Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 91: 2 Tomoe Sharingan

'As I thought, it was not three times; maybe that was the effect of all those seals. But still, it was at least 1.3 times more than before. In just one hour, I was able to increase it this much. What will happen after training in that room for months?' Kaida thought with a silly smile on his face.


But he didn't know how wrong he was. After some time, the effect of this room would reduce, which he would find out in the future. But a man can dream, right?


'I should probably go back. Even though this is very beneficial for me, I currently don't have any need to increase my firepower. I should primarily focus on Genjutsu and medical jutsu.'


So Kaida decided to head back and practice Genjutsu for now. He used Body Flicker Jutsu to reach his house. Why not? It wasn't like using this jutsu would make any noticeable change in his chakra reserves, and it would save time.


"So you're back. What mission took so long?" Shisui asked, thinking Kaida had taken a longer D-rank mission.


"I took some D-rank missions so that I could try the elemental room," Kaida said with a smile.


"How many missions did you take to use the elemental room?" Shisui asked.


"Twenty missions. I used shadow clones to complete all of them," Kaida explained after seeing the confusion on Shisui's face.


"Anyways, how was your experience in the elemental room? Did you notice any changes?" Shisui asked.


"That room is awesome! My fire chakra got such a boost in just one hour. If this continues, my fire jutsu will be much deadlier in the future than they are now," Kaida said with a smile.


"I hate to break it to you, but the changes you felt today are the result of using the elemental room for the first time. The benefits will diminish in the future," Shisui said.


"I knew this was too good to be true," Kaida said while shaking his head in disappointment.


"I think you're now underestimating this. Even though the effect will reduce over time, by then your strength will be at least three times what it is now," Shisui said.


"I know, and I'm not underestimating that. But for now, I can't focus on this. I need to learn Genjutsu and medical jutsu first. Since I don't have to take any missions outside of Konoha, there's very little chance that I will require fire jutsu shortly," Kaida said.


"Yes, I was also going to advise you on the same. So how is your practice going?" Shisui asked.


"It's going just fine. Actually, I have a doubt. How much time do I need to maintain Yin chakra outside my body?" Kaida asked.


"You're already at that stage?" This time Shisui was truly shocked; this was way too fast.


"Sort of," Kaida said.


"Hah! You just have to maintain the Yin chakra for 30 seconds. After that, I will teach you some real stuff," Shisui said.


"Okay, brother. I'll go and train in the garden," Kaida said while running toward the garden.


Shisui just stood there shaking his head, thinking, 'Mom is right; he truly is a training freak.'


Kaida went to the garden and made 15 shadow clones while he started meditating. Kaida wanted to learn this as soon as possible, since, according to Shisui, the opposite of Yin release, Yang release, is used in medical jutsu. Since there was a chance he might be rejected by his new sensei for his lack of talent, he wanted to prepare as much as he could.


By lunchtime, Kaida had made a second batch of shadow clones and was meditating when one of his clones came to him and said, "Hey, wake up! It's time for lunch."


"Okay, you guys continue doing this. I'll come back after eating," Kaida said.


All of his clones nodded their heads. Kaida went inside.


"Just wait for a moment, Kaida. Lunch is almost ready," Hae said, seeing Kaida coming toward the dining area.


"Do you need any help, Aunty?" Kaida asked.


"No, everything is almost done; just sit there quietly," Hae said strictly.


"Okay, Aunty," Kaida said with a smile.


"What about Yomi? Should I pack some lunch for her?" Hae thought aloud.


"No, Mom. She is most likely training with her new sensei, so we should not disturb her. Today she can eat outside," Shisui said while entering the dining area.


"Yeah, right," Hae said.


After that, they ate lunch, and Kaida took a rest for half an hour, per Hae's order. But afterward, he quickly went to the garden. Now that he had gotten the hang of it, it was just a matter of time before he could maintain the chakra for half a minute.


He truly wanted to learn Genjutsu today, and the chances were high since he was now able to maintain Yin chakra for more than 20 seconds. For countless times, Kaida thought about trying to activate his Sharingan, but due to Shisui's warning, he controlled his urges.


'Okay, this is hopefully the last time,' Kaida thought and dispersed all of his clones.


After meditating for some time and rearranging all the memories he got from the clones, he once again made 15 shadow clones and started practicing.



At 3 PM, one of his clones was able to maintain Yin chakra for 35 seconds. He quickly dispersed himself. Kaida and the other clones received the memories of the clone, and then rapidly another clone dispersed itself while Kaida tried to maintain Yin chakra in his body.


After successfully doing that, he went to Shisui and said, "Brother, I have completed the exercise you gave me. Now I can maintain a chakra ratio of 85:15 for more than 30 seconds outside my body."


"Good job! Now you are ready. Here comes the easy part: activate your Sharingan and then once again try to do the same thing. Just this time, do not guide that chakra; let your body do it, okay?" Shisui instructed.


Kaida nodded and activated his one-tomoe Sharingan.


As soon as he activated his Sharingan and tried to separate his chakra into Yin and Yang, he was shocked. If normally it felt like he was trying to tear a wooden plate with his hand, it now felt like he was tearing a piece of paper.


It became ridiculously easy for him to separate Yin and Yang chakra. He maintained the ratio of 85:15, feeling he could do better than this, but he decided to focus on what Shisui said.


He let the chakra flow normally. Yin chakra started making its way toward his eyes, and Shisui saw Kaida's Sharingan start revolving slowly. Yin chakra began to flow out of his eyes without any direction.


It just formed a barrier around Kaida's eyes that had no effect, but the chakra was very stable. For a full minute, Kaida was able to maintain the chakra in front of his eyes. Afterward, he suddenly felt the soft itch he always felt around his eyes intensify.


He still didn't stop the chakra flow in his eyes.


After two minutes, the world became more vibrant for Kaida. He could see more clearly, as if someone had removed a plastic cover from his eyes.


Kaida was sure that his Sharingan had evolved to two-tomoe Sharingan.

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