Naruto: Mind over matter

Land of Lightning!

-mission in the land of lightning-

-1 week later-

Pov: Riku

I'm on a mission with team 7 again, they want experience with higher ranking missions and Windoor man convinced Lady to hand us over an A rank one, now the question is- why would she give that?

Because while two members are ranked genin they are actually chunin in strength, and not only that, team 7 has completed an A rank mission before.

This mission is supposed to be a month long one, team 7 was asked if they would like a longer assignment and both Sakura and Sasuke thought it would be great for their files.

We have completed the first part of the mission which was to escort a few merchant caravans to the land of lightning, but now is the second part.

There is contact between certain criminal underworld leaders here, and we have been sent to understand there goals.

We cannot harm them, for if they die the replacements for the positions they hold are much worse, much, much worse people.

But we also have to find information and so we have come to one of the towns in the land of lightning for reconnaissance, I am with Windoor man checking out various abandoned buildings while Sasuke and Sakura are keeping an eye on the inns and hotels that the criminal leaders are staying at.

"Has Jewel caught anything?"

"No, but he did come across a hidden stash of cash buried underground"

"Hm. They could of placed that there for safe keeping till the meeting, or that could just be someone's random stash, keep Javelin watching on the roof, we will take Jewel and go to the abandoned warehouse at the other end of the town"

"Copy that' copy cat"

We flicker over the roofs and find our way to the warehouse, sitting on the roof of the building opposite it.

"No need for Jewel, I can smell them- this is the location"

"Copy that-"

"Stop that"

"Understood sir"

He sighs and shakes his head.

"Ill go inform the others, go find some chairs and place them here, we are going to be on this roof for a while."

I nod and flicker to a nearby furniture store, [Imbue Costume] along the way, I buy the cheapest 'lawn chairs' I could get and head back to the roof, finding the three already back.

"This is the building?"

Kakashi nods his head towards Sakura and I place the chairs down.

"Lets get our bedrolls out as well and make sure the Anti-weather seals are activated, it could rain throughout the night"

Sakura pipes up.

"Why aren't we staying at an inn or hotel and taking shifts?"

"Because they have booked every place you can get in this town for a week, they are being very thorough in keeping us away, so if they start to scout this building we will have to hide... maybe set the bedrolls in the attic of this place it seems unused and we can hide in there without tipping anyone off"

We all nod and Sasuke starts creating a small entrance into the 'attic' which is just a sealed roof, beams and such exposed.

We set up and wait.


-1 week later-

The meeting is happening now, I had to retrieve Jewel and Javelin who were watching because there is 3 jonin ranked missing nin keeping an eye out for ninja trying to peek into the meeting, they seem to have been hired by the criminal leaders- and these guys aren't normal Jonin either, each an entry into the bingo book with quite the high bounty.

'Ghost of the pond' or Keita missing nin of mist.

'Earthen Dweller' or Nao missing nin of Iwa.

'Blood Blade Sho' traitorous former Samurai from Iron.

Kakashi is doing the main part of the mission now, as the three bounties have changed the danger of this mission.

We are waiting for his signal.

Ten minutes pass as we pack our stuff and Kakashi sends for us, we flicker to the roof of the warehouse, silent as ever.

He nods to us before pointing below.

We all look in the gap of the roof and see that the three leaders are splitting up- taking some documents with them.

"(Whisper) we need those documents, Ill go with Sakura to take on the ghost and you two will stealthily acquire the last two. Understood? Good. If you enter combat retreat, we can track them later."

We all flicker in different directions and I'm chasing the 'Earthen Dweller' and his respective employer who is holding a small briefcase with some documents inside.

Only one guard... going through the mountains, I could ambush with Jewel and make a hit and run... yes that's what ill do"

I flicker ahead of them, a small corridor of natural forming stone and I summon [Jewel] and [Jaunt], both perfect for this situation.

I place my selves into them and wait till the two are walking within proximity.



We sprint out of the natural forming stones and I [Launching Point] towards the missing ninja, when I get close I barrage him with sudden Taijutsu... but he turns into mud and so does his client... shit.


Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

I'm chasing the Blood blade and his employer, he went through the town and is taking the road further into the land of lightning.

Currently sitting in the carriage I can see my target, both the threat and his employer are sitting casually and silently.

I push faster and quieter following them and eventually flicker to the roof of the carriage before- *Shwing* a blade emerges from the roof, threatening to stab me. How did they know I was here? I hadn't done anything yet...

I hear the old samurais voice laugh.

"Sasuke Uchiha"

How does he know me? How did he know I was chasing him?

"I can hear the thoughts racing in your head, even within this carriage, this is a trap. Simple as that."

