My brother is an Idol

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Chapter 55
Chapter 55

Without waiting for Hyoyoung’s permission, Kiwook started to work. He grabbed a garbage bag and stood calmly in front of her, waiting for her order.

Hyoyoung secretly thought to herself, ‘This is so unfair. How does he always look so gorgeous? Even now, he is the best looking guy I have ever met. He keeps asking me to relax around him, but how can I when I am standing near the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life?’

Hyoyoung sighed in annoyance and started to hand Kiwook things she needed to throw out. Kiwook also remained quiet and helped her clean up the place.

Kiwook was indeed a great help. He worked very well and efficiently.

Calming music played in the background as they worked in comfortable silence. Whenever their eyes met, they couldn’t help but grin knowingly, and from time to time, they held hands.

It was a wonderful time for both of them. Relaxing and comfortable.

There was no need for words.

Just being in the same space with him made Hyoyoung feel hot. The way Kiwook looked at her… just the feeling of his fingertips on her skin made her shudder in ecstasy. There was a delicious tension between them, and they worked very well together.

After a long time, Hyoyoung finally sighed in relief as she announced, “All done.”

She was sweating and her face was red. It was as if they danced a passionate tango together. Kiwook replied, “Good job, Hyoyoung.”

He also looked similar to Hyoyoung, happy. All they did was clean the basement, but for some reason, they suddenly felt shy around each other. They awkwardly looked around the room in silence when suddenly, loud footsteps were heard from the stairs outside the door.

“Hey, guys! Emergency! NOW!”

It was Jiwoo yelling as he ran downstairs. Hyoyoung raised her voice to ask, “Again? Jiwoo oppa, what’s going on now? What happened?”

Kiwook yelled as well, “Why? What?”

Jiwoo replied, “Hyojun got a message just now. You know, that president?”

“You mean President Shim?”

“No, I mean his niece, the stylist. Oh my god, I’m so shocked that I can’t even remember her name! I am panicking! What was her name again?”

“You mean Myunghee?”

“Yes! Her! She contacted Hyojun just now, and something is very wrong. Hyojun is SO pissed off. This is super serious!”

“What did she say to him?”

Hyoyoung and Kiwook ran upstairs and when they saw what happened, their eyes widened in shock. Hyoyoung exclaimed, “What happened here?”

Hyunsuk was nowhere to be seen, and only half the dishes were cleaned. On the floor, there were plates broken into a million pieces. The dining room and the kitchen looked like they went through a war.


Hyoyoung turned to Hyojun, whose hand was bleeding a little. He didn’t seemed to notice it because he was panting in anger. He shouted, “How… how dare she!”

Hyoyoung asked, “Oppa, what is going on? What did Myunghee Shin say to you on the phone?”

“You just stay put, Hyoyoung. From now on, you are not to be involved in our business. You need to stay far away from us.”


“You are Myunghee’s newest target. I will not let her get away with this! I will kill her!”


At Hyojun’s explanation, Hyoyoung became tense.

Kiwook, who was standing behind her, asked, “What do you mean, Hyojun? Tell us!”

Suddenly, Hyunsuk came out from his room and answered, “I will let you know in a bit, I don’t think Hyojun is in the right mind to explain anything. I just need to make a few more phone calls… Hang on, ok? Oh, excuse me. My phone’s ringing. Hello?”

Hyojun murmured, “I am going out for a while. I need some fresh air.”

Kiwook offered, “I’ll go with.”

Hyojun and Kiwook left together, and Hyoyoung was about to follow them when Jiwoo called her from behind, “Hey, Hyoyoung. Wait. Leave them alone for a while, ok?”


A few days after she lost her USB to Hyojun, Myunghee was not herself.

‘All I wanted to do was meet him… Just to see hi face and talk to him…’

She felt desperate and angry at the same time. The way The M members treated her… they took everything away from her. She had nothing left, and the anguish she felt behind it all made her furious.

To some, desperation for something could be a good motivator, but for others, like Myunghee, it was poison. She had a twisted mind and she couldn’t see the world in a good way. She lashed out at the world, but in the end, it was always her who got hurt the most.

It was a vicious cycle and Myunghee knew this very well.

She had always known. The small, kind gestures and words from The M members didn’t mean anything special. They were just being nice. They were nice to EVERYONE. No matter how desperately she wanted it, she knew the truth.

She could never have any of them. Not one.

All the members of The M were beyond her reach and the truth made her angry.

She had seen many idols in her life and some of them clearly had much less talent than her. Some of them had horrible personalities, oftentimes being rude to Myunghee, but in the end, they were the stars. No matter how awful they were, they were and always would be, loved by the public.

At first, she blamed the world for its unfairness, but slowly, she began to wonder, ‘Why not me?’

She had often been called pretty when she was little. If her family didn’t suffer such a huge financial blow, she could’ve become an idol herself. Looking at the bright stages, she imagined herself on them, performing for the crowd.

To be loved by the public. To have fans who adored her no matter what.

She felt happy while thinking of the possibility, but as soon as she returned to her reality, her gloomy life made her despair.

It was hopeless.

All she had in her miserable life was just wishful thinking. She had nothing, and she could see that her future was just as dark. Even though she knew everyone had uncertain futures, she still felt the world was especially unfair to her.

To be fair, Myunghee did have incredibly bad luck.

She got hurt frequently, sometimes even when she was just walking on the streets.

Whenever she forgot her umbrella, it would pour.

She never won any kind of contest. One time, there was even a contest with guaranteed prizes for everyone, but because of a strange computer error, she was the only one who didn’t win anything.

Unlucky Myunghee.

That was her.

The world meant nothing to her, other than being where she had no choice but to exist. Time didn’t matter. People didn’t matter. She often wished that she would die suddenly from a heart attack or maybe a freak accident.

She felt suicidal every single day.

She walked close to the subway tracks. She walked outside of the crosswalks. She didn’t look before walking across the street.

She did all these dangerous and careless things because she hoped that she would get into an accident and die. That way, she wouldn’t have to dirty her hands by taking her own life. She desperately hoped for the end of her life, but unfortunately nothing happened.

Just when she didn’t think she could go on anymore… Just when she was so close to giving up…

When things couldn’t be any worse, she met The M.

At first, she expected the members to be just like any other idol. Arrogant, rude, and selfish. The ridiculous masks… she secretly scorned them for being strange and narcissistic. Just like so many rookies before them, Myunghee thought they would disappear soon enough.

However… The M members were very different.

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