Naruto: Mind over matter

Month of… Fun? (3)

-17 days of bonding-

Pov: Kankuro

Running. Why do we got to run so much? I mean couldn't we get a cart or something?

I just want to get to Konoha and crush it already, no one told me this conquering business was so boring.

Well, not entirely actually, there is a contestant for the next chunin exams with us as we run, and he says he only knows some basic three? Sounds like Konoha ninja aren't that great after all.

He is interested in puppets though so that's fun, well more funny then fun, the kid doesn't even know how to use chakra strings!? And he built his first puppet at full size and has no poisons, no hidden weapons and no chakra string ports to control the damn thing, it looks cool yes, but its a big doll with no intricacies, apart from human joints, its a puppet! It doesn't need to be one to one! That's what allows them to be so versatile! So dangerous!

Nevertheless I'm spending most my time gracing this kid with my superior intellect and running.

So yes I'm pretty bored.

Hell I wouldn't mind facing some ninja right about now to alleviate the boredom.



And explosion lands nearly instantly upon the group, I'm fine though? Why is Temari yelling at me?

"Stop jinxing us!"

I pull out a puppet and send it towards the enemies, 3 jonin and 2 chunin from sand? Oh there here for Gaara.


How did she know I jinxed us? I swear she has a mind reading jutsu sometimes...

Great they heavily trapped this place, one wrong move and ill activate an explosion.

The two jonin escorting us drag the other 3 jonin attacking away from us and that leaves us to deal with two chunin, on chunin actually Gaara has that one covered.

I launch my puppet at the other chunin and Temari backs me up by applying some pressure- shit a fourth Jonin was waiting nearby and jumps at gaara, now the little monster could definitely kill him but i don't want to have the Jonin rile up Gaara before we even enter Konoha, got to be quick with this chunin.

Luckily, Riku the worst puppeteer in the world commits to taijutsu and is helping Temari keep him down, now I just need to wait for my perfect opportunity.


I unleash my puppets hidden blade and stab it through the neck of the sand nin.

Temari and Riku immediately jump into the battle with the other Jonin, while I hide myself and snake my puppet to the back of the Jonin.

Gaara is keeping him pinned, Temari is using her wind jutsu to wear him down and Riku is waiting for his opportunity like me.

The jonin casts a few hand signs and screams

"We made this just for you, you fucking freak"

Water then fills the jonins mouth and fires in a concentrated blast at Gaara, that isn't good, if he gets 'hit' now...

Riku jumps in and suddenly in a burst of speed tackles him, forcing the water to go off course.

Unfortunately Riku is now in a melee with a Jonin, he takes a hit to the chest, breaking his ribs and his face loses... emotion.

His body starts charging the Jonin, the Jonin keeps knocking him down and beating him but the kid doesn't look like he is effected by it...

Riku keeps running at the Jonin despite his injuries and Temari makes sure he cant pull out and Ninjutsu or weapons.

Gaara has not moved and is currently studying the relentless inhuman boy, the way his body twists too far and ignoring the broken ribs, leg and arm he keeps going, whelp, lets hope the monster doesn't kill the freak.

There! I launch my puppet at the unsuspecting Jonin and force him to take two blows, my poison seeps in and he weakens.

Gaara looks back to the slower Jonin and raises his hand, sand flows out from his gourd and licks the wounds of the Jonin. [Sand Coffin]!

We win the fight and two minutes later the other Jonin guides return winning there fight as well.

I look back at Riku, so he is freakish too, glad I found out now and not later.

Temari heads to the Konoha ninja and 'explains' the situation, apologising along the way.

Back to boring running again.
-18 days of bonding-

Pov: Riku

I'm trying to sleep, now it isn't Double-senseis anymore, they know how to be professional in front of others, they know how to put the mission above pleasure.

No, the reason I cannot sleep is due to the heavy breathing red-head outside my tent, I know gingers being soulless is a joke but I'm pretty sure this kid didn't get the memo.

You know how I act freaky, ignore pain a have a heavy mission mindset when fighting? I'm pretty sure this kid is the same but with no off switch.

Looking outside I can see him hovering around my tent, sometimes he gets too close, other times he wanders away, Anko-sensei is taking night watch tonight so I'm sure she is laughing at me right now, though if she is that means I'm safe from whatever I'm doing.

I'm currently in a love-Hate relationship with Anko-senseis personality, sometimes she is Dangerously unstable and other times she is like a fun aunt that cares for me... or both at the same time? I'm getting used to her anyhow, she is a good sensei at her core.

Speaking of, a snake seems to have crawled into the tent with me, the snakes are kind of cute once you spend a day or two with them as travel companions... I have to get some sleep, my injuries need to heal and we go to get to Konoha, lets trust sensei and get some rest.


