National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 87

Chapter Eighty-Seven Robs a Planetary System, Naturally There Are No Elementary Particles Left! 【Subscribe】!!

I’ll go.

Play big.

Accidentally played this entire planetary system. However, Qin Sheng was not in a hurry.

After two hours, the star will begin the process of its own death. But the process is very slow.

Even if there is a supernova explosion, it will take many years.

Neutron Battlestar directly decomposes the entire planet of Jinnanhua II into usable elementary particles for recycling.

Gather all available resources that you can collect.

As for the more than 100 billion Athos people still existing on the planet Kinnan-2? What happened to the death or death of these alien races to his benevolent emperor?

Moreover, the benevolent emperor was kind and kind, and he could not see the scene of the destruction of life.

How convenient and efficient is it to directly and simply decompose the entire planet with more than 100 billion Athos people into basic particles?

This will not cause any life to be destroyed.

After all, the entire planet and all the more than 100 billion people have disappeared completely, which door of the spirit, which door of charcoal?

“These people died without pain, and I asked if they were really good people.”

Qin Sheng looked at the jinnanhua-2 planet that was gradually decomposing into usable particles at the moment, and sighed.

He then turned his attention to the other planets in The MacAdam’s galaxy.

In the McAdam galaxy, in addition to the two living planets, there are several other planets that are used as mining output and energy output.

They are also all directly decomposed into elementary particle materials for recycling. Neutron Battlestars travel back and forth within this planetary system.

Planets, nebulae, asteroid belts, etc., basically all the masses that can be turned into elementary particle raw materials are taken away.

The entire planetary system, basically except for the stars, has been wiped out. That’s the star that’s on the brink of death.

Qin Sheng glanced at it, and then he ordered the whole army to retreat. Leave your old star here to play.

All the rest of the planets and other masses in the galaxy, I took away. Yo-yo.

There was not a single planet left, only one star remaining in the galaxy, and the entire fleet of the Great Qin Empire entered a state of curvature.

In this case, the star is extremely unstable, and there is no way to pass through the star’s cosmic string transition channel.

Can only go using the simple curvature engine to move.

At the same time, when moving, Qin Sheng did not forget to bind the gravitational pull of the neutron star to a certain range.

This allows the neutron star’s gravity to be used to bind all the elementary particle materials it brings out.

Can run with a piece.

More than nine thousand curvature rays flashed by.

In an instant, it leaves the planetary system and leaves the gravitational range of the star.

Stars in the universe are essentially a giant nuclear fusion reactor that relies on burning hydrogen inside the star to sustain itself.

The enormous gravitational pull caused by the mass of the star is constantly collapsing inward.

The force of the massive nuclear fusion reaction inside the star extending outward just cancels out this constantly collapsing inwards.

A state of equilibrium of forces is achieved between the two. There are stars that are normal now.

However, due to the accidental loss of mass inside the star by the neutrino pulse decomposition device of Qin Sheng Neutron Battlestar.

This balance cannot be maintained.

The entire star is due to its own enormous gravitational pull. The pressure inside the star rises sharply.

The temperature is also constantly soaring.

As a result, the entire star begins to expand outward! Until it swells to hundreds of millions of times!

At this moment, the star will enter the state of a red giant. The heat and density of the stellar core increases. The helium element inside begins to fission.

Helium is not as stable as hydrogen.

It will continuously erupt the material of the star itself outward.

The star itself has expanded hundreds of millions of times, and all the crusted material will be ejected into space at the speed of one-tenth of the speed of light.

At the same time, huge amounts of light and radiation are produced. This is also equivalent to a supernova explosion. This process can last a long time. One hundred thousand years.

After that, the star will have only one core left.

The diameter of this core is not large, usually only a few thousand kilometers, but the mass density is 100,000 times higher than that of planets of the same diameter.

This is the white dwarf.

However, whether or not a white dwarf star is formed is also related to the mass of the star itself. If the mass of the star itself exceeds the mass of ten suns.

Then after the star dies, it is possible to become a neutron star.

Stars with masses below eight solar masses form white dwarfs upon death

And if the mass of the star is larger, it reaches the size of tens, hundreds of solar masses.

Then it is likely that a black hole will form after the star dies………….

The stellar mass of the McAdam galaxy is not very high.

So it is very likely that after death, it will become a white dwarf.

But just when the interior of the star is undergoing a violent evolution. Two rays of light came from outside the galaxy again.

At hundreds of times the speed of light, it flew directly to space at a distance of ten million kilometers from the star, and then stopped.

This is the neutron battlestar of the Great Qin Empire, and the microscopic cosmic particle three-dimensional printer

Qin Sheng placed the rest of the fleet at a safe distance, and then placed the elementary particle raw materials he had obtained.

