Naruto: Mind over matter

Mission completion

Pov: 3rd person

The Earthen Dweller is tearing at the Almighty and finally pulls the body of Riku out of it. But the Almighty stops pulling and starts pushing, The Earthen dweller resists and decides to end Riku- *snap* his neck is bent the wrong way and the Almighty falls limp.

The Earthen Dweller lets go of Riku and jumps backwards landing 10 ft away.

Both Riku and Almighty fall with a loud *Thump!*

"Mission completed" the Earthen Dweller states and stares at the corpse for five more minutes waiting... but eventually approaches and picks up Riku... turning and leaving down the mountain path the Dweller moves the dirt giants head and enters into the narrow pass.

"Correct" Riku's corpse states.

"Wha-" *tap*

Riku's hand snaps and holds the tongue of the surprised Earthen Dweller.

"[Launching Point]"

Riku flies down the pass and the tongue of the Dweller is pulled- Torn from his mouth.

"You wont live long enough to get me, you are fast- but you are also heavy"

Riku then flickers out of the passage and appears on the other end, where the mountain path clings to the side of a cliff.

The Dweller charges through the passage at Riku and Riku's inhuman face utters.


[Intimidating deflection] activates and the Dweller struggles to get closer, but Riku puts all the chakra he took back from Almighty and puts it into this one jutsu- just to lengthen it.

Unable to get to Riku the Dweller turns back and starts to run down the passage- *Thunk* a spear made of earthen chakra hits the back of the Dweller. Of course dealing no damage, but it does make him turn to see the two kunai imbued with [Pathmaker Jutsu] centred with his eyes.

The Dweller falls to the ground clutching the two kunai that impaled his eyes, Riku approaches slowly and walks over the Dweller, The Earthen Dweller dies five minutes later from blood loss- but Riku wasn't there to see that, he simply didn't care.


Pov: Nezumi

My spine aches and the permanent damage that Riku will suffer is nothing compared to living for Konoha one more day, I drop [Manual Operations] and allow my spine to no longer be controlled.

I drop to the floor and let my conscience go.



Pov: Rocks

Should I expand into other forms? Or stick with expanding into the rocks by the river?

Too much chakra wastage with expansion into other forms.

Rocks it will be.


Pov: Riku

I wake up and my back aches... I can crawl but I cannot feel my legs. Shit.

"Very funny mystery voice... paralyzing me? Haha. Hilarious."

I turn my torso to see that I have walked back... I'm about two minutes away from the gates of the town.

[Summoning Jutsu]!


I have no chakra... damnit now I have to crawl back to town... fuck you! Mystery voice!


Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

I was being dragged by rope but... it was cut? I'm currently blindfolded and hog tied, I stopped being pulled but I cant understand what is happening...

*ting* *chik* *whack*


Oh. Sakura... shit I cant help here..

"Sakura! Go get Kakashi! I cant use chakra or my body!"

"I cant! Kakashi-sensei is busy! But ill- *shwing*"

"I don't mean to be rude but maybe don't try and fight the guy head on that I couldn't beat!?"

There is deep breathing and Sakura sobbing- I hear the old swordsman chuckle.

"I think he is right young one- shove off will you, I'm busy"

I hear sword blows and Sakura stops breathing... no more sobbing.

"There we are."

I start to get dragged again and the terrain under me hurts... fuck- fuck. Shit!


"She wont hear any longer. No need to hurt my ears"

"Sakura!? Sakura!?"

No. No. No. I- what? This isn't happening. A sick genjutsu of some sort!


If it is... the sharingan cannot see it.






"SA-" *thwack!*

"Shut it."



My body is feeling better? What? How?

I can feel energy pour through my systems and start to fill it with... warmth? My wounds stop bleeding and my mark stops hurting... I can move... I can move.

[Substitution Jutsu]

I disappear and trade myself with a nearby log.

"What? How did you?"

I interrupt the now mark less figure by rushing at him, hand dragging across the ground I pump Lightning into it and I start channelling my chakra into the [Chidori].

*Crackle* *fwoosh*

My arm is sent through the old swordsman.


"Should of kept that fancy form up"

I tug my arm out of his body and fall backwards, landing on my ass.

The figure falls back, but unlike me- doesn't get up.


I get up and head back down the road and see... Sakura smirking at me.


"The Samurai guy was great in kenjutsu and speed, I just thought that he never got the ninja training we did and faked my death with a Henge, and I placed my new summon onto you when he turned to drag you away... I did good, no?"

I let out a laugh

"Yes.. excellent even"

Sakura offers to heal me and we spend a minute making sure I'm not about to collapse or die.

"Ok, we should go find Riku and then help Kakashi-sensei"

I nod and we make our way down the road and find Riku... dragging himself through town.

"Oi! Idiot... what are you doing?"

He chuckles.

"Fucker hit me in the spine, then some mystery voice took over my body and returned it like this.."

Sakura lays her hands on his spine and gasps.

"Oh no.... Riku I'm going to need you to get some rest okay? Ill try to heal you."

"Sure doc"

Riku unceremoniously flops to the ground and Sakura starts pouring chakra into his back.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask.

"He... his spine is... permanently... it doesn't connect right... too many fragments to reconnect, it was hit bad.. I cant heal this.." Sakura says with tears in her eyes.

"What? He always gets up?"