I flicker off the carriage and retreat- *swish* a blade slices my thigh and I tumble to the floor.

"Lord Oorochimaru had promised me power, and he granted such. This is the curse marks power, its second stage. Now only few can rival me in speed. This is to repay him for his generosity"

I turn around to see, no longer a bundle of black cloth and blood red samurai armour, but a devilish old face contorting into a fiendish grin, two deer like horns emerge from his head and his skin turns pitch black- his legs twist and stretch into something similar to Jaunts werewolf form and his body grows into a humanoid monster.

His blade red and silver points towards me.

"Lucky for you I need to bring you in alive!"


Pov: Sakura Haruno

We are chasing the ghost and his employer, he decided to stay within his hotel for now and Kakashi-sensei went in to retrieve the- *slash* I instinctively dodge the Tanto that tried to slice me, rolling away I look up to see the 'ghost'.

"Tch- thought I had ya', ya' bitch, lay down for me so I can get my pay"

He spits on the ground and approaches me again- I flicker backwards and stand tall.

I haven't completed the combat techniques that I have been learning from- *slice* shit I have to focus on dodging, that was a small wound ill heal it as I move.

"Bah! Too slow dumbass"

He starts doing hand seals and spits a humongous jet of water into the air, it cascades down like rain.

"Now this is my environment!"

I see him do more hand seals and I start doing my own.

[Water release: Hidden technique: Pond dance of the ghost]

He disappears in a blur and appears next to me, I turn my head and finish my last seal.

[Summoning Jutsu] and a slug appears on my shoulder.


I barely dodge but the slug slides down to the wound on my chest and starts to heal it incredibly fast.

Its at this moment that his next strike is intercepted by Kakashi-sensei.

"Tch- fucking bitch! Now I have to put some effort into my swings"

He starts to deform, from a man covered head to toe in a mist ninja outfit plus a light blue hood- Into a man with deep blue skin and shrinks about two feet shorter, his hands and feet become webbed and a cylinder appears from his back- *fwoosh!* water blasts from it and descends down.

"I only just got this shit! So stand still fuckers!"

He launches at me and disappears again.


Pov: Riku

I stand in the tight and uncomfortable mountain path.


No one comes out and I bring Jewel and Jaunt to my side in case something happens.

"You know... I can talk to myself for quite the while, better start talking before I start retelling the story of shrek... and the third movie as well, not even the first.."

He hasn't appeared... We walk forward and make our way back through the narrow pass, we reach through the other side and into the mountain terrain.

"Huh. It must of just been a diversion, Jaunt lets get out of here and report back to windoor man, lets take back Jewels chakra and put him back"

I do so and hop onto Jaunt, and just as he starts running an earthen hand, bigger than my body appears beside me and grabs me off of Jaunt who due to the laws of motion cannot slow down and he drifts around 15 ft from me.

"Shit so you were still here, I knew you liked me~"

The hand grips tighter but I use that opportunity to [Body Shunt] upwards and on top of the hand.

Flickering back to Jaunt I watch as the hand rises with its arm following behind, it places its hand down and as if pushing itself up- a giant dirt man appears.

"I'm pretty sure there is a saying about the bigger you are? The harder you- *Crash*"

He slams his fist down and me and Jaunt dodge out of the way, Jaunt runs back to transform and I take his attention with a [Launching Point] on my feet, sending me at its face. I pull back my hand ready to punch, sending it forward I imbue my fist with [Destroyer Force].


Its face is sent flying into the passage behind it and gets destroyed.

Jaunt is in werewolf form now and I land and flicker backwards towards him.

A man emerges from the dirt giants chest, he is the Dweller and he stares at me intently before discarding his shirt.

"... I have a fiancé sir!"

He cracks his knuckles and spits five mud balls at me- without seals, he is good at that.

He launches himself at me and throws a punch while I'm dodging the mud balls, Jaunt intercepts and takes a hit to the chest sending him into me, we crash and roll before Jaunt gets up and lunges at the man, I follow with another [Body Shunt], jump kicking at the man- Two feet extended!

The blow lands as Jaunt distracted him and he gets pushed back a few feet.

He smiles dangerously as I get up off the floor, he thumps his chest and- is that? Oh no! His skin turns grey and he grows to at least ten feet tall.

Jaunt rushes him and I do the Launch/Destroyer jutsu combo! He gets hit but only moves back ten feet, dragging his feet and not falling over an inch, he flickers behind me and before I can even react- my back is hit and my spine hurt. Bad.

I'm sent flying into the same dirt head that blocks the narrow passage. A wound on my back like that... if I don't get magic ninja treatment soon it will paralyze me, Sakura should be able to handle it, just need to get her within an hour.

[Summoning Jutsu]!

