National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 88

Chapter Eighty-Eight To deal with the Great Qin Empire, you must strike a heavy punch! 【Start adding more!】 】!!

[ps: Although the author feels that his updated chapter has grown stronger! But the number is too small, the author painfully thought about it, decided to start today, add more!! 】

[ps: from now on, four chapters will be updated every day, one chapter and three thousand words! Twelve thousand words updated every day! Never short or weak! The author must rise up! 】

Thousands of warships of the Athos Empire, lost for two thousand and four hundred years in the time flow and three-dimensional real universe, in a completely different space, have finally returned to the real universe.

“Gentlemen, you are…”

The fleet in charge of the local guard rushed over at the first time and launched a communication.

The commander of the fleet looked doubtfully at the thousands of warships in the space ahead in the middle of the bridge.

“What’s wrong with us?”

An aristocrat who was already going crazy immediately roared in anger.

He roared, “Two thousand four hundred years!! We’ve been stuck in another space for two thousand four hundred years, do you know how we’ve lived those two thousand four hundred years?! ”

At this time, a voice interrupted his roar. Another message came in.

He was one of the nobles. He is also the lord of the local planetary system.

He took several deep breaths to calm himself down, and then asked his subordinate, the commander of the local garrison fleet, “How long has it been since the real universe now?” ”

“What happened to the MacAdam planetary system?”

“Is there any news from Archduke Jarton?”

The commander of the local garrison fleet immediately said, “Your Honor, you have been gone for almost a year, and everything in the territory is fine. ”

“As for the MacAdam galaxy…”

“Is the MacAdam galaxy good?”

“What happened?”

The Commander of the Garrison Fleet knew nothing about the macAdam’s galaxy

The colonization of the Athous Empire was usually governed by different nobles between the planetary system and the planetary system.

Because the nobles themselves had different personalities, and there were also grudges between the nobles. Therefore, the two adjacent planetary systems of the Empire may not be related to each other for years and years.

There are even many planetary systems belonging to the Athous Empire because of the feud between the noble lords.

There is a protracted war. This is all very common.

Although they both belonged to the Athous Empire.

The Noble Lord took a deep breath and said, “Immediately launch a fast teleportation contact with the McAdam galaxy, and if there is no response, then send our fastest spaceship to investigate.” ”

“Planet McAdam, there’s probably something big going on…”

The noble lord looked solemnly at the light of McAdam’s star on the remote detection lens.

McAdam’s star, seventeen light-years away from the star here. It doesn’t take long for the real universe to be here.

Seventeen light-years away, even if The Star of MacAdam is destroyed. It would take seventeen years for the light emitted at the time of destruction to reach here. The star they saw now was a sight from Bibi years ago.

Due to the inability to enter the transition channel linking the stars of the McAdam galaxy. Nor can it receive any faster-than-light communications from the McAdam galaxy. They could only send the fastest faster-than-light battleships to investigate.

Two months later.

The reconnaissance warships sent out to scout have crossed the distance of seventeen light-years. Came to the target coordinate point.

“We’ve arrived.”

The pilot above the battleship looked at the star map coordinates in front of him and said a word, then nodded to the others.

“This is the coordinate location of the MacAdam galaxy.”

“Here it is?”

The captain on the bridge of the battleship was slightly stunned.

Then he looked ahead into an endless, nothing, dark cosmic vacuum.

“But there’s nothing here?”

“How could it have reached the place?”

“Is there something wrong with the star map?”

The soldiers on the bridge are also unknown.

Some of these soldiers also went to the McAdam galaxy hundreds of years ago.

If MacAdam’s planet had changed over the centuries, they wouldn’t have recognized it.

That’s fine.

But now, you point to a vacuum where there is nothing and say this is the McAdam galaxy.

That would be excessive. Really when they are all blind?

The McAdam Galaxy, not to mention the main living planets, is home to more than two hundred billion people, Planets I and II.

Just say the most core star.

What about a star that is large, more than a million kilometers in diameter? Where did it go?

Now there’s nothing here!

“No, according to the coordinates of the star map, this is the MacAdam galaxy.”

The pilot shook his head and said firmly.

“This star map was purchased from another higher civilization, and the technological content far exceeds that of the Empire.”

“It’s impossible to go wrong.”


The pilot took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened them again. Deep fear appeared in his eyes.

“And according to the coordinates of the star map.”

“At this moment, our battleship should be located in the stars of the MacAdam galaxy!”

“But at the moment… We are surrounded by a vacuum of nothingness. ”

Listening to these words, the captain realized something.

The airways on his face tightened and his breathing quickened: “You mean, the MacAdam galaxy, has been completely destroyed. ”

After detection, the gravitational waves of McAdam’s star. Elementary particles of stars.

Planetary residual particles radiate from stars. Nothing was left.