"More stubborn then actual bodily ability.."

I nod gravely.

"Go help Kakashi-sensei, Ill help Riku"

I nod but before I can flicker away- Kakashi holds my shoulder, I look over and see he is covered in wounds.

"Lets get out of here, this mission was a trap, and a long one at that."


-1 week later-

Pov: Riku

"Sorry brat, luck ran out. You wont be getting up from this one."

Lady tells me... but I'm pretty sure I have an idea to keep on going.

"Yeah, yeah whatever.. just let Ace take me to my workshop and ill surprise you... actually want to bet?"

She raises her fist and I kidnap myself before she can hit/heal me.

"Hahaha! Thanks Ace.. gonna need you to go get me some supplies as well, cool?"

He nods as he launches himself from roof to roof before landing in front of my house, Ace unlocks the door and leads me to the basement where he sits me down before my desk.

"Alright! Be quick..!"

Ace rushes off and I sit alone in the basement... Okay I have an idea... not just for me but also my new model of not-puppets, if this doesn't work I'm screwed... but I said it before and I will say it again.

My body matters not, my mind will whip it into shape no matter its circumstances.


I look up the stairs to see Eiko!

"Hey! How are you? Haven't had a date in a-"

I'm tackle hugged and my chair rolls through the workshop.


"Sorry! Sorry! I heard you injured badly!? Are you!? You are fine right!?"

Eiko says between sobs and I chuckle.

"Its fine~ I have a fix, and plus its only legs I cant use sooo~"

She smacks me.

"Stop messing around Riku! You cant use your legs!"

"And? Ill find a fix Mind over-"


"Stop that! Please stop!"

She starts crying by herself standing.

"Stop what...?"

"Stop not caring! Please take care of yourself more..."

Oh.. right, to everyone else my body is well... my body. But I gave that up long ago... never connected to pain or dying.

"I'm sorry"

"You should be! Why did you- you!!"

"I'm sorry.. what can I do to make it up for you?"

She wipes her tears on her sleeves and hugs me again.

"Just take a break... stop please..."

"I promise"


Eiko looks up to see Ace holding timber and other various supplies- she snaps her reddened eyes to mine and her face contorts into anger, she slaps me and gets up, storming up the stairs.

I look at Ace and make a deadpan face at him.

"Read the room Ace"

He points to himself then taps his head before pointing at me.

"Yeah well... fuck you!"

I feel like I said that one before...

Ace places the supplies on the bench and I [Summoning Jutsu] Jewel who helps Ace work.

My next model... my next project... this will be good.

-1 day later-

"What is wrong with you!?"

Hinata yells at me.


"You were paralyzed and immediately go back into th-that workshop! Eiko said she saw you here y-yesterday! How long have you been working! Have you eaten! Why the hell did you p-promise Eiko to stop and then continue! Right in front of h-her!"



"Because I have a solution to my paralyzed state and wanted to fix it..."

"Is there a time limit on this fix...?"


"Then why are you!? S-so frustrating!? Get Ace to shower you and go to bed. Your FIANCE left a present for you... despite her anger. And apologize to her!"


I get Ace to carry me up-

"Disconnect from Jewel! You are taking a break! All of you!"

Hinata storms away... maybe I was to chipper when my body gave... I look to Jewel and nod, he reconnects and un-summons.

Ill go shower and sleep.

-ten minutes later-

I lay on my bed holding the gift Eiko got me... its a giant plush and fluffy bear. Its cute...

Lets sleep.


-1 day later-

Pov: Sasuke

"... is he finally resting?"

Hinata nods.. but with uncertainty.

Ino and Sakura shake there head and sigh before Hinata speaks up.

"Did something happen? N-not physically I-I mean something that made h-him so... uncaring?"

Ino replies.

"I asked my dad and he said something like... 'Riku has had an uncomfortable and uncooperative body since young... its possible that he has grown to separate his mind and body as two separate things clashing against each other aka he doesn't care what happens to his body, especially when it always lacks in comparison to his mind'... what do you guys think?"


"Hn. I think that he can be very wise but... stupid?"

Hinata nods her head.

"E-exactly, why does he say the smartest things but do the o-opposite!?"

Sakura chimes in.

"He said 'Do as I say, not as I do' once... does he know how awful he is to himself?"

Hinata furrows her brow.

"H-He said he could fix his current problem... as if the village w-would let a ninja be paralyzed and still work..."

That is... wait. A fix? What fix?

"A fix?"

She scoffs.

"I'm guessing something to do with his puppets, he was in his workshop for a while..."

Ino exclaims.

"Is he going to continue working by having a sentinel like Almighty that can store him!?"

Hinata replies.

"That's w-what I'm w-worried about!"


"The idiot will get himself killed if he continues to work in his state... and not temporarily either."

"Lets h-hope he understands soon... I cant s-stand to see him so happy despite his..."

Sakura rubs Hinata's back.

"We know... everyone can stop by his house every now and then, just to keep him company... is Eiko okay? She isn't ready to see him yet?"

Hinata shakes her head.

Tch- annoying, the idiot needs to learn to stop... though I cant really say that can I... I was willing to kill Naruto for my goals... and yet even after regretting such a thing the back of my skull screams 'power'... would I stop if my body wouldn't continue?

Lets make sure it can continue, so I don't rank with Riku in idiocy.

Thanks for reading :)

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