Then he returned with the neutron Battlestar.

“You old, don’t fuse in this internal fusion, such a large mass, it will become a supernova in the future and all erupt out.”

“All of them have become raw materials for elementary particles, give it to me.”

Qin Sheng looked at the star and murmured.

A star typically accounts for more than ninety-nine percent of the total mass of the entire planetary system.

Rob a planetary system of all the mass, and rob the other planets, but not the most important stars.

Isn’t that a loser?

Therefore, in order not to be a loser, Qin Sheng was resolute and determined to rob the entire McAdam galaxy!

This rush is a real sense of clean. Not a single elementary particle gives you the degree left.

The best way to do this is not to use the gravitational pull of the neutron Battlestar itself.

Although the gravitational pull of the neutron battlestar itself is large enough, it is not a professional demolition after all, and it is easy to make mistakes in the process of dismantling the house.

This then forced the star into a supernova explosion phase.

At that time, the nearest Qin Sheng would be confused by the supernova explosion

Although the neutron battlestar could withstand a supernova explosion, Qin Sheng still did not want to experience what it was like to have a supernova explosion.

This has to let the three-dimensional printer professional come out.

The three-dimensional printer got closer to the internal fusion of the unstable star that had begun to change.

Itself began to split.

Begin to arrange the work around this star in all directions.

Strive to make all the decomposing light shine on every corner of the star at the same time without missing a single minute.

Even for the star to decompose, it had to be decomposed in a balanced state.

The irradiated neutrinos begin to penetrate the entire star. Start with the atmosphere of a star.

Yes, stars also have atmospheres………

The outermost coronal layer, then the chromosphere layer, the photosphere layer.

With the photosphere as the middle, above it is the troposphere below the star’s atmosphere, and the radiation region and the stellar core are the interior of the star.

After special neutrinos penetrate the entire star, the three-dimensional printer begins to work, splitting the entire star.

At the same time, the split elementary particles will be transported by the three-dimensional printer to the gravitational range of the neutron Battlestar.

Neutron Battlestars bind their gravitational pull to a range of millions of kilometers in diameter.

And adjust the gravitational force.

In this way, it can become a “transport ship” that can transport the mass of one star at a time.

Fifteen days later. Everything is done.

At this moment, the original position of the star has been empty, leaving only a vacuum of nothingness.

Ten million kilometers away, there is an extra sphere full of light. The core of the sphere is the neutron Battlestar.

This is the raw material for elementary particles of the entire stellar mass bound by the periphery of neutron Battlestar.

The enormous gravitational pull of the neutron Battlestar distorts the space around it.

The neutron battlestar and the mass elementary particles that bind the entire star, a space range of one million kilometers in diameter, form a movable whole.

The specific principle is not difficult, and the curvature space formed by the curvature engine is similar.

This allows the neutron Battlestar to advance this space to faster than the speed of light without losing any elementary particles in the space.

“Okay, now you can go.”

Qin Sheng looked at this cosmic vacuum where there was nothing, and slightly bowed his head.

Subsequently, the neutron Battlestar and the three-dimensional printer carrying countless elementary particle raw materials of the entire stellar mass, left.

Qin Sheng’s neutron Battlestar left completely. A month later.

Seventeen light-years from the original macadan galaxy within the colonized planetary planetary system of the Athos Empire.

The outer periphery of the star with a diameter of 2.6 million kilometers, about four million kilometers. A migration portal channel opens.

Thousands of Athos Empire warships sprang out of it. The family crests placed on these battleships vary.

It is clear that it belongs to different aristocratic forces.

Most of them were nobles who had previously besieged the Great Qin Empire outside the Neutron Star Galaxy.

After Viscount McAdam furiously returned to the MacAdam galaxy.

They received a message from Archduke Jardon asking them to travel to the MacAdam Galaxy Confluence.

After regrouping the fleet, they began to artificially construct gravitational warp points.

Through artificial gravitational warp points, they can enter the transition channel without the help of stellar gravity.

However, the target location must have a star in order for them to emerge from the transition channel.

That said, the technique is still somewhat limited to the transition channel between stars and stars.

However, this time an accident occurred.

Originally their target was the stars in the McAdam galaxy.

But inexplicably, the exit of the transition passage to the MacAdam galaxy disappeared.

Almost, these thousands of warships were lost in the transition channel forever. Although they are decaying, they are still a fourth-level civilization.

Only to avoid being lost in the transition channel like ordinary third-level civilizations.

But even so, they accidentally stumbled into another space region with a different temporal velocity than the real universe.

It took two thousand four hundred years to find the exit.

Jumped to this planetary system colonized by the Athous Empire seventeen light-years from the MacAdam planetary…

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