My brother is an Idol

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Chapter 69
Chapter 69


While Hyojun swore to find his little sister, Hyoyoung was sneezing uncontrollably on Jeju Island.

She murmured, “Gosh, why am I suddenly sneezing so much? Do I have some kind of an allergy? Or is someone badmouthing me somewhere?”

Kiwook looked at her adoringly. He couldn’t stop smiling as he replied, “You are such a baby, Hyoyoung”


When Hyoyoung grumbled and glared at him, Kiwook placed a tissue underneath her nose.


“W-what are you doing, Oppa?”

“Come on, blow!”


“Just blow! It will make you feel better. But don’t blow too hard or you are going to hurt yourself. Be gentle!”

“No thanks. I just need to wipe my nose…”

Hyoyoung grabbed the tissue from Kiwook’s hand and wiped her nose quickly.

She groaned, ‘First drooling… now snot. What the hell?!’

Kiwook grinned and said to her teasingly, “My Hyoyoung… you are so comfortable with me now that you already showed me your drool and snot today. I guess the next step would be… fart, right?”

Hyoyoung flinched and stepped back. How did he know what she was thinking again?

“Why are you so surprised, Hyoyoung? I guessed your thoughts again, is that it?”

“Yes! You must be a psychic or something.”

“No, you just have an honest face and I’m very focused on you, that’s all.”

“Good answer.”

“My eyes are always on you!”


“Oh, look! We are here.”

Hyoyoung looked ahead to see two beautiful houses nearby. They had been walking leisurely for a while, and now they were entering a pretty little town.

Hyoyoung exclaimed, “It’s so beautiful.”

“Do you like it? This is the place I wanted to bring you.”


“Yes, the place where you can meet your destiny… It’s perfect for us, right?”


Kiwook’s explanation made Hyoyoung’s heartbeat quicken. He pulled her closer to him and guided her towards one of the rental houses. He keyed in the passcode to open the door and whispered to her, “Welcome, my Hyoyoung.”

Inside the freshly painted blue house, a cozy and well-kept garden greeted them. The sun was shining beautifully and the house windows were decorated with sheer curtains that danced lightly with the wind.

Hyoyoung felt relaxed in such a comfortable place as they entered the house together. She dropped her bag on the floor and started to explore the place.

“Wow! There is a pod coffee machine! Amazing! Oh, Oppa! There is a window above the bathtub! Do you think you can see the stars while you are taking a bath? I love this place! It’s totally my style! This mattress is so comfortable. Where do you think I can buy this? Oh, I think I could study so much better if I was in a place like this! WOW! My favorite shampoo’s here! Yay!”

Hyoyoung roamed around the house, room by room, exclaiming excitedly. Then suddenly, Kiwook came up behind her and hugged her.

“Hyoyoung, the most important room is right here.”

“Huh? W-where?”

Kiwook pulled her towards the innermost room and opened the door.

“Right here.”

It was a bedroom. Inside was a large bed covered with a fluffy white blanket. The window was covered with blinds, making the room look intimate.


“You are making a weird noise again. What is that about?”

“You are a pervert!”

“Why do you say that?”

“A sex maniac!”

“What are you talking about? Do you know how important sleep is for people? Do you know that a person spends a third of his or her life sleeping? Some even say that beds are not furniture, but scientific tools. Sleep is very important, and that is why I am saying this room is the most important place in the house. A scientific fact.”

“… you are the worst.”

When Hyoyoung lowered her red face in embarrassment, Kiwook smiled and hugged her tightly. His face was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her lips. She stared at him as he asked, “Why? What were you thinking?”

Hyoyoung mumbled quietly, “Nothing…”

“Good. Don’t think, just act as you wish. That’s what we should do, at least for today.”

Kiwook suddenly lifted her and carried her into the bedroom.


He was about to close the door behind them when Hyoyoung screamed.

“Why, Hyoyoung?”

“Let’s eat.”


“Yes, food.”

“But we ate a big meal less than two hours ago.”

“It is healthy to eat small meals frequently…”

“But we ate enough food to feed five people…”

“That restaurant was too overpriced! Each dish only had a tiny portion. That’s why we had to order so many dishes…”

“You are talking nonsense again. You know that restaurant had generous portions. We ate so much that the place ran out of food because of us.”

“But… why…”

“I told you. I’m going to be the villain.”

“But even a villain needs to rest during daylight…”

“Oh! Then when it gets dark, it should be okay?”

“That’s not what I meant…”



“I won’t make you nervous or uncomfortable.”


“I won’t put you in an uncomfortable situation just because I feel like it. I didn’t plan this trip for that…”

“I… I didn’t mean that it’s a definite no… so don’t say that… I…”

“I know what you mean. You don’t have to say it. Hmm… you know what? Why don’t we drink some tea for now? On the terrace maybe? It looked really nice out there. We can chat for a while.”

Hyoyoung sighed deeply. Kiwook’s eyes told her that he was happy to wait.

He could be patient.

He was happy just to be near her.

“Okay. Oppa, you go ahead. I’m going to go to the washroom for a second.”

Kiwook smiled widely and nodded. When Hyoyoung went to the washroom, he took out his cell phone, which has been vibrating for a while now.

There were 5 missed calls, all from Hyunsuk. After a short hesitation, Kiwook called him back.

“It’s me.”

“Kiwook, are you with Hyoyoung right now?”


“Hyojun found out that Hyoyoung isn’t with Mikyung. It’s only a matter of time before he finds out she is with you.”

“I don’t want to worry about what hasn’t happened yet.”

“Hey, Kiwook!”

“Thanks for letting me know, Hyunsuk. I’m hanging up now.”

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