She searched her sister's face, looking for any sign of reluctance or discomfort. But all she saw was Nami's genuine concern for her happiness, a willingness to consider something that was obviously not easy for her.

Nami continued, her voice soft but resolute. "Coby is important to me, but you are my sister. Your happiness matters to me just as much." The words were difficult to say, but Nami spoke them with sincerity, willing to face the complexity of their situation for the sake of her sister.

Nojiko's heart pounded in her chest, her emotions a whirlwind of hope, gratitude, and concern. She reached out, taking Nami's hands in hers. "Nami, are you sure? I... I don't want to cause any trouble between you and Coby," she said, her voice trembling slightly with the weight of her feelings.

Nami squeezed her sister's hands, a small smile on her lips. "I'm sure. We'll figure it out, together. You deserve to be happy, Nojiko." Her words were a promise, a commitment to support her sister no matter what.

Nojiko's eyes filled with tears, a mixture of joy and relief washing over her. She leaned forward, embracing Nami tightly. "Thank you, Nami," she whispered. It was a moment of deep connection, a bond forged through years of hardship and love.

Nami then spoke with a seriousness that commanded Nojiko's full attention. "You have to realize this though, I am going to sail with him, with them." She held Nojiko's gaze steadily. "You will stay behind. You will take his seed, but his love will be mine. I hope you are okay with this."

Nojiko absorbed her sister's words, and realized what Nami's words truly meant. This was part of the deal the sisters would sign on today, ironically without Coby's consent, that even if Nojiko got to be with Coby, his heart would always be Nami's. Yet, the possibility of fulfilling her deepest desire, despite the unconventional arrangement, dispersed all the gloomy air. She was fine with it.

"I understand, Nami," Nojiko replied, her voice steady but soft. "I want this, even with the conditions. Your happiness is as important to me as my own."

Nami nodded, her expression softening. "Then it's settled. We'll talk to Coby about it together." The sisters shared a moment of silent understanding, their bond stronger than ever.


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