Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 90: Fire Room

"Yes, sir. Good morning," Yomi greeted, knowing that he must be her new sensei.


"Good morning. My name is Isao Yamanaka, and I will teach you sensing and tracking techniques from now on," Isao said with a smile.


"Nice to meet you, sir," Yomi said, a broad smile on her face. She was visibly relieved to have someone from the Yamanaka clan as her sensei.


"It's good that you're happy. Now, should we go to the training ground for further discussion?" Isao asked.


"Yes, sensei," Yomi replied, and then both of them headed toward Training Area 33.


This training area was near the Hokage building, so they chose it for their session.


"Okay, I am going to check the amount of chakra you have. To become a good sensor, you should have at least a decent amount of chakra. Also, your chakra control should be above average."


Saying that, Isao spread his chakra toward Yomi. If anyone from the Hyuga or Uchiha clan were present, they might have seen a rectangular chakra moving toward her.


As soon as that chakra touched Yomi, Isao felt how much chakra she had. He was satisfied with the amount; it was rare for someone from a civilian background to have this much chakra at the age of eight.


"You have enough chakra to learn this," Isao said with a smile.


"Thank you, sensei! I will try my best to learn everything you teach me."


"Okay, to train in sensing and tracking techniques, you should have very good senses. This is the first thing you are going to work on."


Isao took out five round balls from his special bag along with a black cloth.


"These are the instruments we are going to use to enhance your senses. They can produce vibrations and small sounds on their own, like this." Isao inserted a little chakra into the ball, and it started vibrating. He passed the ball to Yomi, and when she took it in her hand, she could also hear the sound.


"I am going to tie this cloth around your eyes and then place these balls within a radius of 10 meters. You have to find them with your eyes closed. After that, we will go to the next part of our training."


"Yes, sensei," Yomi said.


Isao tied the cloth around her eyes. When Yomi tried to sense the balls, she was completely unable to do it. Even after trying hard, she could not locate a single ball. She remembered that a ball emitted both sound and vibration, and since the sound was very low, the chances of hearing it were much less.


So she decided to go with the second option. Yomi sat in a meditative pose and began to sense the vibrations around her.


After some time, she felt a slight vibration from her left side. She stood up and went in that direction, finding one of the balls.


Similarly, she was able to find all the balls in 30 minutes.


After finding the fifth ball, she removed the cloth from her eyes.


"Good. Now I will place these balls in a 20-meter area. This will continue until you can sense them in a 100-meter radius."


This was how Yomi's training began, but it would take time, as the difficulty increased exponentially with each increase in distance.



Meanwhile, Kaida went back to the Uchiha compound using the Wind Instantaneous Movement jutsu, which was still perfect for long-distance travel. After reaching the Uchiha compound, he went to Shisui.


"Brother, when will we go to take my ID?" Kaida asked Shisui.


"I think it should be ready by now. We can go whenever you want," Shisui replied.


"Then can we go now?"




They both went to the Uchiha clan headquarters.


At the reception, Shisui asked if Kaida's identification card was ready.


"Yes, sir. He just has to sign here," the receptionist replied.


Kaida signed and then took his card.


"Where can I take missions?" Kaida asked the receptionist.


"Oh! So that's why you wanted to get your ID. Come here; I will tell you how you can get missions."


Kaida thanked the receptionist and then followed Shisui.


They went outside the clan headquarters and entered another gate. There were many missions posted on boards, with several boards for D-rank missions, some for C-rank missions, and only one for B-rank missions.


"Here you can get up to B-rank missions. Higher missions are only provided by the clan head himself," Shisui said.


"So anyone can take any mission they want?" Kaida asked.


"Of course not. Your identity card has a rank; you can only take missions up to your rank," Shisui explained.


Kaida quickly checked his identity card and found it was a C rank.


"So I can take C-rank missions. But I heard only elite Chunin are allowed to take C-rank missions alone."


"The clan itself evaluates your strength and assigns you ranks. Many times, some ninjas may have Chunin-level skills but remain Chunin for one reason or another."


