National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 86

Chapter Eighty-Six My power is great, but it seems to be too great! 【Subscribe】!!

“The main gun has been charged forty percent.”

“Fifty percent of the main gun charge…”

Archduke Jardon listened to the constant reports from his subordinates, and he gradually narrowed his four eyes, and the folds on his forehead were slightly trembling because of his movements.

He felt pleasure from within.

“Unfortunately, there are not many such good things in the future.”

Archduke Jardon sighed loudly, his tone contented.

Indeed, this time he went out on the expedition, not only was he able to immediately destroy the enemy who destroyed his home planet, but he was also able to make an additional fortune.

It was a great pleasure for him.

In the future, such a good thing does not know how many times it will be encountered. Oh yes.

The Parliament of the Galactic Civilization Destiny Community is about to convene a new round of meetings.

In the past, the delegates of the Athos Empire to attend the conference were all rotated by the seven electors.

This session of the Galactic Community of Destiny Council, the representative of the Athous Empire, happens to be Grand Duke Alton.

“Well, this time in parliament, I shouldn’t have to go anymore.”

“Every time I go to the meeting, it’s always unpleasant.”

Archduke Jardon thought of this as if he had thought of something disgusting.

The other fourth-level civilizations of the Galactic Civilization Destiny Community Council looked at the Eyes of the Athous Empire as if they were looking at something undeveloped and mentally handicapped.

It was to disgust Archduke Jarton.

But whether or not Archduke Jardon admits it, it is a fact.

Because the Athos Empire was indeed not a normal fourth-level civilization. It is not through the normal way to go through a long period of time to promote.

“In the future, when I attend such a thing as a civilization conference, let the emperor go.”

“After all, in the future, the Emperor of the Empire may have no other use than this kind of thing, hahahahaha!”

Archduke Jardon laughed cheerfully.

He had decided to use his status as elector to elevate the Emperor of the Empire. A coup d’état was carried out.

Even at this moment, Archduke Jarton had begun to imagine.

In the future, the scene of his successful ascension to the throne of the Empire is incomparably beautiful. When the time comes, the empire will surely flourish under the leadership of his new emperor!

Then step by step, upgrade even higher, and even stomp on the other fourth-level civilizations in the galaxy!

Archduke Jardon had his own ambitions.

He wants to become the Emperor of the Empire and monopolize the Dyson Ball of the Hub Galaxy! Then, dominate the galaxy!

Just as Archduke Jarton was immersed in a vision of a better future. A sudden light obscured his vision.

This light also interrupted the thoughts of tens of millions of people in the entire star battle star.

The light is gone.

Among the star-rated battle stars, many Athos soldiers were looking around in a bit of a daze.

Look at the companions around you. What happened?

A Athous soldier suddenly felt self-conscious. Seems to be fluttering.


The companion next to him pointed at him in shock, his look of utter horror, unable to speak at all.

“What’s wrong?”

The Athos soldier did not know, so he wanted to leave. He knew that he had just taken a step forward.

Up and down his body, countless billions of atoms were scattered in the air like scattered blocks.

The whole person disappears in an instant.

There was not the slightest pain or feeling.

The surrounding Athos soldiers were all shocked to see a companion standing at this moment, but there was no ground.

An Athos soldier waved his hand, and his arm instantly disintegrated into countless invisible particles, dissipating and disintegrating.

An oppressive Athos officer sat in a military automatic supply truck and was scolding his subordinates.

The military automatic supply vehicle moved forward slightly.

The soldier pushing the cart, the military automatic supply vehicle, the officer, all disintegrated into elementary particles and disappeared.

“What happened!?”

Countless Athos soldiers looked at what was happening around them in utter shock. They racked their brains to understand what was going on.

But without exception, all like the above examples, the body began to disintegrate and the alloy passage of the soldiers standing in pairs began to disintegrate.

The alloy channels connected in series are broken down, and then there is the internal link structure of Battlestar…

Everything, after the light just now. It all fell apart.

It seemed that the decomposition was very slow, and even many soldiers still had time to shout in horror.

But that’s where the horror lies. It’s because it’s too fast.

It can’t be described in a moment.

The extremely penetrating nature of the neutrino pulses made it impossible for even these soldiers, the elementary particle structure of the battlestar, to feel that they were about to decompose.

After half a day, I realized it later. Then, start to break down and jump.

Archduke Jarton in the central control room.

Among the surrounding officers, staff officers, soldiers, etc., the decomposition speed is slower.

And this is slower, and only relatively speaking.