-19 days of bonding-

We are about an hour out from Konoha, and because we had no detours its been a quick return trip, ill get a proper med nin and for the next two days ill be training one on one with Anko-sensei, then swap with Yamato-sensei so she can help prepare the exams.

Yamato-sensei told me I'm his neighbour and that I can come see him whenever I need actually, and Anko-sensei gave her address too for the same reason- though apparently she hangs out at training ground 44 a lot and I should check there before her apartment. I'm happy that this isn't a temporary arrangement as I've grown attached.

The progress I've made on my puppet jutsu- sorry Kankuro-san said not to call it a puppet jutsu due to it "not following any of the puppet basics and is more of a clunky chunk of wood", but the progress I've made is tremendous.

I couldn't have done it without Kankuro-sans help and he has given me a few ideas for the future, ill keep my sentinels the same which will focus on Taijutsu, but ill make some not-puppets that have a focus on weapons and poisons later, that will be cool.

Entering into the gates of Konoha and showing our passes we lead the sand trio- who's sensei I found out will be here in another four days, something about being swamped with work recently- into the Hokage's office and leave them to talk with him.

I follow Anko and Yamato-sensei outside and we are going to what's called an Anbu café, a safe place for Anbu to rest while they relax and write reports, we have to write a month long report and they want to help me write mine.

The place looks like a normal cafe but is 'closed', we enter normally and there is closed off booths with curtains and menus inside.

Ordering some food I ask questions on how to write long form reports and I have a great evening.

Leaving the café I have the rest of the day to rest before Anko drags me away to training tomorrow so I check to see if Naruto's in town, and after that ill find and talk to Hinata.

I find Naruto enjoying some ramen at Ichiraku's with Kiba and Choji and I take a seat.

"Yo! Kiba, Choji, Naruto and I cant forget Akamaru!"

I order a bowl as they greet me back.

"Yo!", "Arf!"


"Riku! Hi where have you been?"

I smile and tell them how my month has been going, the C-ranks I did and few B ranks, oh right the last one became A-rank technically despite me not doing much and us having some backup. I tell my friends about Double-senseis and how much cooler they are then there boring single-senseis, and wrap it up by telling them I'm gonna be busy training for the next week again.

"Sweet! You did an A rank too!"

Naruto practically shouts at me.

"Too? How the hell did you get into mischief?"

"We met this drunkard who was all, nah I'm stupid or something and then puddles were ninja, and they not-killed kakashi-sensei who was testing us, then a snow rabbit appeared in the bush, *bam* a giant demon sword appeared and we totally saved sensei's butt, then got on a boat, sensei walked up a tree on crutches and me and the Teme were learning that while we guarded the Bridge, then people attacked the hopeless kid who I inspired and Sasuke went red eyed and I beat this cool Ice dude who then sacrificed himself and the demon cried and sacrificed himself to kill fat guy and now I have a bridge named after me! Dattebayo!"

"Oh cool I got it."

Kiba then gives me a weird look and asks

"You got that?"

"Yep I'm cool like that"

"Damn right, dattebayo!"

I watch as they finish there food and I scoff down mine and ask Kiba where Hinata is and I say my goodbyes to the group, heading towards the Hyuga compound.

Arriving at the entrance I ask the guards if I could speak with Hinata and they give me the ok, Hinata is in a herbal garden tending to a phew plants as I approach.

"Yo! Hinata, how are you?"

She looks up at me and smiles, before replying.

"Riku! Its been a month, I've been good, just learning to make this medicinal cream for the upcoming exams"

I awkwardly scratch my cheek as I sit down next to her, watching the garden and I ask what I came here to ask

"So, you know two months ago?"


"When I... you know"

"Oh, right?"

"Why are you not angry with me?, I feel so guilty and yet you forgave me so easily?"

She sighs and looks at me, the kind of looks you send Naruto when he is being extra stupid.

"Three reasons. The first, you helped me when I asked for your help, you got me to expand my friend group and taught me breathing exercises. The second, I feel better in your presence, when we talk with just ourselves I can take my time to breath and I stop stuttering, you did that. The third, would be that your my best friend."

I look back at her and I feel like an idiot, I didn't even notice her slowly stop stuttering around me or how helpful to her I might of been, I shouldn't of questioned why? of course she wouldn't be so angry as to ditch me, she is one of my best friend's...

"I got to get you a bracelet for putting up with me, one like Naruto's"

She blushes at that and looks away

"A-anyway, I couldn't in good conscience blame you when you were kidnapped and mind controlled"


"E-exactly, like Naruto's?"

I chuckle and the weight on my shoulders floats away.

"As similar as I can get them"

I spend the evening helping her care for her herbal plants.

Thanks for reading...Dattebayo? :)

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