My brother is an Idol

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Chapter 70
Chapter 70

When Hyoyoung came out of the washroom, Kiwook asked her, “Hyoyoung, where’s your cell phone?”

“My phone? I think it’s in my bag, why?”

“Can you give it to me for a second? I want to have a look.”

“My cell phone? Okay, hang on.”

When she took it out of her bag, Kiwook quickly snatched it away from her.

“Hey, Oppa! What are you doing?”

When he looked at the screen, there were over 100 missed calls from Hyojun. There were also many texts and missed calls from Mikyung.

Clearly, they were found out. Hyojun knew the truth, and so did Hyoyoung’s friend Mikyung. Kiwook expected this possibility, but still, he felt a huge disappointment and guilt.

But what was done was done, and he had no regrets.

After a brief hesitation, Kiwook turned her phone off.

He looked up and said to Hyoyoung, “Let’s promise to keep our phones off until tomorrow morning. No more phones for both of us.”

“What? Why? What’s going on, Oppa?”

Kiwook winked at Hyoyoung and replied casually, “I just want us not to waste any time on our phones. I want us to focus only on each other while we are here.”

Hyoyoung still looked unconvinced.

“But… what if there is an emergency call?”

“It is only for twelve hours, fifteen at most. What could happen in that short amount of time?”

Hyoyoung thought for a second before nodding. Kiwook placed both their phones into his bag and closed it.

“Now, it’s time for tea, Hyoyoung. Let’s go.”

They sat on comfortable bean bags that were placed on the terrace and enjoyed their Darjeeling tea. The view from the rental house was amazing; they could see both Sanbang and Hanla Mountains.

Hyoyoung closed her eyes and whispered, “Oh, I feel happy. This is nice.” It has been so long since she could relax like this. No emergencies… No lies…

While Hyoyoung was feeling cozy, Kiwook wasn’t looking at the scenery, however; he was watching Hyoyoung, trying to remember every detail of her and this happy moment.

He thought to himself, ‘This is enough for me. No matter what happens in the future, this moment will make it all worth it.’

To him, Hyoyoung was the most beautiful and precious person in the world. Kiwook didn’t even notice the mountains or the ocean. All he could see was Hyoyoung sitting in front of him.

He truly wished that this moment would last forever.


Meanwhile, Hyojun was still at home continuing to call Hyoyoung. He was going crazy with worry.

“Her phone is turned off… What the heck is happening?!”

He collapsed onto the sofa in shock. Watching him, Hyunsuk tried to make him feel better. Hyunsuk said to him, “Hyojun…”

Hyojun turned to him sharply and asked, “What?”

Hyunsuk knew Hyojun may get even angrier, but he still suggested anyway.

“Hyojun, maybe you should trust Hyoyoung.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“She probably wants a break from all of us. I mean, for her to lie about Mikyung… to go that far… she must really want some time to herself.”

“Be quiet.”

“But Hyojun…”

“Listen, Hyunsuk. I know Hyoyoung. She doesn’t like going out that much, not even to the nearby convenience store. The only break she ever took was to skip her lesson once and go to the karaoke for an hour. A girl like her to stay out overnight… to come up with such an elaborate lie… This is a huge deal. Something is wrong.”

Hyunsuk hesitated. Hyojun seemed so worried. What was the right thing to do? Should… should he tell him the truth? At least that way, Hyojun would know that Hyoyoung isn’t actually missing or hurt.

After a few seconds, Hyunsuk finally stammered, “Hyojun, Hyoyoung is…”

“…? What? Do you know something?”

“With Kiwook right now.”


“Hyoyoung went on a trip with Kiwook.”


“The sky is so black now.”

“And the stars are much brighter here.”

“It’s the same sky as in Seoul, yet how can it look so different?”

“Well… cleaner air for one. And there aren’t as many high rises on the island.”

“It’s nice. I like it here.”

“Me too.”

As the night deepened, the sky continued to darken and showcased the countless beautiful stars.

The lovely island of Jeju.

Because of the darkness, Hanla Mountain was no longer visible, and only a faint silhouette of Sanbang Mountain could be seen. The street of Hyoyoung and Kiwook’s rental only had one streetlight, making the sky above them especially dark.

Kiwook suggested, “If we turn off the living room light, we might be able to see the stars better. Shall we try?”

He walked to the living room and Hyoyoung agreed, “Yeah, good idea. Let’s try that.”

The house became completely dark and Kiwook returned with a soft blanket.

“It’s a bit chilly out here. Let’s get underneath this blanket to get warm.”

When Kiwook offered, Hyoyoung smiled and reached out to him. They sat together on her bean bag. Kiwook put his arm around her and got underneath the blanket with her. He whispered, “I think body temperature will make it much warmer than the blanket.”

Buried underneath the soft fabric, Kiwook hugged her tightly and whispered, “This is really nice.”

Hyoyoung’s head was on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat in one ear, while the other ear caught his breath and his baritone voice. Slowly, she looked up at him and found Kiwook gazing down at her.

“Kiwook Oppa…” she whispered, but before she could say anything else, Kiwook’s lips covered hers.

He was very patient. He kissed her gently and as Hyoyoung felt his soft lips, she started to kiss him back.

A slow, passionate kiss…

Hyoyoung felt like her body was becoming heavy. She raised her arms to hold his neck, and when she did, Kiwook smoothly lifted her onto his legs.

Sitting on top of him, they continued to kiss, never breaking the contact of their lips and their bodies. Hyoyoung slowly caressed his hair while Kiwook stroked her back and neck. They kissed like they were breathing each other in.

There was no need for words. They could feel each other’s needs and emotions perfectly.


After the hot kiss, it was Kiwook who said the first word. His eyes shone brightly. He nuzzled her cheek with his own and after calling out her name, he hugged her tighter.

Suddenly, he stood up and started to carry her into the house.

“Let’s go to our bedroom.”

His voice trembled slightly, and still holding onto his neck, Hyoyoung nodded subtly. As he walked, Kiwook kissed her again.

Quietly, the bedroom door closed behind them, and the house remained dark. In the sky, the bright stars continued to shine and a shooting star started to fly down towards the mountains.

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