Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 89: Specialization Start (Yomi)

They both went to the dining room, where food was already placed on the table, and both Yomi and Hae were waiting for Kaida and Shisui.


"I am sorry for the wait," Kaida apologized to Hae.


"Habits do take time to change. Just try to take some time off in between and spend time with family. Since you are in such a crucial year, I don’t want to neglect your training, so sometimes this type of training is allowed," Hae said with a smile.


Kaida nodded and sat down. They ate the food while discussing various things.


After eating, Kaida turned to Yomi and asked, "Tomorrow you have to go to the Hokage office to get info regarding your specialization, right?"


"Yes, I hope my sensei will not be too strict," Yomi said with a sigh.


"I will also come with you. Let's see who is going to teach you," Kaida said.


"Okay," Yomi replied, her face blooming like a flower.


*It's good to be young,* both Shisui and Hae thought at the same time.


"You are going to learn sensing and tracking, right?" Shisui asked Yomi.


"Yes. Do you have any idea who is going to be my sensei?" Yomi asked Shisui.


"Well, if the village wants to train you, then most likely you will get a sensei from the Yamanaka clan. They are quite famous for their sensing and tracking techniques. Even though you will not be able to learn their clan's hidden jutsus, even the normal sensing and tracking techniques of that clan are better than what civilian ninjas use," Shisui replied.


"I am sure Grandpa will arrange someone from the Yamanaka clan," Yomi said, trying to be positive.


"Yes, so don't worry," Kaida said, trying to reduce her tension.


"There is no need to worry about something you can't control. If your sensei is good, then that’s great, and if you have bad luck, then we will arrange a sensei for you. So don’t worry. Now, all of you go back to your rooms. You have all done enough for today, so go and take your much-needed rest," Hae said while picking up the dishes.


All of them nodded, but rather than going to their rooms, they helped in picking and washing the dishes.


After that, Kaida asked Hae, "Aunt, can I at least leave some of my shadow clones? This will not trouble anyone."


Hae then looked toward Shisui, who just smiled awkwardly.


"Hah! Okay, but you are going to sleep for the whole night. You are not allowed to meditate for the entire night, is that clear?"


"Yes, Hae-sama," Kaida said while bowing a little.


"Enough with your acting! I thought you were going to learn genjutsu from Shisui, but it looks like he is also teaching you his weird acting habits," Hae said, shaking her head.


"How did I get involved in this?" Shisui asked as if he had been blamed for a murder.


"Hah! My headache is going to increase," Hae said, but there was a slight smile on her face.


After that, all of them went back to their rooms while Kaida made five shadow clones with 20% of his chakra, and they started practicing.



**In the morning**


Kaida woke up and was surprised to see that his clones still had some of their chakra left. This could only mean that they were able to successfully divide normal chakra into Yin and Yang chakra without dispersing it. At least it was better than before. He quickly dispersed his clones.


With an influx of memories, he had to meditate for some time to sort through all of these memories.


According to what his clones did, he should be able to divide his chakra into Yin and Yang. The major problem, which was to change its ratio from 50:50 to 85:15, could be done with mental power. Somehow every Uchiha had this ability, so he was able to do it too. During that phase, the chakra began to disperse rapidly. To tackle that, Kaida began to circulate the chakra in a cycle, which somehow helped stop it from getting dispersed.


Now, while following this technique, he was able to maintain that chakra for 30 minutes. However, the task given by Shisui—to take out that chakra from his body—was proving to be very difficult. As soon as Kaida took that chakra out of his body, it dispersed into the surroundings.


'At least I was able to make it stable enough. Now I just have to project it out of my body for some time, though I don’t know how much. First, I have to ask brother about this,' Kaida thought as he went to the bathroom attached to his room. After completing his morning duties and taking a bath, Kaida went to the hall, where he found Shisui and Hae sitting.


"Good morning, Aunty. Good morning, brother. Do you guys wake up this early daily?" Kaida greeted them, a little shocked to see them awake so early, as it was just 5 AM.


"Yes. Father was strict about discipline, so now it has become a habit," Shisui replied.


"Do you want to drink some tea?" Hae offered.


"Yes," Kaida replied, holding out his glass for Hae to pour tea for him.


The herbal tea was very refreshing and was the perfect start to the day.


"This is so refreshing! Where did you get this tea?" Kaida asked after taking his first sip.


"You can't find this tea in Konoha. When I went to the Land of Tea for a mission, I liked this tea, so I bought it in bulk," Shisui said proudly.




Yomi also came down after some time, and after Hae urged her, she took a cup for herself.


"I needed that," Yomi said while taking a sip.


"When are you going to the Hokage office?" Hae asked.


"I have to reach there at 7:00 AM."


"We have enough time for breakfast," Hae said as she stood up.


"Wait, Aunty, I will cook breakfast," Kaida offered.


"No need, Kaida. Just sit here; I will cook it in no time."


"Aunty, I feel like a freeloader like this! Please let me do something," Kaida insisted.


"There is no need to feel like this in your own house, Kaida. Okay, you can cook breakfast," Hae relented.


"Thank you, Aunty," Kaida said while running toward the kitchen.


In the kitchen, he made five shadow clones, each assigned a different task.


In just 30 minutes, a simple breakfast was ready.


"Breakfast is ready! Please come here!"


All three of them came to the dining room to find all the food placed on the table.


The food ranged from omelets, fruit salad, bacon, sausage, to fruit juice.


After a hearty breakfast, Kaida and Yomi headed toward the Hokage office. They were quite a distance away from the Hokage building, which would take around two hours to reach by foot. However, since both of them were proficient in movement jutsu, they were able to arrive before the appointed time.


"I think you should go there alone. Your sensei might not like the two of us going there together," Kaida said in front of the Hokage building.


"Okay. Are you going back?" Yomi asked.


"Yes, I have to take my new ID from the clan head and train in genjutsu," Kaida replied.


"Okay, bye," Yomi said with a smile.


Both of them then went their separate ways.


Yomi entered the Hokage building and approached the receptionist.


"Lord Third asked me to come here to meet my sensei for specialization."


"Are you Yomi?"




"Please wait for some time; your sensei is still not here. I will inform you as soon as he arrives."


"Okay." Yomi then went to the sofa and sat there.


After 15 minutes, a middle-aged man arrived at the Hokage building and asked, "Has my student arrived?"


"Yes, sir. She is waiting for you," the receptionist said, pointing toward Yomi.


"Thanks," the man replied and went to Yomi.


"Hey, are you Yomi?" he asked.


"Yes, sir! Good morning!" Yomi greeted, knowing he must be her new sensei.


"Good morning! My name is Isao Yamanaka. I will teach you sensing and tracking techniques from now on," Isao said with a smile.

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