There is nothing in this vacuum. It’s real nothingness.

“One after another…”

“There are no particles left…”

Great fear hung over everyone.

“So, in this case, Archduke Jardon and his fleet, and the two hundred billion or so people in the MacAdam galaxy…”

“Probably all killed.”

The captain took a deep breath and truly realized the seriousness of the matter. This matter must be reported to the Emperor.

Emperor Athous knew about it.

He knew about it even from the first moments after the destruction of the McAdam galaxy.

Because the Emperor had eyeliner placed outside the colony planet of every living planet in the Empire.

The original intention was to monitor all the nobles.

However, Emperor Athous’s eyeliner witnessed the disappearance of the entire MacAdam galaxy outside the planetary system.

This shocked him so much that he immediately reported it to Emperor Athous.

“A planetary system is completely destroyed.”

Emperor Athous took a deep breath and sighed. Not even one elementary particle remains.

The seriousness of this matter is completely beyond the severity of the previous destruction of a planet in the Empire!

The gap is vastly different.

At the same time, a huge sense of crisis also arose in his heart.

Such an enemy that can completely destroy a planetary system at a time, without leaving a single particle, is no longer an ordinary enemy.

A heavy punch must be drawn!

And the Emperor of Athous struck a heavy blow. It is.

Shake people.

The Community of Common Destiny Of Galactic Civilizations, which is held every two hundred years, has been convened, but each meeting is not simply the end of everyone meeting to discuss something.

The ongoing process of this meeting was not short.

Usually, parliaments are convened for a period of five years.

These five years are the time when the leaders or representatives of various civilizations participate in various meetings.

Now, Parliament has been convened.

All fourth-level civilizations in the galaxy will participate. Emperor Athous decided to gather a part of the fourth-level civilization. Hunt down the Great Qin Empire together!

As for how the despised Athous Empire, among all the fourth-level civilizations, summoned the other fourth-level civilizations.

Of course, there is a way to do this.

Moreover, this method is not difficult.

Very simple. It was said a long time ago.

Except for the Athos Empire, which was a fourth-level civilization that was fueled by the growth of seedlings. Most of the fourth-level civilizations in the galaxy are promoted step by step.

Be able to rely on their own efforts to promote the existence of the fourth-level civilization, its civilized political system, and the ideological height of ordinary people within the civilization.

will go through sublimation.

For any civilization that has been promoted to the fourth level of civilization by normal means, there is not even an ordinary civilian within their civilization.

Its quality is superb, and its overall situation is very important. Take your own civilization as your mission.

Regard the overall interests of their own civilization as the highest goal. They are all very common.

And this leads to another concept. Self-civilization and moral standard benchmarking system.

These four-level civilizations usually formulate a benchmarking rule system with a system that is not bad.

Take the moral standards of their own civilization as the norm and restrain all civilized individuals. The system of four-level civilization’s moral standards and codes of conduct is the supreme in a four-level civilization.

And beyond the existence of civilization’s own laws. No one may disobey it.

They can’t disobey either, like a steel seal of thought. Why?

In order to develop further after being promoted to the fifth level civilization. In order to be able to be promoted to the sixth level or even the seventh level in the future.

It is not enough to make all individuals of their own civilization strongly intelligent, they must establish their own civilization’s own philosophical tree system!

Because after the strong intelligence of civilized individuals, the individual computing power of all civilizations is unprecedentedly strong.

It’s not a difficult thing to calculate all the elementary particles, atoms, of several planetary systems alone.

Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological level of the physical system of the fifth-level civilization will be close to infinite improvement as long as it is willing to spend time studying.

However, no matter how high the level of science and technology of the physical system is, it is not as good as the causal law of the sixth and seventh levels of civilization, and the rules are science and technology.

Want to understand the law of cause and effect weapons, rules are technology, and promote to level six, level seven civilization.

We have to start with the philosophical system.

All along, philosophy seemed like an unsolvable problem. A thousand people have a thousand Hamlets in their hearts.

A thousand fourth-level civilizations will also take a thousand different philosophical paths.

A qualified four-level civilization will certainly and inevitably set a system of codes of conduct for the moral standards of individual civilizations.

In order to be able to better develop their own philosophical tree system after being promoted to the fifth level civilization

Emperor Athous was looking for a fourth-level civilization with high moral standards and who were bound to act according to high moral standards.

At that time, as long as he describes the Great Qin Empire as an unforgivable evil that endangers the civilization of criminals in the galaxy.

Then, at that time, these virgin-like fourth-level civilizations will naturally take the initiative to find trouble for the Great Qin Empire.

He Athous Empire a fourth-level civilization can not take the Great Qin Empire, is there so many fourth-level civilizations can not take the Great Qin Empire?

Emperor Athous was naturally unbelieving…

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