Naruto: Mind over matter

Month of… Fun? (4)

20 days of bonding-

Ok its back to hell training again, less fun when you have to do 'Gai's recommended conditioning for you', who the hell is Gai, and when can I murder him!

I placed an order at the jeweller this morning so ill get Hinata's bracelet tonight and give it to her when she comes over for dinner with Naruto and Shikamaru

I'm cooking pizza so that's gonna be great... missed my food when traveling.

I finish my hundredth squat and I have to do at minimum one hundred handstand squats now.

I miss my passive workouts, technically I'm able to do this workout but I never actually did any of these exercises.

Oh and on top of that, Anko-sensei is making me memorize poisons and there antidotes which is useful, but cant she give me homework instead of making me do it during my exercise?

I mean technically the med-nin said I'm all good physically, but what about EMOTIONALLY!

I end the training and return to the jeweller who has made the same engraved bracelet that Naruto has with my name on it.

Heading home I shower and start preparing my homemade pizza.

Hinata is here first so I make sure to give her the bracelet and she slips it onto her wrist and looks at it in joy

"Thank you Riku, ill treasure it!"

She then hands me a box- oh I should of put the bracelet in a box and wrapped it-

And I open it to find a beautifully crafted ring with Hinata Hyuga engraved onto the inner side and on the outer side is engraved patterns that swirl around each other.

"Woah, Hinata... I think this is a step too quick no?"

She stares me in the eyes and then jabs my shoulder, I bark out a laugh and grab the metal thread on the bottom of the box, making it into another necklace that sits next to Naruto's.

"Jokes aside this is great! I love it, did you get one for Naruto?"

I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she turns into a tomato before activating her Byakugan and Jabbing me in the shoulder again... that arm is gonna be numb tomorrow.

"Y-yes, do you think he will..."

"He will love it, don't hesitate to give it, if you don't ill show him that picture of you two sleeping in the hospi-"

Okay my arm is going to be in severe pain tomorrow.

Sighing Hinata turns of her Byakugan and changes the conversation.

"Your chakra is looking much better"


"What did my chakra look like before?"

"A pale yellow, seeping into every crevice of your body, you looked... sickly"

"And now?"

"Golden-white light flowing correctly and vibrantly!"

Oh, that's good.

"What does the average persons chakra look like?"

She thinks before speaking again.

"Like blue flames, or vibrant waters"

Oooh~ my chakra looks cooler, nice.

*knock knock*, "hey, Riku open up, dattebayo!"

Does dattebayo work in that context? I wink at Hinata and get up to got to the kitchen.

"Can you get that Hinata, I'm busy preparing food"

As I'm cooking I can feel the awkwardness seeping form behind me, then the heat from Hinata's face before Naruto finally yells out.

"Thanks Hinata, this is amazing! Hey Riku, you got one too!?"

I pull my necklace above my shoulder to show him and he screams

"Awesome!, I just got to get Hinata a necklace and we all have something! DATTEBAYO!"

Turning to Hinata I see her more red than ever, squirming more than when I met her and with the dumbest smile on her face.

I really should buy a camera for times like this. Mission: wingman Hinata. Is close to succeeding...

Wait shouldn't I have been trying to wingman Naruto with Sakura? I hope not, no, the favour was just protect and help, never said anything more than that.

Shikamaru drops by after and we play a few games of shogi before eating dinner and saying goodbye, Hinata still has that dumb smile on as she leaves.

Lets rest my arm for tomorrow...


-21 days of hell training-


Haaaa~ bliss.

I'm glad I went on that training trip with Riku, I'm especially a fan of the latter half where Yamato showed me his 'wood' techniques...

But ignoring my new relationship status, I'm mighty proud of being Riku's teacher. Having him learn the basics to Chunin and passing down my knowledge is great, now mind you any other brat can go fuck themselves, Riku will be my only student and that's that, why?

Because he is the best! He gets my jokes, knows how to tease Yamato appropriately and is a menace on the battle field. He also has a great memory, no better than great, an amazing memory, I tell him to jump like A and not B, and he never even looks back at B.

He soaks up my knowledge on poisons, I've got to find that book I had on basic poisons to give to him and he also trains as much as I tell him too, no whining! I even got Gai to watch yesterday and see if he can help me make a training guide... he may hate me today but tough tits, this is the last bit of training I can give him before the exam.

I cannot wait till he utilises my poisons in his Not-puppets.