Kaida nodded his head and then asked, "Is there any limit on how many missions we can take?"


"No, you can take as many missions as you want, but if you are unable to complete them in the given time, you will be penalized."




"You know you can ask me if you want to use any resources, right?" Shisui said.


"Yes, but I still want to try and earn those resources," Kaida replied.


"As you wish. Just call me if you face any problems," Shisui said before going back toward his house.


Kaida then looked for D-rank missions he could complete easily. After skimming through all of the missions, he selected 20, each with a reward of 4,000-6,000 Ryo and 10 contribution points each.


He went to the desk and applied for all the missions.


"Are you sure you want to take all of these missions?"




"You know that if you are unable to complete all of them before noon tomorrow, you will be fined twice the amount, right?"




"Okay, then." The receptionist assigned all of the missions to Kaida.


Most of the missions were transport missions, some involved gathering wood from the forest within the village, and others were miscellaneous tasks.


Kaida quickly made 50 shadow clones, which was his limit if he wanted them to remain for some time. If he just used the minimum amount of chakra, he could easily make around 65 shadow clones, which was a considerable number for a nine-year-old.


After making 50 shadow clones, he sent them on different missions.


In just two hours, all of his clones completed their missions and submitted the reports.


Kaida collected the money and contribution points and then asked, "Can you tell me where the elemental training room is?"


"That is in this building, sir. Go to the last door, and you will find the room you want."


"Thank you." Kaida went toward the elemental training room.


*Since just the meditation room had such an effect on me, I wonder what this elemental room will do to me, especially since it costs nearly 20 times more.*


These were the thoughts Kaida had throughout the day.


He went inside the last door and asked, "I want to train my elemental chakra."


"Sir, which specific elemental chakra do you want to train?"


"Umm, fire chakra."


"That will cost 200 contribution points per hour."


"Yes, here."


Kaida gave 200 contribution points to the receptionist.


"You can use room 33 for one hour. After that, one of the staff members will notify you when your time is up."


"Okay, can you tell me how to utilize this room to its maximum capacity?"


"Is it your first time?"




"To utilize it completely, you should take out your fire chakra and try to strengthen it while meditating. From time to time, use D-rank fire jutsu to see the results."


"But if I use jutsu inside the room, it will get destroyed."


The receptionist chuckled a little and said, "You don't have to worry about that, sir. The room is packed with strengthening and defense seals. It will take considerable effort for even Hokage-sama to damage the room."


"Oh! Thank you for telling me this," Kaida said while bowing slightly.


He then went to the room. As soon as he entered, Kaida felt that it was hotter than normal, and many crystals were embedded in the walls, surrounded by various seals.


Kaida sat in a meditative pose and began to extract his fire chakra. Luckily, he had read the instructions to take off his clothes; otherwise, they would surely have caught fire after releasing his fire chakra.


It was much hotter than usual, at least twice as hot as before. Kaida focused on increasing the intensity of the heat slowly.


After 10 minutes, he used the Fireball jutsu. Normally, Kaida could create a fireball with a diameter of 30 cm, but this time its size was 40 cm, and the fire was more densely packed within the fireball. Kaida threw the ball, and it exploded against the wall. Some of the seals lit up, but aside from that, nothing major happened.


*Good, I can practice to my heart's content!*


Kaida then once again focused on increasing the intensity of his fire chakra. For the entire hour, he concentrated on enhancing


 the intensity of the chakra. By the end of the hour, he had increased the intensity to three times that of his normal fire chakra.


Knock knock.


"Sir, your time is over."


"Okay, I'm leaving," Kaida said and went to pick up his clothes.


After leaving the building, he once again used fire chakra in his hand.


*As I thought, it was not three times; maybe that was the effect of all those seals. But still, it was at least 1.3 times more than before. In just one hour, I was able to increase it this much. What will happen after training in that room for months?* Kaida thought with a silly smile on his face.


But he didn't know how wrong he was. After some time, the effect of this room would diminish, which he would discover in the future.

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