My brother is an Idol

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Chapter 68
Chapter 68

Hyoyoung looked at Kiwook in confusion.

“Huh? But what if I said no? What would you have done then?”

“Well, then I would’ve eaten it by my lonely self. It would’ve been very sad.”

“Wow. Am I that predictable or are you just a good persuader? Sounds like you knew exactly what was going to happen!”

“Let’s just say… you are pretty and I am handsome. The end.”

“You are talking nonsense again. You’re so weird. By the way, I have a question.”

“Why did I ask you to come with me on this trip?”


“Did I get it right?”

“Gosh! Am I that easy to read? What should I do? Can everyone see what I’m thinking?”

“No, no. You have a good poker face, Hyoyoung. You just show more when you are relaxed, so only those close to you can read your face. Besides, if you don’t show me what you are thinking or feeling, how will I ever know?”

“I-I guess…”

“I asked you to come with me because… mostly because I wanted to give you a chance to rest. You know, get a break from everything you’ve been going through. Also, I wanted to spend some time with you alone… and…”


“I want to be stuck to you for 24 hours straight! You know, intimately!”

“…you are incorrigible.”

“I really mean it. I… While I am working as an idol, it will be very hard to date someone. Especially if we become even more popular. I mean, it might be okay for now, but you don’t know what situations we may have to face in the future. I feel awful that I need to hide you from the world… so I really wanted to go on a proper date with you while I can. Like a normal couple. Walking together while holding hands, showing affection in public, and so on. As we get busier, it will be hard to find time to spend together… and there will be more things to stress about. But if we have this trip, at least we will have something to remember when things get harder… for me for sure, and hopefully for you too.”

“Wow, that’s deep.”

“Yeah, it’s because I’m a genius.”

“… but not modest.”

“I think when people fall in love, they all become geniuses when it comes to making their loved ones happy. Don’t you think so?”

“Again, very deep. How do you come up with these things?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Fine, fine…”

Hyoyoung shook her head, and Kiwook pinched her cheek teasingly. Hyoyoung grinned and didn’t turn away. She started to eat the snacks Kiwook prepared for her.

Before long, it was time for the plane to land.

The two of them said at the same time, “That was fast.”

They looked at each other and grinned. Kiwook quietly took Hyoyoung’s hand and squeezed it. His large warm hand enveloped her small one as he whispered, “From now on, you just have to follow me. I will take care of you.”

He hugged her as if to protect her from the world. Hyoyoung closed her eyes happily and hugged him back.


As he promised, Kiwook did take care of everything during the trip. He rented a car to drive her around and made sure she didn’t leave his sight.

The first place they visited was the beautiful Sehwa Beach.

Kiwook took photos of Hyoyoung on the beach. He feared that if he didn’t have proof of this trip, it would be like it never happened. While he secretly took a few photos of her, Hyoyoung looked out to the sea and relaxed. She enjoyed the drink Kiwook got for her and chatted with him happily. She thought that even if she faced more tough times in the future, she would be able to endure them if she had these kinds of beautiful memories.

The next stop was to get lunch. They drove to a very small restaurant where only two customers could fit.

It was a private place where reservations had to be made. Apparently, Kiwook took care of it in advance before this trip.

When they walked in, the owner bowed and closed the door behind them. It was clear that the owner has been waiting for the two. Kiwook and Hyoyoung sat down at the only table, which was located at a window looking out to the ocean. It was so beautiful that Hyoyoung stared in awe.

Slowly, the chef started to bring delicate dishes to the table. Hyoyoung ate happily while Kiwook mostly watched her with a smile.

Hyoyoung looked up from her food.

“Didn’t you know staring someone eat is considered very rude? You are doing it right now.”

“But I have a good reason. I think I now understand the saying that seeing your loved one eat can make you feel full.”

“That’s just a myth, Oppa. You feel full when you have food in your belly. How could watching someone eat make you full? It’s such nonsense.”

“But I really do feel full.”

“It’s probably because you are so hungry that you are delirious. If you don’t eat now, you are going to get cranky later. I don’t want to deal with a cranky oppa, so eat now!”

Finally, Kiwook started to eat, making Hyoyoung smile in satisfaction.

“See? Food’s great here, right?”

“Yeah, it’s delicious, Hyoyoung.”

“So where should we go after this? Do you have something in mind?”

“Is there a place you want to go?”

“No, not really. How about you, Oppa?”

“I do.”


“The hotel. Our room.”


“Something isn’t right.”

Hyojun suddenly stood up, which confused Jiwoo and Hyunsuk.

They asked Hyojun, “What is?”

Hyojun ignored them and continued to murmur as he went to his room.

Jiwoo asked Hyunsuk, “Hey, what’s wrong with him?”

“Who knows? He has been quiet all morning, and now he is talking to himself and wandering around the house like a ghost… I don’t get it.”

“Weird… anyway, do you think Kiwook is doing well?”

“Why wouldn’t he? He’s with his family, so I’m sure he’s fine.”

“But you never know… sometimes, being with your own family can be the hardest thing.”

“Well… I have to agree to that.”

While Jiwoo and Hyunsuk chatted, Hyojun suddenly burst out from his room angrily and screamed, “Hyoyoung Ahn!! Where the hell did she go?! Where is she?”

Jiwoo flinched and asked in confusion, “What? What happened, Hyojun? Did something happen to Hyoyoung?”

Hyojun replied as he panted, “I knew something was off! Hyoyoung seemed so strange this morning… so I just called Mikyung.”


“Mikyung said she isn’t with Hyoyoung. They never planned to spend the day together. It was all a lie from Hyoyoung.”

“What? What are you saying, Hyojun?”

“She said Hyoyoung was never supposed to come to her house for a sleepover! Oh my god! That idiot lied! How dare she! I will kill her!!!”

“Oh my god. Then where is our Hyoyoung? Where did she go?”

“I don’t know, but I WILL FIND HER! I will find her, and when I do… I am going to make sure she regrets lying to me.”

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