But because of this, Archduke Jardon suffered more.

“What happened!?”

Archduke Jardon looked in utter shock at the many subordinates who had suddenly begun to disintegrate and dissipate.

He couldn’t understand it at all.

Watching with your own eyes, all the subordinates in the central control room except themselves, officers, staff officers, atomically falling apart.

Suffer from this, sudden, inexplicable, deep fear!

“Decomposing gravitational waves?”

“Why didn’t Battlestar’s space-warp force field shield and strong interaction material armor play an isolating role?”

This was Archduke Jardon’s last thought. It is a deep question sentence.

But Archduke Jarton will never be answered.

He had now completely disappeared into the central control room.

Within the entire 5,000-kilometer-diameter planetary Battlestar, 12 million soldiers and crews had all disappeared.

In an instant, the Battlestar became an empty fortress fortress. Then this fortress fortress also began to disintegrate in space. The Space Warp Force Field Shield is completely ignored.

The highly interactive force armor shell covering the surface layer of a thousand millimeters thick is also disintegrating.

However, the speed of decomposition is much slower than the speed of its internal decomposition. All internal structures, completely gone.

At this moment, the planetary Battlestar is like a mirror hollow shell with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers.

The interior is filled with decomposed elementary particles of the universe. One poke, it breaks.

But from the outside, it is not obvious that this battlestar has changed much.


A little farther away from the fleet, Viscount McAdam looked doubtfully at the star-rated Battlestar that had suddenly stopped charging its main guns.

What happened? How did it suddenly stop?

At the same time as he doubted, his heart was also anxious. Grand Duke, Grand Duke, don’t stop!

Destroy the enemy!

At this moment, the continental plates of jinnanhua-2 planet have all flown into space. The next step is to decompose globally!

You promised me to save this planet!”

Viscount McAdam and his brother MacArthur were extremely anxious.

They didn’t yet know that Archduke Jardon had been broken down into particles with twelve million soldiers inside Battlestar.

They even thought that archduke Jardon was about to raise the price again. Viscount McAdam anxiously initiated the communication again and again. But there was no response.

Just when Viscount McAdam launched the communication again, this time, it finally worked.

“Grand Duke…”

As soon as Viscount McAdam uttered two words, he froze in an instant. Because the avatar that appeared in front of him was not Archduke Jarton.

Rather, it was a humanoid creature wrapped in dark dragon scale power armor. Its forehead armor is decorated with two dragon horns.

“Grand Duke? No, you should call me, Emperor. ”

Even if it was just a virtual image, at this moment, McAdam still felt a huge fear in his heart.

The natural terror emanating from the man made McAdam unable to raise the slightest thought of resistance in his mind.

Every cell in his body, every particle that made up the cell, was screaming madly, making him submit to the man in front of him.

“Emperor… The Emperor…”

As if there were tens of millions of tons of weight pressed against it, the knees bent, and Viscount McAdam fell to his knees with a full cry of overwhelm.

McAdam knew that the man in front of him was the culprit in destroying his planet and slaughtering more than 100 billion of his people.

But, but it is………

At this moment, he had fallen into endless fear, and he could not have the slightest thought of resisting!

Let me die! Let me die!!

In this abyssal situation, McAdam’s four eyes were wide open, oozing blood, and he was screaming madly inside!

And the emperor seemed to know his thoughts. Waved his hand.



Softly twice.

The Emperor granted McAdam’s death request.

At this moment, McAdam felt the burden disappear. He became incredibly relaxed.

A flash of light flashed by.

Instantaneously span trillions of kilometers. There was no feeling.

McAdam and his fifteen hundred warships, as well as his brother MacArthur, who had never known the truth from beginning to end, instantly disintegrated into particles and disappeared.

All the enemies were under the main cannon of the Neutron Battlestar, and they disappeared. Qin Sheng couldn’t help but nod his head in the central control room of the Neutron Battlestar. Not bad.


Just when Qin Sheng was satisfied with the powerful power of the Neutron Battlestar main cannon. Suddenly, Anveriya’s voice came from her ear.

“Your Majesty, I have detected a stellar anomaly.”

“It seems that the neutron Battlestar main gun attack just now accidentally rubbed part of the star.”

“Now the stars inside this galaxy have lost a significant portion of their mass.”

“Internal instability!”

“It is expected that in two hours, the star will undergo a supernova explosion!”

“This galaxy will be completely destroyed and will cease to exist!”

Hearing Anvilia’s voice, Qin Sheng touched his chin. Like, like a flat………

It’s a little too powerful… Lose.

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