Anchor and Almighty appear before me, I put my split selves inside and Anchor helps me into the Almighty.


"Hey I just built that wolf!"

He flickers towards me as I de-summon Jaunt.


Pov: Rocks



Pov: Sasuke


"Your eyes are impressive child! No wonder Lord Oorochimaru wants you!"

The corrupted man slashes his blade at me, moving at incredible speeds.

"To be able to see these speeds... impressive"

I flicker backwards once more and launch a kunai with an explosive tag attached.


He deflects it easily and an explosion occurs off the road.

"You may be able to process my speed, but you are unable to keep up yourself!"

He lowers his body and his twisted legs twitch- *Bang!* he is sent flying towards me and I have no way too dodge- *crunch* his blade enters my shoulder and kicks my torso with an audible crunch.

I light up my hand with Lightning chakra and wait till he- *kssss* like smoke hissing my shoulder starts throbbing with pain and my chakra struggles to form any shape, I fall to the ground.

"Foolish child. If you do not accept his power you will die, its eating at you."

He walks slowly towards me and laughs, his aged voice echoing into the night.

"The only salvation is Lord Oorochimaru!"

I struggle to get up, My hands push the dirt beneath me and my feet drag... I cannot move, everything hurts and my cursed mark strangles and holds my chakra in check.

How can I beat this man without my chakra? Without being able to move? What am I even capable of doing in this situation...

I close my eyes as he stops in front of me.


Pov: Sakura

"Stop squirming ya' bitch"

I flicker backwards again and Kakashi charges forward slashing at the enemy with a simple kunai, the enemy disappears once again and re-appears behind me.

With a kunai I block his slash and dodge to the side, with ease and grace I weave a genjutsu- something simple to distract him for but a moment.

He shakes it off- *zam!* but a moment is all Kakashi-sensei needs, brandishing his own arm in lightning he rushes and implants it within the enemy.

"Ah fuck! You fucking cu-"

Kakashi-sensei pulls his arm out and a hole appears in the blue skinned mans chest.

"You know how long that's gonna take Lord Oorochimaru to heal!? Fucker!"

The man spits blood onto the ground but doesn't fall. In fact he keeps on walking- *fwash* disappears.

At this moment Kakashi-sensei's eyes widen and he looks to me, flickering over and readying to defend.

"Sakura, the seal on Sasukes mark just broke! Go! I will handle him"

I nod and flicker off the roof.

"Oi! Bitch! You were my target!"

Target? Ok... so they were hoping to separate us and targeting the genin... I can guess the other two have reasons for kidnapping but what about me? What do I have that they want? ... Bait?

Running through the streets I take to the road outside of town.


Pov: Riku

"Just. Go. DOWN!"

I swing my Odachi down and down on top of this guy but he doesn't budge, I could do the thing I did with Gaara but this guy is fast and strong.

Anchor keeps sending the chains to keep him down and using up all his chakra to [Launching Point] away from the guy.

What to do... decisions... decisions.


Usually I think of something by now. Yeah that was my only realization, nothing else up here, well. Apart from thinking about my god. Damned. Spine. Old man that hurts!

Okay, lets breathe.

My Odachi swings down once again and he attempts to grab it- *ctank!* the chains wrapping him resists and I decide this isn't working and make Almighty take a step back.

His skin is tough but he still felt pain... my Telekinetic sight can- Thanks for the Information Anchor. The Layers under his hardened flesh are still weak... do I have any attacks that deal internal damage? Destroyer force is capable of applying force to the tiniest of points.. but unable to get anywhere my body cant.

The chains around him *ch-tank* and start to roll off his body, Anchor retracts them seeing as he cant hold him any longer... Anchor used too much chakra.

Re-connect- un-summon.

Its just me, Almighty and the silent stone man, he cracks his head and leaps at me- *thump* he lands on the torso of Almighty and starts tearing into him.

Almighty tries to pull him off- *chrack* but cannot. Shit. Fuck. Damn.

Almighty is too slow... Jaunt was too weak... Anchor had no chakra... I'm about to be permanently Paralyzed.

Ok, there is always a solution.. just have to find it.

"There is."

"Who? Are you speaking stone guy!?"

The man continues to tear into Almighy and doesn't respond. The voice returns.

"Just let go."


"If you let go, I can take over"

"Ok mystery voice, we are BOTH fucked. Anything you could do in my body I can as well"

"But you are reliant on only your will. I am reliant on the will of Konoha. For Konoha I am stronger."

"The fuck? I like Konoha too douchebag! But that isn't giving me any friendship powerups!?"

"Haaa- this is why you are unable. I am willing to take this seriously. You are not"

"Fine! Take over lets see you-"

I faint.


Thanks for reading :)

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