Pov: Riku

I'm eating dinner at Yamato-senseis today with Anko-sensei, nice to be invited to this kind of stuff.

He lives next door so I shower and wear my fifth pair of 'ninja costume', which makes me feel like a cartoon character with the same clothes everyday, opening my cupboard and pretending to select which outfit to wear always makes me laugh.

Two necklaces, black tank top, black ninja standard pants with Black shoes, the pants and shoes have silver accents and my belt has silver patterns on them. I put my bright white puffy jacket on leaving it open and slip on my forehead protector. My hair is permanently stuck in the windswept position and I head over to next door.

Opening the door Yamato-sensei lets me in and we have some small talk before Anko-sensei gets here, as she enters she tosses me a bottle of sake and tells me to start pouring

Yamato-sensei doesn't let me drink and I get it, its fine... not like I wanted some or anything.

Half an hour later and we are in a heated debate about which icha icha is the best

"No, Violence has the best pictures and therefore makes it better than paradise!"

Anko-sensei proclaims.

"But Paradise has so much more depth! The characters feel so much more alive than in Violence"

Yamato-sensei retorts.

"But the pictures Yamato! The PICTURES!"

Anko-sensei starts shaking Yamato-sensei.

I could be the third party and end the debate, but I don't want them questioning where I read them, I just got them two months ago! It certainly is good though, Yamato-sensei is right, the book has a surprising amount of plot and character depth for a smut novel...

The night continues in talking and laughter before today ends and tomorrow begins.


-22 days into hell training-

I wake up rubbing my eyes and looking around the apartment, I fell asleep on Yamato-senseis table it seems...

Double-senseis are cuddling on the bed and I should leave, don't want to disturb them, I open the door and see the- forget his name, uhh Naruto's sensei?.... well he is at the door and was going to knock so i speak up.

"Ah, window guy? Using the door? The more you know, huh. Yamato-sensei is... preoccupied but very tease-able right now~"

Window guy gives me an eye smile before replying.

"Maa~ I wont bother him then, your his new genin right?"

I close the door behind me and step out to sit on the railing.

"Yep! you're Naruto's sensei right? Is he going to be attending exams?"

He leans on railing near me and pulls out icha icha: paradise before responding.

"And what's it to you hmm?"

"Well, admittedly I don't know Sakura-san, but Sasuke and Naruto are people I cherish you know? Just wondering of there going into the exams that can get them killed."

"Hmm. Yeah I am, don't tell them though, trying to make sure they are prepared to fight at every second and I'm going to inform them on the day"

"Why? I mean shouldn't they prepare for this?"

"Maaa~ they are being trained to be a quick response team that can be deployed alongside anyone... Naruto still hasn't gotten the hang of preparation and Sakura always takes too much time... Sasuke is fine but I just got to keep annoying them with this till its instinct"

"Ahh I get it, are you planning to teach Naruto anything flashy or explosive? He keeps asking me for a cool ninjutsu, I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a master jutsu creator or something"

He chuckles at that

"He has to work on the basics first, most my jutsu are finicky and use chakra as efficiently as possible, I did hear from a little bird that someone who can help him is coming by soon so well see~"

Hmm, Naruto and Sasuke should be good in his hands, lets focus on my strength first so I'm capable of helping them later.

Hopping off the railing I wave at him

"I got to get some early training done, see ya! Windoor man!"

He puts two fingers up, and flickers away after saying

"Hm. See you, crazy kid"

Lets head to a free training ground, and grab Ace on the way, I've got three prototype jutsu to test.


-23 days into hell training-

Pov: Yamato

Leaving my apartment after... cuddling for an hour, I check to see if Riku is home *knock, knock*, nope no one, lets go check the training ground Anko said she booked till the exams.

Hopping from roof to roof, I eventually find myself at training ground 27 a small yard for less destructive jutsu and see Riku already working on his jutsu, perfect he is in the testing phase, I mess with my Wood release jutsu to see what works with me all the time, ill be able to help.

Jumping down and watching him scratch out certain hand sign patterns and chakra moulds

"Hey! Working already? Hmmm, want me to help process some of these moulds? Or did you want me reading over your work?"

He looks up and smiles before throwing me a book, catching it I look inside...

"That's the prototype I'm going with, just spent a while seeing what's best and I think that's the one with the best power"

Hmmm, flipping through the pages I start memorizing the important bits.

"This is based off of shadow clones? Oh no you are splitting yourself like them but not using anything other then the foundation... do you have something to fix the chakra to your not-puppet yet?"

"Oh! page 54, using lord seconds chakra exchange module and lord thirds chakra feedback theory, I should be able to attach chakra to the not-puppet and keep it going from far away, usually you need chakra metal A LOT of chakra metal to even test this theory but with my chakra holding little bits of my conscience, technically this very pricey test is as cheap as the puppet!"

Flipping to page 54 i scan it and question

"Lord seconds module is based off of chakra entities such as a clone, how are you using this to attach it to the wood?

I watch him scratch his cheek and chuckle, I let out a sigh and sit down on the grass with him.

"Here let me break this module down and we can take the good parts, you focus on putting them together and ill try and fill the gaps"

"Yes sir!"

My favourite (only) student salutes me before pulling out some paper to write...


-25 days of Hell training-

Pov: Riku

Alright 1....2....3....

And I can start seeing through my puppet as if it was me, looking at my wooden hands and flexing every joint.

Now I only have 10ft of vision using my Telekinetic sight but that's good enough for now.

I turn to my actual body and realise that my mind did not split like planned but channelled into Ace instead.

Hmmm? The jutsu is complete but I need to practice it until I can split my focus more, it will be very hard to master...


Pov: Yamato

I watch Sentinel: Ace, and then I look back to the jutsu guide... no seals but rather a chakra control based jutsu, like lord fourths rasengan for example.


[Telekinesis Release: Split Self]

This jutsu uses no hand signs but does require time to use, less time the more its mastered. There are 8 levels of mastery.

1. Two minds.

2. Three minds.

3. Four minds.

4. Five minds.

5. Six minds.

6. Seven minds.

7. Eight minds.

8. Nine minds.

The user may split one's mind and store it in another object, the more human the object the less struggle to control. The split minds operate at the same time and also carry chakra into the object, allowing various jutsu to be cast.


-30 days into hell training-
-1 day before chunin exams-

Pov: Riku

I've gotten to mastery two, so technically I can have three minds but right now I only have one puppet.

If I put more chakra in I can practice my skills all day and also relax all day! Two bodies is great! Apparently Naruto can do that to train with his shadow clones but... I can just see him permanently hurting his mind by overdoing it, lets let him figure it out and if not ill tell him the start of next year where I can make sure to supervise him, or have the cash flow to hire a supervisor...

Right now though Yamato-sensei thinks I should use Ace to train with a weapon in my spare time, to better prepare for my next sentinel ill create, which will use weapons for better effect.

Actually it wont be a sentinel model, ill be training in poisons from Anko-sensei so ill have to make a different not-puppet from scratch...

Either way I have long term plans now.

Hmm, right I have to meet my teammates for the exam today, a genin who graduated last year and in need of a team and another who is taking the exam for the third time.

Roof hopping to a small café near the central plaza I head towards the furthest seat and see my two teammates.

Short light blonde hair and blue eyes, black ninja standard pants and shin guards with sandals, a purple tank top. Tanned skin and heavily scarred arms the lady introduces herself.

"Yo! I'm Mariko Yamanaka! Pleasure to take the exams with you!"

Looking to other lady.

Long black wavy hair that extends down to the bottom of her spine, brown eyes that look... tired? 10 bucks says she is a Nara, a heavy jacket and pants that are black with gold accents and a Naginata at her side.

She takes a sip of her coffee before nodding and introducing herself.

"Yes. I am Yuko Nara, it is your pleasure to take these exams with me, no?"

Chuckling at the two I take a seat and Introduce myself.

"It is indeed my pleasure, you can call me Riku, I specialize in being freaky or so my sensei says, and I'm mainly used for scouting purposes, but have pretty good Taijutsu and unique Ninjutsu"

"Call me Mariko! I'm pretty bad at the mind stuff and decent with some ninjutsu, but I mainly specialize in Taijutsu! The best kind of jutsu eh?

Mariko proceeds to shadow box sitting down.

"You may call me Yuko. I will stab our foes with my Naginata and keep them down with my shadow arts, you may thank me for my being me"

Okay so Yuko definitely got put onto the genin corps due to that holier than thou personality, and Mariko is very... punchy less thinky.

Haaa~ I like em' they don't seem like cowards and I'm not one to take charge so this exam will be a piece of cake, no?

Why are they looking at me like that...?

Chunin exams tomorrow! Thanks for reading :) 

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